Since the first applications in the geosciences (~ 1985) and the first successful dating of zircons (1993, 1995), LA-ICP-MS has become a standard method for the analysis of major and trace elements as well as numerous isotope systems (e.g., Li, B, Sr, Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf, U-Th-Pb) in minerals, glasses and other solids.
Speed, relatively low cost, versatility, high spatial resolution (10-50 µm) and sufficient to better precision often make LA-ICPMS superior to competing methods. The most successful application, U-Th-Pb zircon geochronology has led to an exponential increase in scientific publications in this field between 2000 and 2020.
This article aims to give an overview of the developments of the last 10 years in the field of U-Pb dating of carbonates, garnets, sulphates, as well as various oxide and other silicate minerals. The complexity of the analysis, problems, the possible potential of these methods and the precision, accuracy and significance of the dates/ages compared to those of zircons are discussed.
What are the methodological challenges of the near future? Will methodological developments in LA-ICP-MS analysis be driven by technical advancements in analytical equipment or active science teams?