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Kassel_3D – a geological model of graben structures in northern Hesse

3D information systems are becoming increasingly important in Hesse (Lehné et al. 2017). The pilot study “Darmstadt_3D”, which delivers urban subsurface data, including technical infrastructure, is highly utilizes by the user community of the city of Darmstadt, the HLNUG and the TUDa. Based on these project experiences, a further project was initiated in 2020 for a small working area in northern Hesse, southeast of Kassel (Lewin et al. 2021). Meanwhile, the working area, geologically located in the Hessian depression, has been expanded to cover the entire city area, spanning approximately 240km2.

The database of the structural geological 3D model consists of 9535 quality-checked drillings, several of which have also been used to construct 50 cross sections that help to better elaborate the fault network and layer dip. Additionally, four geological maps (GK25) were harmonized, and nine already existing cross sections were incorporated. The 3D modelling is performed using SKUA-GOCAD and includes the base of the stratigraphic horizons Quaternary, Tertiary, as well as the lower Triassic formations Röt, Solling and Hardegsen. Difficulties arise from varying data densities and conflicting input data.

Initial results reveal a complex tectonic situation, primarily characterized by the WNW-ESE trending graben system of Kassel. Displacement rates of stratigraphic horizons can exceed 100m.

To archive a fully integrated urban 3D-information system for Kassel, the structural geological 3D model will be parameterized (e.g. hydraulic conductivities, radon potentials) and published via GST.


Ina Lewin1, Rouwen Lehné2, Heiner Heggemann2
1Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany; 2Hessian Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology, Germany
GeoSaxonia 2024