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Repositories or research data infrastructures? No, repositories AND research data infrastructures!

The ongoing digitization enables the development of new methods for data-driven research and of large research infrastructures (RI) across the Earth and environmental sciences. The increasing demands for RIs to enable seamless data integration and visualisation requires the harmonisation and interoperability of data formats, and the use of agreed metadata standards. Especially for data intensive disciplines in geophysics and geodesy, disciplinary metadata and data standards are important and already in place and widely adopted which makes their integration in new RIs easier than for small and highly variable datasets from the long-tail communities.

In addition, it becomes increasingly relevant to make data discoverable in the internet (via their metadata) and to digitally connect research outputs (articles, data, software, samples) with each other and with the originating researchers and institutions – in unique and machine-readable way. The use of persistent identifier (like DOI, ORCID, ROR, IGSN) and descriptive linked data vocabularies/ontologies in the metadata associated with research outcomes are strongly supporting these tasks.

Research data repositories, especially domain repositories, are experts for this Domain repositories are digital archives that manage and preserve curated research data from specific scientific disciplines. The metadata associated with the DOI-referenced objects is specific for their domain and richer than generic metadata supposed to describe data across many scientific disciplines. Their metadata for data discovery is provided in machine-readable formats (XML, JSON) following international standards (e.g. DataCite, ISO 19115/INSPIRE) and include all information for the development of knowledge graphs. As such they are much more partners than opponents of RIs.


Kirsten Elger1, Alexander Brauser1, Simone Frenzel1, Melanie Lorenz1, Florian Ott1
1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany
GeoSaxonia 2024