To reach Germany’s climate neutrality goal in 2045, different technological and systematical changes have to be conducted, such as the expansion of renewable energies plants, the shift towards e-mobility and the necessary infrastructure. For the measures, metallic raw materials will be increasingly required. The German government plans to support those industry sectors, which are emitting great amounts of CO2. The data evaluation on emissions and energy consumption in Germany shows that the sector "production and first processing of iron and steel" is the second largest emitter of CO2 in Germany, with around 40 million tons of CO2 per year. On the one hand, steel is essential for the construction of renewable energy plants and, on the other hand, its production accounts for appr. 5 % of total German CO2 emissions. Consequently, steel production is part of the solution and the challenge of the climate neutrality goal. Various options to decrease industrial CO2 emissions in Germany are being discussed, as e.g. the use of hydrogen. To produce green hydrogen, various metallic raw materials are required for the production of green energy plants and electrolyzers. The amount of the metallic raw materials is calculated specifically for the application of hydrogen in the German steel production in 2030.