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Utilizing Augmented Reality and Mobile Apps to make 3D Geodata more accessible

Started as a project at a geoscientific hackathon in 2018 and released to the public in 2020, GST[AR] is an app-based attempt of utilizing Augmented Reality (AR) to bring 3D geological data to almost everyone with a smartphone or tablet. In this way, multiple european-based geological surveys already offer some of their models to experts and interested users alike today. 3D subsurface models especially are great for public engagement and education as they are easier to grasp and fun to interact with. GST[AR] joined the growing list of tools that allow users to visualize geological data without the need for expensive and proprietary software, but chose to do it with the rather novel technology of AR.

AR holds great potential since it is a fun and intuitive way to interact with 3D data and is readily available on most portable devices. Enabling users to directly manipulate a 3D scene is essential for user engagement, but also for gaining a deeper understanding of the spatial relations and dimensions. Simpler methods like creating an animation, or still image, of a 3D model fall short in that regard because they lack the interactive component. In this presentation we will look into the capabilities of the app, ways for everyone to utilize their own models, and the potential this holds for conferences and education.


Björn Wieczoreck1
1GiGa infosystems, Germany
GeoSaxonia 2024