Impact of Geological Conditions and Constructional Features on Indoor Radon Radon is quite widespread in Estonia, due to complicated geological conditions caused by the appearance…ggwebentwicklung1. Juni 2022
New ways to find geoscientific information in Europe. GeoERA GIP-P Search System In Europe there is a considerable amount of geoscientific information of great value to scientists,…ggwebentwicklung1. Juni 2022
The closure of the Neotethys in two episodes: first. as a result of Jurassic to Early Cretaceous obduction and second, as a result of Early Palaeocene collision; a comparison of surface geology and tomography (Central Internal Hellenides, Greece) This contribution concerns Neotethys palaeogeography in the Central Internal Hellenides. Neotethys oceanic crust is represented…ggwebentwicklung1. Juni 2022
FRAME and MINDeSEA: Where land meets sea in the research, prediction and prospectivity of metallic mineral critical raw materials Critical raw materials (CRM) made it back on the EU Commission’s (EC) agenda in 2008.…ggwebentwicklung1. Juni 2022
Amelogenesis and tribosphenic molars: patterns and variation. The tribosphenic molar presents phylotypic stage of the mammalian dental evolution. A study of its…ggwebentwicklung1. Juni 2022
Roots of the post-collisional Eocene magmatism in NE Turkey: Insights from ultramafic-mafic Yıldızdağ Gabbroic Intrusion Ultramafic-mafic cumulate rocks often situated at deep root zones of the magmatic systems when they…ggwebentwicklung1. Juni 2022