In Saxothuringia, widespread magmatic activity occurred from Mid Carboniferous time until Permian. Mid-Carboniferous magmatic activity resulted in pluton generation, exclusively, while the earliest volcanites are documented beginning in the late Carboniferous in intra-montane basins and in the Eastern Erzgebirge region. Volcanism started to dominate the magmatic activity during Carboniferous-Permian transition. Recently, several high-precision CA-ID-TIMS zircon ages allow to reconstruct the sequence of magmatic activity for the Western Erzgebirge (Tichomirowa et al., 2019), for the Eastern Erzgebirge (Tichomirowa et al., 2022) and for several intramontane bassins (Thuringian Forest basin – Lützner et al., 2020; Chemnitz and Döhlen basins – Käßner et al., in prep). These new high precision data allow a better understanding of the sequence of magmatic activity in general as well as the temporal relationships of special volcano-sedimentary formations.