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By 24. September 2018Juli 6th, 2022No Comments

Past, Present, Future

22.-25. Septemer 2019 in Münster, Germany.

Welcome to GeoMünster 2019 „Earth! Past, Present, Future“ – the Annual Conference of the Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft – Geologische Vereinigung (DGGV – The German Geological Society) and the Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (DMG – The German Mineralogical Society) to be held 22–25 September 2019 at the Münster University, Germany.
Soon you will find here more information on our sessions, keynote speakers, call for abstracts, online registration, and venue.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Münster in autumn 2019!

Heinrich Bahlburg

Institute of Geology and Palaeontology – Sedimentary Geology | University of Münster on behalf of the organisers

The organising and scientific committees have identified 16 broad themes for the GeoMünster 2019 “Earth! Past, Present, Future” meeting, aiming at providing a multidisciplinary discussion on recent results of exciting topics of the Earth, Planetary and Material Sciences.

1. Early Earth
2. Structure and evolution of planetary bodies
3. Orogenesis
4. Continents, oceans and global change
5. Magmatic systems and experimental petrology
6. Metamorphic systems
7. Earth surface processes and basin analysis
8. Geosphere – Biosphere interactions
9. Applied and Environmental Geosciences
10. Catastrophic events, natural hazards and hazard mitigation
11. Mineral physics and mineral chemistry
12. Crystallography
13. Applied Mineralogy
14. Archaeological science
15. Mineral deposits and mining
16. Open sessions

Please find further details at

The organising and scientific committees have identified 16 broad themes for the GeoMünster 2019 “Earth! Past, Present, Future” meeting, aiming at providing a multidisciplinary discussion on recent results of exciting topics of the Earth, Planetary and Material Sciences.

1. Early Earth
2. Structure and evolution of planetary bodies
3. Orogenesis
4. Continents, oceans and global change
5. Magmatic systems and experimental petrology
6. Metamorphic systems
7. Earth surface processes and basin analysis
8. Geosphere – Biosphere interactions
9. Applied and Environmental Geosciences
10. Catastrophic events, natural hazards and hazard mitigation
11. Mineral physics and mineral chemistry
12. Crystallography
13. Applied Mineralogy
14. Archaeological science
15. Mineral deposits and mining
16. Open sessions

Please find further details at