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Geopark tourism as a means to preserve and promote geoscientific heritage

Geoparks serve as an important link between science and the public. They enhance regional development and sustainable economies while offering fascinating insights into geology and the profound history of our planet. Geoparks provide universal access to the Earth's habitats, fostering a greater respect for nature within society. A special quality seal is the status of "UNESCO Global Geopark," which highlights geoparks on an international level. The preservation of geological heritage is especially significant for this status.

The UNESCO Global Geopark Ries pursues two main strategies to improve geosite protection. Firstly, the designation and expansion of protected areas are crucial. However, the legal protection of geosites poses a challenge for many stakeholders in Germany because there is no explicit protection status for geotopes! Thus, the Geopark Ries collaborates with local nature conservation authorities to protect geotopes by aiming for their designation as natural monuments.

Secondly, geoparks indirectly improve geosite protection by raising public awareness of the region's unique features. In recent years, the Geopark Ries has implemented various projects to better visualize geology. Most of these projects enhance several geological features for visitors with informational offerings. Through active promotion using tours, information boards, and hiking and biking trails, the Geopark Ries conveys geological expertise to the general public. Special programs for schools and families strengthen regional identification from an early age. Moreover, the development of a geotope ensures its ongoing maintenance by partners.


Fabian Weiß1, Anna Mareis1
1Geopark Ries e.V., Germany
GeoSaxonia 2024
Nördligner Ries