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Geological Insights of the Igudrane/Imiter Mine Area in the Eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco: Stratigraphic Correlation, Mapping, and Petrographical Constraints

Situated in the northeastern part of the Saghro massif within the Eastern Anti-Atlas region of Morocco, the Igudrane/Imiter mine area has undergone significant rifting processes attributed to the formation of the Pan-African belt. These processes, spanning from the Precambrian to the Phanerozoic, have led to the development of intricate deformation structures and distinctive mineralization zones within the mine, making it a compelling subject for further geological studies. Extensive rock sampling conducted in the Igudrane mining area, complemented by detailed field notes, aimed to produce updated maps and deepen the knowledge of the area.

Subsequent studies utilizing optical microscopy revealed the presence of at least two distinct magmatic/plutonic rocks with granitoid composition, alongside metamorphic rocks, all intersected by several andesitic and rhyolitic dyke systems. Despite variations, the majority of the samples share common main minerals such as quartz (Qz), plagioclase (Pl), K-feldspar (Kfs), biotite (Bt) and amphibole (Amp) with apatite (Ap) and zircon (Zr) identified as the principal accessory mineral phases.

Furthermore, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has been employed to provide further insights into the chemical composition of the minerals under study, enabling detailed analysis of both internal and external textures that reveal significant differences in zonation patterns.


Sara Schuricht1, Lukas Daniel Opfer1, Ina Maria Koch1
1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
GeoSaxonia 2024