Earth scientists are currently facing an increasing need for data, samples and long-term monitoring from boreholes. A large number of scientists in Germany (and beyond) is therefore actively involved in Scientific Drilling or shape the major research programs such as the ICDP and IODP. Our working group serves as a network of competence and coordinator in this field including the terrestrial, marine and glacial realm.
The working group is the focal point for all questions regarding research using drilling for scientists, students, industry, media and the public. We initiate and support projects in terms of science, drilling engineering and management of projects.
Further key efforts center around education and training. We organize training courses to get the next generation of scientists in touch with the practical demands in Scientific Drilling during operations and in the lab.
Our working group was formerly organized as GESEP Consortium e.V., i.e. the German Earth Probing Consortium, GESEP