The existing 3D subsurface model of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania covering the northeastern part of the North German Basin was developed in depth domain between 2014 and 2020. It comprises the major lithostratigraphic boundaries from the base of Rupelian clay down to the base of Zechstein and the regional fault network (Obst et al. 2024).
A complementary model in time domain and a consistent velocity model of the same area are currently constructed in the framework of the project TUNB Velo 2.0. The model in time domain is based on 2D-seismic surveys from the 1960s to the 1980s that are now combined, re-interpreted and harmonized in a regional 3D approach. The velocity data (from check-shots, vertical seismic profiles and vintage velocity models from local to regional scale scale) are aggregated and harmonized to a consistent and seamless 3D-velocity field in a country-wide scale that is used for depth-time- and time-depth-conversions. The GOCAD/SKUA software (AspenTech) is used for all models.
The new models will provide new interpretations and processing data for a more substantial view of the geological subsurface in depth and time domain in order to support future investigation campaigns and developments.
Obst, K., Brandes, J., Matting, S., Wojatschke, J. & Deutschmann, A. (2024): Das 3D-Untergrundmodell des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Datengrundlagen, Modellierungsergebnisse und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten.- SDGG (in print).