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Genetic evolution of the lithium-tin-tungsten greisen of the Schenkenshöhe and Hegelshöhe in the eastern Erzgebirge

The two granite domes of Schenkenshöhe and Hegelshöhe are Sn-Li-W Greisen deposits in the eastern Erzgebirge. The Schenkenshöhe and Hegelshöhe are located approx. 5 km north of the town of Altenberg on the eastern rim of the Altenberg-Teplice Caldera (ATC) and belong to the late magmatic phase, in which highly specialized A-type granites intruded into the ATC area. In contrast to other greisen deposits the polystadial granite intrusions of Schenkenshöhe and Hegelshöhe intruded into the rim fill of the ATC. These intrusions lead to the formation of exogreisen- and endogreisen-mineralization, which are enriched in tin, lithium and tungsten. This is the reason for many years of historical Sn mining and extensive exploration phases. This exploration works mainly related to Sn mineralization with a total length of drill core of approx. 32 km in the Schenkenshöhe and Hegelshöhe areas.

The two granite domes are multiphase, granitoid intrusions that became increasingly specialized. In the process, five granite intrusions intruded, which greisenized each other due to the accompanying fluids. This results in the formation of several meter-thick bodies of greisen in the apical area of the granite cuppolas. There are two main groups of Li-bearing bright mica in both the greisen bodies and the granites, which allow conclusions to be drawn about the genetic development of the granite intrusions and the subsequent greisenization phases and hydrothermal overprinting. These geological conditions can be compared with the Altenberg and Zinnwald deposits.


Nikolas Maximilian Trischler1, Thomas Seifert1
1Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
GeoSaxonia 2024