Shortcourse on MATLAB + PYTHON Recipes for Earth Sciences – 19.-23. Sept. 2022 Online!
The popular shortcourses on data analysis in earth science go bilingual! After having published the 5th edition of the MATLAB Recipes for Earth Science book with Springer last year, the new PYTHON Recipes for Earth Sciences book is now in press.
The MATLAB code of the book has been translated into PYTHON, the text has been adapted, and thus there will soon be a book following the tradition of Numerical Recipes published in multiple programming languages.
I teach the courses on data analysis since ~30 yrs, entirely online since beginning of the pandemic. I use a modern web conferencing system for the lectures, demonstrations and exercises, in connection with a course management system for the course materials including recorded lectures and coding.
The interactive online course will be held on 19-23 September 2022 in English language. Registration is now open. Please forward this information to your colleagues. Thanks very much and I hope to see you then!
Kind regards, Martin Trauth
apl. Prof. Dr. Martin H. Trauth, Institut fuer Geowissenschaften
Universitaet Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany, Tel ++49-331-977-5810
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