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A comprehensive analysis of the Earth’s crust based on re-processed DEKORP reflection seismic data

The DEKORP (Deutsches Kontinentales Reflexionsseismisches Programm) initiative, conducted from 1984 to 1997, was Germany's national reflection seismic program. DEKORP aimed at resolving the deep crustal and upper mantle structure, employing mainly near-vertical incidence seismic surveys that in some cases were complemented by wide-angle seismic studies and accompanied by research projects dedicated to refining and optimizing processing and interpretation methods. The resulting seismic images significantly contributed to the geological interpretation of the crust and upper mantle, e.g., unveiling distinct units of the Central European Variscides in Germany.

We reprocessed several of these DEKORP profiles located within the Federal state of Bavaria and in particular around the German Continental Deep Drillhole (KTB). We employed advanced focusing pre-stack depth imaging techniques in conjunction with newly derived near-surface tomographic velocity models. Our approach yields novel images with improved quality and new structural details in several profile parts. The results provide a comprehensive view of the entire crust and the basis for new geological interpretations and modeling, including a significant enhancement of our understanding of the crustal architecture.

We thank the Bayerisches Landesamt für Geologie for assigning the new processing and providing the seismic data. Particular thanks to J. Großmann and K. Dengler for their support.


Felix Hloušek1, Stefan Buske1
1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
GeoSaxonia 2024