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Developing a geological 3D-model of the Upper Harz Mountains for the DESMEX-REAL project

In times of increasing demand for mineral resources, the collaborative project DESMEX-REAL aims to combine geophysical data from newly developed semi-airborne electromagnetic (sAEM) measurement systems with geological data from centuries of mining in the Upper Harz Mountains. This data is available from borehole files and exploration reports about drilling, geochemical and geophysical analyses of the former Preussag AG and the federal drilling program in the Western Harz Mountains in the 1980s. The geological maps and a limited number of geological cross sections are further input data for the geological model.

In a first step, all available information was collected, quality controlled and visualized in a GIS project. Selected data was then used to build a conceptual model for the project area in the Upper Harz Mountains, using the 1:200 000 geological map sheet 4726 Goslar. The faults on this map have been processed and adjusted to the vein map of the Upper Harz Mountains. The trend of the faults, the exposure of the geological horizons at the surface, and the boreholes including the geological markers were imported into the 3D modelling software Aspen SKUA™. The next step of fault modelling took into account the dip and dip direction of the faults. The geological horizons are subsequently modelled by using the information from borehole data, geological maps and cross sections. Modelling of the electrical conductivity structure using 3D inversion of sAEM data reveals conductivity anomalies along some geological faults at former mining veins and beyond.


Christiane Walther1, Sabine Sattler2, Robert Schöner2, Annika Steuer3
1Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie, Hannover, Germany;Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover, Germany; 2Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie, Hannover, Germany; 3Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover, Germany
GeoSaxonia 2024