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Regional velocity modelling of the Northwest German Basin in the TUNB Velo 2.0 project

The TUNB model provides a 3D model for the North German Basin consisting of 13 lithostratigraphic units from Zechstein to Tertiary and numerous salt domes and fault systems. The aim of the project TUNB Velo 2.0 is to assign reasonable seismic velocities to the lithostratigraphic units. The resulting velocity model enables to convert information on a regional scale from time to depth domain and vice versa. Therefore, a 3D volume model is created from the 3D structural model and then parameterised with seismic velocities.

For Schleswig Holstein and Lower Saxony, Jaritz (1991) published a regional velocity study within the Tectonic Atlas (GTA) project that serves as the database for velocity modelling. The authors derived the velocities mainly from Vertical Seismic Profiling measurements as well as considerations of the regional geology. Their model covers 11 layers from Zechstein to Tertiary. For every sediment layer, maps display its surface velocity. The velocities can be calculated in depth using the surface velocities, an individual gradient for every layer and the dedicated depth.

Both Federal States use Aspen SKUA for region-wise velocity modelling. Close to the border, we harmonized the velocities to enable the creation of a consistent, trans-border model.

In this talk, we will provide insights in the processing of the database, the modelling methods in Aspen SKUA and show the resulting velocity distribution.


Jaritz W., Best G., Hildebrand G., Jürgens U. (1991) Regionale Analyse der seismischen Geschwindigkeiten in Nordwestdeutschland. Geol Jahrb 45:23–57


Claudia Schimschal1, Dina Schindler2, Fabian Hese2, Jennifer Ziesch1
1Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG), Niedersachsen, Germany; 2Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU), Schleswig Holstein, Germany
GeoSaxonia 2024
North German Basin