The StraboSpot data system for geological information: An overview StraboSpot is a geologic data system that is designed to allow researchers to digitally collect,…ggwebentwicklung1. Juni 2022
The potential of detrital garnet in UHP research as exemplified by the central Saxonian Erzgebirge Understanding the occurrence, extent, and lithological variability of UHP metamorphic domains is fundamental to plate…ggwebentwicklung1. Juni 2022
A new approach for 3d temperatur modelling in areas with sparse data – an example from northern Saxony-Anhalt (Germany) Modelling of subsurface temperatures is based on various approaches, which typically focus on interpolation or…ggwebentwicklung1. Juni 2022
Prospectivity mapping of phosphor in Europe; a part of the GEOERA-FRAME project The prime aim of WP 3 in the FRAME project is to produce a map…ggwebentwicklung1. Juni 2022
Multiphase mass and heat transfer in fractured high-enthalpy geothermal systems Multiphase mass and heat transfer are ubiquitous in the subsurface within manifold applications. The presence…ggwebentwicklung1. Juni 2022
The WAlps project: Casting new light on scheelite tungsten deposits in the Eastern Alps Based on considerations such as economic importance and potential challenges to supply security some mineral…ggwebentwicklung1. Juni 2022
Reconstruction of high-resolution lake level and its astronomical forcing during the Paleogene Challenges in continental sequence stratigraphy and typically limited resolution in geochronology hinder the understanding of…ggwebentwicklung1. Juni 2022
Drillcore GT1 of the ICDP Oman Drilling Project: insights into magmatic processes beneath fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges The Samail ophiolite in Oman provides an ideal field laboratory for investigating the processes taking…ggwebentwicklung1. Juni 2022
Probabilistic Geomodeling: Recent Developments and Relationship to Reality Geological models, as 3-D representations of subsurface structures and property distributions, are used in many…ggwebentwicklung1. Juni 2022
Unraveling Zechstein 3 Anhydrite Structuration and possible implications for Geo-Drilling Hazards Anhydrites Carbonates of the Leine formation, the third evaporitic cycle of the Zechstein group, are…ggwebentwicklung1. Juni 2022