Lithium Symposium
A “lunch-to-lunch” conference dedicated to geoscience, exploration, processing, social licence to
operate and the future of Lithium mining
followed by EU HORIZON 2020 GREENPEG Project Workshop:
Pegmatite and hardrock exploration “Made in Europe”
in the service of the European Geological Surveys
23.4., 14h-18:30h
GeoSphere Austria, Neulinggasse 38, 1030 Wien/Vienna
The “Wiener Rohstofftag” is a thematically focussed symposium that brings together members of research organizations, geological surveys, government, industry, associations, administration, as well as students and the interested public. Scientific language is English, some outreach events are in German.
The 2024 focus is the critical raw material Lithium. Special topics for contributions include: Geoscience of various types of Lithium deposits, methods and case studies of exploration, processing, social license to operate, future demand and supply.
Visit the registration page (or contact for up to date information, registration, and abstract submission. Registration is free of charge.
Contact for more details on the GREENPEG workshop.
22. April 2024 - 23. April 2024Uhrzeit
See attached information.