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LCT Pegmatite exploration and mining in Africa – an analysis

LCT pegmatites are the main solid rock resource for battery lithium with a market share of over 50%. The focus of current and future exploration and mining beyond the current main supplier Australia is emerging in southern Africa and Canada. Europe will only be able to cover a good quarter of its own requirements if the currently explored deposits are all mined. Non-European LCT pegmatites are therefore becoming increasingly important. The EC is therefore striving for raw materials partnerships ie with Namibia. But Europe is not alone here. China in particular has become active in several African countries, both entrepreneurially and politically. Investments by private Chinese companies have exceeded the financial resources provided by the EC for the development of raw materials partnerships many times over. Furthermore, European companies play a subordinate role, own mining operators are missing, as are take-offs or backward integration of European OEMs

More than this, Chinese companies are increasingly getting involved in or taking over exploration projects. However, the rush for lithium in Africa risks fueling corruption and failing citizens. The presentation provides an overview of the deposits and geopolitical ambitions of the main consumer states as well as the supplier countries in the region under review and ventures a forecast for securing Europe's raw materials in global competition.


Wolfgang Reimer1
1Geokompetenzzentrum Freiberg e. V., Germany
GeoSaxonia 2024