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The potential of heterotrophic strain Pseudomonas fluorescens for efficient metal recovery from Kupferschiefer shale by biohydrometallurgy process – synthesized effect of preliminary studies

Constant depletion of high-grade metal deposits focuses mankind’s attention on technology assuring efficient metal recovery from low-grade deposits. Biohydrometallurgy appears as effective, cost-friendly and environmentally benign technique for resource extraction from metal-bearing phases through microbial activity. Due to number of factors influencing final metal recovery, such as pH-Eh conditions, applied microorganisms, chemical and phase composition of bioleached ore, each deposit should be considered as individual case, and thus examined meticulously.

In this research heterotrophic bacterial strain Pseudomonas fluorescens was investigated in terms of metal bioleaching from polymetallic, organic-rich Kupferschiefer shale. Scrutiny involved two different Kupferschiefer samples, displaying various metal concentrations. Activity of Pseudomonas fluorescens was compared to the activity of Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans strain.

The 35-days-long bacterial incubations proved the effectiveness of Pseudomonas fluorescens towards metals leaching, especially in case of copper and molybdenum. In most cases Pseudomonas fluorescens resulted in more advanced metal solubilization within the solution compared to Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans. Differences between activity of those two strains involve not only metal leaching, but alterations of the shale surface as well.

Additionally, restricting organic nutrient for Pseudomonas fluorescens as potential way of optimizing was examined. Despite lower effectiveness in metal leaching as compared to well-feeded strain, noticeable metal solubilization was maintained. This could reflect either nutrient stress or possibility of obtaining organic carbon from kerogen particles present in both shale samples.

Conducted experiments highlight the role of Pseudomonas fluorescens in metal mobility from metalliferous shale and open the perspective of more detailed investigation of bacterial-mineral interactions and enhancing metal recoveries.


Mateusz Wolszczak1, Anna Potysz1, Grzegorz P. Lis1, Ariel Wojciuszkiewicz2, Marcin Siepak3
1University of Wrocław, Poland; 2KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.; 3Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
GeoSaxonia 2024