The worldwide progressing green energy transition requires high quantities of critical raw materials such as Ni, Cu, Co and platinum-group elements (PGE). The demand for these metals in Europe has largely been covered by imports, however, frequent supply shortages resulted in new exploration and research interests regarding domestic resources. With view on Germany, exploration efforts are currently focused in the Lausitz area. There Ni-Cu-(PGE)-bearing magmatic sulfides are associated with dike- to stock-shaped Devonian gabbroic intrusions that crosscut Cadomian granodiorites of the Lausitz Block (northern Bohemian Massif). Several of these intrusions, i.e. Sohland-Rožany, Angstberg and Sora, already revealed spatially limited ore bodies with disseminated, net-textured and massive sulfides as well as sulfide-matrix ore breccias, which are characterized by high Ni, partly elevated Cu, Co and highly variable Pt, Pd and Au tenors. Another mineralized gabbroic body is the ~376 Ma stock-shaped Valtengrund intrusion. The mineralogical and geochemical features of the Valtengrund magmatic sulfide enrichment have hitherto not been studied in detail and are the focus of this study. First findings show that the gabbroic body represents a composite intrusion with fine- to medium-grained olivine-gabbronorite and olivine-gabbro at the margins and medium- to coarse-grained gabbro in the central parts. Magmatic sulfides are hosted in the olivine-gabbronoritic lithologies along the footwall and hanging wall contacts of the gabbroic intrusion. The mineralized samples show variable ore textures including globular and interstitial disseminated sulfides as well as up to 5 cm sized variable-shaped sulfide patches with pyrrhotite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite as major sulfide phases.