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Recent and current activities at the KTB deep crustal lab

The KTB site near Windischeschenbach is one of the best characterised locations of continental upper crust worldwide. The superdeep boreholes represent a unique in situ underground research laboratory in Europe, allowing research into the sustainable utilisation of the crystalline subsurface for the energy and heat transition.

The GEOREAL experiment aimed at hydraulically stimulating the fractured crystalline metamorphic basement rocks at 4 km depth and to minimise the potential risk of induced seismicity by real-time control of injection parameters. The KTB infrastructure allowed to inject 600 m³ of water into the 4 km deep KTB pilot hole, while the main borehole (only 200 m distant at the surface) was used for seismic monitoring.

Fluid injection took place during 6-15 November 2023 through the stuck GEOREAL packer pressurising the open borehole section at the depth interval of 3.85–4 km. Flow rates were variable (10– 220 l/min). No induced microseismic events were detected. Pressure data, monitored at the well head of the pilot and main borehole, was analysed in conjunction with recordings from a year-long injection experiment into the same formation performed in 2004/5. The hydraulic parameters show similar values as previously obtained. The observations provide more detail on the hydraulic connection at depth between both boreholes. The GEOREAL experiment had to be stopped prematurely due to a leak in the casing cement. Further activities at the KTB deep crustal lab are underway, substantiating the potential of petrothermal research at the KTB deep crustal lab after 30 years of operation.


Carolin Boese1, Jochem Kück1, Said Kamrani1, Günter Zimmermann1, Georg Dresen1, Marco Bohnhoff1, Ulrich Harms1, Ingo Sass1, Thomas Wiersberg1
1Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam, Germany
GeoSaxonia 2024