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Re-Processing of profiles GRANU-9501 and MVE-90: Implications for the geologic interpretation in the SW-Vogtland area

As part of the German Continental Reflection Seismic Program (DEKORP), the deep seismic reflection profiles GRANU-9501 and MVE-90 were acquired in the Saxothuringian Zone to gain insights into the region’s crustal structure including the Moho. The GRANU-9501 profile is situated in the Thuringian-Franconian-Vogtland Slate Mountains. The east-west oriented MVE-90 crosses GRANU-9501 in the SW Vogtland almost perpendicularly.

The development of advanced seismic processing and imaging methods, as well as the increase in computational capacities enabled us to re-process these datasets to obtain an improved image of the crust and upper mantle in the area.

We applied Kirchhoff prestack depth migration as well as Fresnel-Volume-Migration approaches and compiled the results to a pseudo-3D image together with additional geophysical and geological information.

The results came recently into focus as profiles GRANU-9501 and MVE-90 cross the hidden Schönbrunn/Eichigt granite complex. This pluton is the investigation area of the project E4Geo, in which the principal aim is to get a better understanding of deep fault-bound hydrothermal systems related to this granite complex.

In this talk, we will present the seismic images obtained from re-processing compared to previous results as well the resulting geological interpretation and open questions.


Claudia Schimschal1, Stefan Schimschal2, Stefan Buske3
1Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG), Niedersachsen, Germany; 2Baker Hughes; 3TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
GeoSaxonia 2024