The geographical coverage of the Minerals Inventory is being extended with data from the West Balkan countries as mineral data from this region represented a gap in the existing mineral inventory. Therefore mineral data from seven South East Europe countries (Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia and Montenegro) were obtained , evaluated and transformed into Inspire compliant common European mineral system with the support of GeoZS experts in the frame of EIT RM “RESEERVE” project.
The process of refining the European Minerals Inventory, includes: (a) geographical coverage expansion, (b) setting up quality control application to identify data gaps, low-quality or missing data and data errors, (c) technical errors identification in the harvesting process and (d) establishment of links with other related projects. MINTELL4EU Quality Control Application (QCA) was developed to examine the latest data reported by data providers . Accordingly, a harvesting system for the collection and validation of mineral resources data has been established by the Geological Survey of Slovenia. Harvesting is a process that collects and validates data from different sources and automatically extracts data from numerous web services into a central database. Presently, the harvesting is performed once a month for 31 data providers across Europe. The process utilizes INSPIRE solutions as a common standard. Technical routines developed as part of the harvesting process allow online control of data quality and verify that the harvesting was successfull.
The activities described above are implemented within GeoERA ERA-NET Co-Fund Action in Mintell4EU and GIP-P projects. GeoERA has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731166.
Špela Kumelj(1), Jasna Šinigoj (1), Duška Rokavec (1), Andrej Vihtelič (1), Lisbeth Flindt Jørgensen (2) & David Whitehead (2)
Geological Survey of Slovenia (1); Geological Survey of Slovenia (1); Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Denmark (2)
GeoUtrecht 2020