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3D velocity model in Brandenburg: A transnational seismic velocity modeling in the framework of TUNB velo 2.0

Brandenburg contributes to a transnational 3D-velocity model of the North German Basin. This 3D velocity model is embedded in the framework of TUNB velo 2.0 where the State Geological Surveys of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Schleswig-Holstein, Saxony-Anhalt, Lower Saxony and Brandenburg as well as the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) jointly work on a seamless velocity model. Brandenburg contributes as an associated partner. TUNB velo 2.0 not only focusses on the parameterization of the 3D model but also on comparing methodologies as well as the harmonization at state borders to achieve a seamless and transnational model of the North German Basin.

The geological model of Brandenburg covers Cenozoic, Mesozoic horizons and also includes the Paleozoic Zechstein group. Horizons are based on the results of the predecessor project TUNB which resulted in a 3D geological model of the North German Basin. A voxel model is derived from the TUNB horizons within a pre-defined pilot area and parameterized with seismic velocities. The resulting voxel model has a resolution of 50 x 50 x 25 m.

In Brandenburg, the parameterization is based on data of the late 1970s. Due to the GDR's efforts to achieve self-sufficiency, hydrocarbons were increasingly explored in the 1960s to 1980s – mainly with 2D seismic surveys. Local scaled velocity models were continuously updated using vertical seismic profiles, check shots as well as stacking and migration velocities. The last coherent speed model was created in 1977 and was supplemented in the following years by further small-scale velocity models.


Sebastian Weinert1, Thomas Höding1
1Landesamt für Bergbau, Geologie und Rohstoffe Brandenburg, Germany
GeoSaxonia 2024