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Comprehensive Geophysical and Geological Analysis for Improved Geothermal Modeling: A Case Study of Schönbrunn/Eichigt Granite Complex, Saxony

Accurate geothermal reservoir modeling relies on a comprehensive understanding of subsurface properties. This study focuses on the Schönbrunn/Eichigt granite complex in Saxony, aiming to develop a detailed 3D model for geothermal resource assessment.

We present an integrated approach that combines geological, geophysical, and petrophysical data, including gravity, magnetic, and seismic data. Through stochastic inversion modelling, we construct a robust 3D model of the granite complex, providing insights into its structure and composition while quantifying uncertainties.

The main objective is to develop a parameterized 3D subsurface model, serving as a boundary condition for geothermal fluid simulation. High-resolution voxel models of density and susceptibility distribution are generated, enhancing our understanding of the subsurface, including the fracture network within the granite.

Incorporating newly acquired gravity and seismic data will improve constraints on the shallower part of the model, crucial for accurate geothermal simulations. This integrated 3D modeling approach facilitates the characterization of reservoir characteristics, advancing our understanding of granite reservoirs in the Schönbrunn/Eichigt complex.

By quantifying uncertainties and employing 3D modeling techniques, our study provides valuable insights for geothermal exploration and development, contributing to sustainable energy solutions.


Mohamed Sobh1, Chandra Dubey2, Rodolfo Christiansen1, Gerald Gabriel3
1Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG), Germany; 2Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India; 3Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG), Germany;Leibniz University Hanover, Institute of Geology, Germany
GeoSaxonia 2024