In-situ Rb-Sr dating using laser ablation (LA) systems coupled to inductively coupled plasma (ICP) – reaction cell mass spectrometers (MS/MS) is an emerging geochronological tool. This analytical setup uses reaction gases to allow the reaction of targeted masses. 87Rb and 87Sr can for example be separated chemically to avoid the isobaric overlap during mass-spectrometric analysis. In-situ Rb-Sr LA-ICP-MS/MS dating has until now successfully been applied to date magmatic, metamorphic and tectonic events as well as ore formation processes. In addition, it has huge potential for sedimentology and stratigraphy.
Here, we present case studies of in-situ Rb-Sr LA-ICP-MS/MS dating of detrital minerals (mica and feldspar) and glauconite. We focus on (1) the analytical routine, (2) data reduction and age calculation strategy and (3) interpretation of in-situ Rb-Sr age data. In addition, we demonstrate advantages of volume-coupled major and trace element data collected from the same laser spots. This data can for example be used as indicator of alteration and as multi-proxy tool for provenance studies.