We present the results of reprocessing the reflection-seismic traverse E1, which was acquired as part of the Swiss National Research Program using explosives and Vibroseis trucks as sources. The E1 transect spans from North to South, crossing the allochthonous Helvetic nappe stack, the eastern extensions of the Aar- and Gotthard-massifs, the Northpenninic Bündnerschiefer nappe, and finally the Middlepenninic Suretta-nappe along with the underlying metamorphic Sub-penninic nappes. We applied Kirchhoff prestack depth migration (KPSDM) and interpreted the results with the aid of geological surface data. In addition, we employed another advanced depth migration method, Coherency Migration (CM), for the reprocessing. This migration was conducted in 3D, taking into account the true coordinates of the sources and receivers. Unlike the processing done in the 1980s, we migrated the shot gathers separately and stacked them afterward. The migration results so far reveal a south-dipping Moho on the European side, extending as far south as Swiss coordinate 180, with an up to 5 km thick band of reflectors above the Moho, interpreted as reflective lower crust. A prominent discrete reflector is located at the top of this band. Our initial 3D cube suggests a west-dipping component of the Moho orientation in the northern part of the study area. Additionally, a bright reflector is visible at the Urseren-Garvera zone, which can be traced southward down to a depth of almost 25 kilometers. The next steps include analyzing the Vibroseis data to investigate whether an Adriatic indenter can be identified in the southern section of E1.