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Thermal evolution of the Bergslagen ore province, Fennoscandian Shield (Sweden)

The Swedish part of the Fennoscandian Shield, hosting the largest rare earth element (REE) reserve in the EU and several active base metal mines, shows great potential for yet undiscovered critical raw material deposits. The new Marie-Curie project (ID: 101154535), "CRITTER: Strengthening the Critical Raw Material Independence of the EU through Thermochronology," aims to reconstruct the thermal history of the Bergslagen ore province. We will employ in-situ Rb-Sr dating of mica at the University of Gothenburg and zircon and rutile in-situ U-Th-He dating at the University of Göttingen. These interdisciplinary methods will be applied to the least altered and deformed granites and pegmatite bodies around key mineral deposits (e.g., Bastnäs REE and Håkansboda Cu-Co deposits). The new data will fill a crucial knowledge gap in understanding the timeline of cooling, reheating, and potential ore re-mobilization events for the last 1.8 Ga.


Péter Kelemen1, Thomas Zack1, István Dunkl2, Edward Lynch3
1Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden; 2Department of Sedimentology and Environmental Geology, University of Göttingen, Germany; 3Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
GeoSaxonia 2024