DGGV E-Publikationen

‚Where to land the next Mars rover?‘ and ‚How much drugs are in our soils?‘ – a computational study of natural sorptive materials
Valentina Erastova1

‚Where to land the next Mars rover?‘ and ‚How much drugs are in our soils?‘ – to answer these questions, we must look at the fundamental processes at the mineral…

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“Heat In Place” assessments for Berlin/Brandenburg’s deep geothermal potential
Laureen Benoit1, Judith Bott2, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth3

Geologically located in the Northeast German Basin, Berlin and most parts of Brandenburg are known to be potentially suitable for deep geothermal energy usage. This source of energy is not…

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„Wer hat an der Uhr gedreht ?“ Mechanisms of Rb-Sr age resetting revealed by high-resolution LA-ICP-MS/MS isotope mappings
Martin Kutzschbach1, Johannes Glodny2

The Rb-Sr isotope system is sensitive to secondary processes that disturb or even completely reset the age signal in datable minerals like mica or feldspars. To interpret age signatures correctly,…

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(How) does the water management work in connection with the lignite phase-out in the Rhenish mining area?
Nils Cremer1

Der Braunkohleausstieg führt zu Veränderungen in allen Bereichen der Wasserwirtschaft. Im Rheinischen Revier werden sich nach dem Ende des Bergbaus einige der größten deutschen Seen bilden. Der Grundwasserspiegel steigt und…

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1 Ma of water mass provenance in the South Atlantic Ocean revealed by authigenic neodymium isotopes in ODP 1093
Eva Marcella Rückert1, Moritz Hallmaier2, Norbert Frank1

The deep Southern Ocean (SO) circulation is of major significance for understanding of the ocean´s impact on Earth’s climate as uptake and release of CO­­­2 strongly depend on the redistribution…

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1.Halogens as tracers for mineralizing fluids in the Sn-W-Cu province of the Cornubian batholith, SW England
Mauro Bongiovanni1, Tobias Fusswinkel1, Michael A.W. Marks2

Despite their well-known economic potential, the genesis of deposits associated with magmatic-hydrothermal fluids derived from granitic plutons is still not fully understood. The Cornubian batholith (SW England) represents an example…

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142Nd and 182W systematics of Neoarchean rocks from the Yilgarn Craton, W-Australia
Max Hellers1, Eric Hasenstab-Dübeler1, Jonas Tusch1, Carina Gerritzen2, Mario Fischer-Gödde1, Andreas Schneider1, Chris S. Marien1, R. Hugh Smithies3, Stephen Wyche3, Martin J. Van Kranendonk4, Carsten Münker1

The short-lived isotope systems 146Sm-142Nd and 182Hf-182W were active during the first ca. 500 Ma and 50 Ma after solar system formation. As a result of recent analytical advances, it…

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146,147Sm-142,143Nd systematics of the Acasta Gneisses: New insights on the formation of Earth’s oldest rocks
Alessandro Maltese1, Guillaume Caro2, Erik Scherer3, Peter Sprung3, Wouter Bleeker4, Klaus Mezger5

Reconstructing the earliest evolution of the silicate Earth remains a major geological challenge because of the scarcity and incomplete preservation of rocks older than 3.8 Ga. Isotope variations produced by…

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150 Jahre Geo-Sammlungen – von der Königlich Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt (KPGLA) bis zur Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR)
Angela Ehling1

Der Beginn des systematischen, wissenschaftlichen Sammelns von Mineralen und Fossilien in Berlin ist eng verknüpft mit der Gründung der Berliner Bergakademie durch Friedrich II. Ab 1801 erhielt diese Sammlung die…

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2D finite-element modelling of the interaction between poroelastic effects and viscoelastic relaxation during the seismic cycle
Jill Peikert1, Andrea Hampel1, Meike Bagge2

The analysis of Coulomb stress changes has become an important tool for seismic hazard evaluation because such stress changes may trigger or delay next earthquakes. Processes that can cause significant…

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3D basin modeling of the Hils Syncline, Germany: reconstruction of burial and thermal history and evaluation of their influence on the present-day petrophysical properties of potential host rocks for nuclear waste storage
Leidy Castro-Vera1, Ralf Littke2, Sebastian Amberg2

The Hils Syncline is located in the south of the Lower Saxony Basin, Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic rocks crop out in its center. The Cretaceous and Jurassic sedimentary sequences in…

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3D Basin modelling of the northern Upper Rhine Graben : insights on geothermal fluid pathways
Gillian BETHUNE1, Adriana LEMGRUBER-TRABY2, Claire BOSSENNEC3, Kristian BÄR3, Jeroen VAN DER VAART3, Christine SOUQUE2, Renaud DIVIES2

The area of the Upper Rhine Graben (URG) is known for its geothermal potential. However, the recent interest for lithium co-production from geothermal brines raises questions about the quantification and…

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3D Digital Sedimentary Petrology Models
Robert Lander1, Linda Bonnell1, James Guilkey2

“Digital sedimentary petrology” models represent the microstructure of clastic rocks in 3D and use forward process models to simulate diagenesis in response to evolving burial conditions. This modeling approach predicts…

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3D geological modeling of graben structures in northern Hesse – concept, methods and first results
Ina Lewin1, Rouwen Lehné2, Heiner Heggemann2

For some years now, the Hessian Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology (HLNUG) is focusing its 3D-modeling activities on urban areas, aiming to contribute to both integrated modeling and…

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3D geological modelling of the surficial aquitards in the German “Central Oder” sub-catchment.
Klaus Duscher1

The „Central Oder“ sub-catchment in Germany is the first of three areas for which structural models of the surficial aquitards down to the latest Elsterian till are being constructed as…

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3D gravity modelling of the crust in the Eastern and eastern-Southern Alps using density data derived from compressional-wave velocities obtained by Local Earthquake Tomography
Richard Sanders1, Eline Le Breton1, Christian Haberland2, Ajay Kumar2, Denis Anikiev2, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth3

Detailed crustal structures and causative kinematic processes in the Alps continue to be a matter of ongoing research. Of particular interest is the crustal structure of the Adriatic indenter, the…

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3D lithofacies modelling and quantitative fault seal analysis in the Altmark region (North German Basin)
Jacob Waechter, Christian Olaf Mueller, Alexander Malz

Attributed 3D volumetric models are important tools for geothermal exploration, subsurface storage of natural gases and waste and for risk management (e.g. contamination of ground water or induced seismicity). Of…

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3D Modelling of the Crystalline Basement in the Western Erzgebirge as Part of the GeoMetEr Project
Matthis Frey1, Fabian Jähne-Klingberg1, Sascha Görne2

Geophysical measurement procedures are currently tested in the western Erzgebirge as part of the GeoMetEr project in order to optimize the surface exploration of potential nuclear waste repositories. The research…

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3D Rocks, 3D Outcrops, and Virtual Field Trips
Sara Carena

Geoscience teaching has not kept up with technology. The ability to visualize objects in 3D is fundamental in geology, and yet we have hardly integrated any 3D tools in our…

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3D Underground Seismics for exploration in salt mines
Katrin Jaksch1, Heike Richter1, Rüdiger Giese1

In-mine seismics provide a better resolution and spatial coverage than surface exploration methods such as 2D or 3D seismics, enhancing the exploration around underground facilities. Over the past decades, seismic…

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3D velocity model in Brandenburg: A transnational seismic velocity modeling in the framework of TUNB velo 2.0
Sebastian Weinert1, Thomas Höding1

Brandenburg contributes to a transnational 3D-velocity model of the North German Basin. This 3D velocity model is embedded in the framework of TUNB velo 2.0 where the State Geological Surveys…

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3D-architecture of a high-grade metamorphic gneiss terrain – How suitable are these rocks for of a deep geological repository site in Germany?
Kay Bierbrauer1, Matthias Bauer1

Most high-grade metamorphic gneiss units in Germany exhibit a strong late-Variscan thermal imprint recorded by the presence of migmatites and granitic intrusions. A nuclear waste repository in this setting is…

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87Sr/86Sr ratios as tracer for gypsum sources and redistribution processes
Katharina Deußen1, Carsten Münker1, Michael Staubwasser1

Gypsum group minerals in the Atacama Desert occur in pedogenic profiles or as primary lacustrine sediments and are subject to complex redistribution processes. The 87Sr/86Sr composition of gypsum is a…

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A 104-Ma record of deep-sea Atelostomata (Holasteroida, Spatangoida, irregular echinoids) – a story of persistence, food availability and a big bang
Frank Wiese1, Schlüter Nils2, Jessica Zirkel3, Jens O. Herrle3, Oliver Friedrich4

Fossil deep-sea macrobenthos is scarce due to the rarity of onshore deep-sea sediments. Therefore, hypothesized migrations of shallow shelf taxa into the deep-sea after phases of mass extinction or oceanic…

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A 16 ka record of high-amplitude precipitation events from the southern part of the hyperarid Atacama Desert.
Volker Wennrich1, Marlene Lenz1, Mark Reyers2, Jan H. Schween2, Florian Kerber3, Katharina Walber-Hellmann1, Bárbara Vargas-Machuca A.1, Dirk Hoffmeister4, Simon Matthias May4, Joel Mohren1, Benedikt Ritter1, Tibor Dunai1, Martin Melles1

The Atacama Desert in Chile is known to be one of the driest deserts on Earth, with dominating hyperaridity since the Miocene. During recent times, however, especially the southern part…

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A 182W isotope perspective on the sources of Paleoarchean TTGs from the Eastern Kaapvaal Craton, southern Africa
J. Elis Hoffmann1, Jonas Tusch2, Pauline Sandor1, Guillaume Florin1

182W deficits in terrestrial rocks are currently strongly debated since their origin can be ascribed to different processes. These include (1) core-mantle interaction, (2) grainy late accretion, and (3) early…

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A 3.77 (or possibly 4.28) billion year history of microbial communities associated with marine hydrothermal vents
Crispin Thomas Stephen Little

Modern hydrothermal vents provide diverse environments for microorganisms. Here there is a large phylogenetic and physiological diversity of bacteria and archaea, occurring in a wide range habitats. An assumption is…

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A 300,000 year record of cold-water coral mound build-up in the SE Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean): insights from benthic foraminifera
Robin Fentimen1, Andres Rüggeberg1, Eline Feenstra1, Efraim Hall1, Valentin Rime1, Torsten Vennemann2, Irka Hajdas3, Antonietta Rosso4, David Van Rooij5, Thierry Adatte2, Hendrik Vogel6, Norbert Frank7, Anneleen Foubert1

Little is known about the build-up of Mediterranean cold-water coral mounds at the scale of multiple interglacial-glacial cycles. This study concentrates on the long-term development of coral mounds within the…

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A 3D gravity-consistent model of the southern San Andreas Fault system
Angela Maria Gomez Garcia1, Ivone Jiménez-Munt1, Bart Root2, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth3

Earthquakes are a direct response to the Earth’s state of stress, which is one of the key ingredients controlling the lithosphere rheological behavior. To first order, the total in-situ stress…

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A 5.3-million-year history of monsoonal precipitation in northwestern Australia
Jan-Berend Willem Stuut (1,2,3), Patrick De Deckker (4), Mariem Saavedra-Pellitero (2,5), Franck Bassinot (6), Anna Joy Drury (2,7), Maureen Walczak (4,8) & Kana Nagashima (9)

Australia is the driest inhabited continent on the planet, with its moisture mostly sourced from the tropical monsoon in the north and the southern westerlies in the south. The continent…

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A 600-years pollution history reconstruction using Lake Sediments from Bad Waldsee, southern Germany
Kristin Haas1, Sara Saeidi ghavi andam2, Thomas Schiedek1, Matthias Hinderer1, Elena Marinova2

Annual lake sediments are excellent high-resolution archives for reconstructing historical pollution. Usually, pollution reconstructions date back to the beginning of industrialization in the early 19th century. Here, we present a…

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A benchmark gallery for hierarchical model verification of TH2M coupled process models: Examples for CO2 sequestration and nuclear waste disposal
Kata Kurgyis1, Aqeel Afzal Chaudhry1, Michael Pitz2, Norbert Grunwald3, Jörg Buchwald3, Dmitri Naumov3, Wenqing Wang3, Christoph Lehmann3, Olaf Kolditz3, Jobst Maßmann4, Thomas Nagel1

In this study, we introduce an open-source benchmark gallery for a systematic verification of numerical simulations of coupled multi-field processes in geological storage and sequestration. Here, the focus lies on…

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A chemical probe into the Earth’s interior; high resolution sampling of recent basaltic eruptions
Valentin R. Troll1, Frances M. Deegan1, Thor Thordarson2, Meritxell Aulinas3, James Day4, Ilya Bindeman5, Chris Harris6, Francisco J. Perez-Torrado7, Juan C. Carracedo7

Magma contains information on its source and on the processes the magma experienced en route to the surface. This information is, however, locked in the chemical and isotopic composition of…

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A co-ordinated German approach to non-traditional tertiary geoscience (field) education?
Virginia Gail Toy

The restrictions in place due to the COVID epidemic have forced us to develop non-traditional solutions to teach field geology in the last few months, such as virtual field excursions,…

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A Collaborative Approach to Sustainable Mining Governance in the Andes: Insights from BGR’s MinSus Project
Achim Constantin1, Jacob Mai1

The Andean region possess a wealth of mineral resources, such as copper and lithium, which are increasingly in demand by various industries and sectors, including renewable energy, electronics, and transportation….

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A complex depositional and tectonic history of Permo-Triassic intra-Pangea red beds in the Bohemian Massif as recorded by detrital zircon geochronology and magnetic fabric
Jiří Žák1, Karel Martínek1, Filip Tomek1, Martin Svojtka2, František Vacek3, Kryštof Verner3, Roland Nádaskay3

The late Carboniferous–Early Triassic Krkonoše Piedmont Basin in the northern Bohemian Massif was initiated as a fault-controlled basin during the waning stages of the Variscan orogeny and its transition to…

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A comprehensive analysis of the Earth’s crust based on re-processed DEKORP reflection seismic data
Felix Hloušek1, Stefan Buske1

The DEKORP (Deutsches Kontinentales Reflexionsseismisches Programm) initiative, conducted from 1984 to 1997, was Germany’s national reflection seismic program. DEKORP aimed at resolving the deep crustal and upper mantle structure, employing…

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A critical look into the past – The hidden colonial heritage in mineralogical museums
Gero Bohné1, Raphael Krag1, Mertens Céline1, Marco Rothenhäusler1, Anne Zacke1

The provenance of objects –in terms of chronology of ownerships – in museums and collections is a cutting-edge topic discussed especially among art historians, historians and ethnologists. Until now, the…

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A Deeper Look Into the 2021 Tyrnavos Earthquake Sequence (TES) Reveals Coseismic Breaching of an Unrecognized Large-Scale Fault Relay Zone in Continental Greece
Vasiliki Mouslopoulou1, Henriette Sudhaus2, Kostas Konstantinou3, John Begg4, Vasso Saltogianni5, Benjamin Männel6, Onno Oncken6

Large magnitude (Mw ∼ ≥6) earthquakes in extensional settings are often associated with simultaneous rupture of multiple normal faults as a result of static and/or dynamic stress transfer.Here, we report…

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A first look into the gallium-aluminium systematics of Early Earth’s seawater: Evidence from banded iron formations
David M. Ernst1, Dieter Garbe-Schönberg2, Dennis Krämer3, Michael Bau1

We conducted the first study on Ga-Al systematics in Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic banded iron formations (BIFs). Adjacent Fe oxide, metachert and mixed-type bands were analysed comparatively with solution-based SF-ICP-MS and…

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A Gaussian process regression model to determine solubility of calcium sulfate in aqueous fluids
Ali Sadighi, Reza Taherdangkoo, Christoph Butscher

The swelling of clay-sulfate rocks is a well-known phenomenon often causing threats to the success of different projects, for instance, geothermal drillings triggered swelling and ground heave with dramatic damages…

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A global rate of denudation from cosmogenic nuclides in the Earth’s largest rivers
Hella Wittmann1, Marcus Oelze1, Jerome Gaillardet2, Eduardo Garzanti3, Friedhelm von Blanckenburg1,4

Cosmogenic nuclide analysis in sediment from the Earth’s largest rivers yields mean denudation rates of the sediment-producing areas that average out local variations commonly found in small rivers. Using this…

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A global review of carbonatite-hosted fluid inclusions and the role of fluid release on carbonatite magma ascent
Benjamin Florian Walter1, Johannes Giebel2,3, Matthew Steele-MacInnis4, Michael Marks5, Jochen Kolb1, Gregor Markl5

Carbonatites crystallize from mantle-derived carbonate- and volatile-rich melts that exsolve large amounts of fluids during their ascent through and emplacement into the crust. A global review of available fluid inclusion…

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A Heat Demand Map of North-West Europe – its impact on supply areas and identification of potential production areas for deep geothermal energy
Eileen Herbst1,2, Elias Khashfe1,2, Alexander Jüstel1,2, Frank Strozyk2, Peter Kukla1,2

To achieve the Paris Agreement’s goal of maximum global warming by 2 degrees, CO2 reduction is indispensable. Space heating for residential, service and industrial buildings amounts to 26% of EU’s…

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A historical record of combustion pollution in lake sediments during medieval and early modern times in Bad Waldsee (southern Germany)
Kristin Haas1, Sara Saeidi ghavi andam2, Matthias Hinderer1, Thomas Schiedek1, Elena Marinova2

Laminated sediments of lake Stadtsee, located next to the city Bad Waldsee, provide a unique archive of socio-economic and environmental history since Medieval times. In this study we explored the…

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A hot, hydrothermally-fed microbial tidal flat in the Paleoarchean Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa?
Hannes Stengel1, Christoph Heubeck1

Sandy alluvial-, deltaic-, and tidal-facies sediments of the Paleoarchean Moodies Group (ca. 3,220 Ma) are preserved several km thick in the central Barberton Greenstone Belt, interspersed with diverse units representing…

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A key option to transfer geosciences – relate geoheritage to fun
Marie-Luise Frey1, Christine Hogefeld2, Pascal Schmitz3, Klaudia Wolf4

Many attempts up to today exist to transfer geosciences to the general public. Some started at the beginning of the 20th century. It is surprising that only since the beginning…

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A lab on a chip concept for rationalizing hydro-geochemical processes at the pore scale and their integration into larger scale analyses
Jenna Poonoosamy1, Mara Lönartz1, Yuankai Yang1, Guido Deissmann1, Dirk Bosbach1

Deep geological repositories with a multi-barrier concept are foreseen by various countries for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste. Advanced simulation tools based on a detailed process understanding need to…

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A large regional structure from puzzle pieces – Gulf of Mexico structures on the western flank of the Eichsfeld-Altmark-Swell (EAS)?
Alexander Malz1, Jonas Kley2, Heinz-Gerd Röhling3

We discuss the structures associated with the Eichsfeld-Altmark-Swell (EAS) in Central Germany, using observations from published cross-sections, outcrops, few boreholes and reflection seismics in a some 200 kilometres long swath…

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A Late Glacial surface rupturing earthquake at the Peel Boundary faultzone, Roer Valley Rift System, and its morhologic response by the Meuse river
Ronald Van Balen (1,2), Marcel Bakker (2), Kees Kasse (1), Jakob Wallinga (3) & Hessel Woolderink (1)

In a trench along the central part of the Peel Boundary fault zone (PBFZ), Roer Valley Rift System (RVRS), southeastern Netherlands, evidence was found for a large faulting event that…

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A machine-learning based monitoring system for local seismic events in Germany
Catalina Ramos1, Stefanie Donner1, Klaus Stammler1

Monitoring local seismic events is among the responsibilities of the German Federal Seismic Survey. This entity comprises a seismological subdepartment responsible for overseeing the operations of the German Regional Seismic…

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A model for the angle of repose of granular materials on planetary surfaces
Filip Elekes1, Eric Josef Ribeiro Parteli2

One of the most important observables characterizing the packing and flowability of particulate systems is the angle of repose, i.e., the angle between the horizontal and the sloping side of…

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A multi-methodological approach to investigate the erosion of arable land caused by the July 2021 flood event in Erftstadt-Blessem, Germany
Joel Mohren1, Steven A. Binnie1, Matthias Ritter1, Tabea Kautz1, Sabine Tiegelkamp1, Tibor J. Dunai1

Severe flooding in July 2021 has caused massive erosion of arable land located close to the village of Erftstadt-Blessem, Germany. Backward incision formed local drainage networks, evacuating Quaternary sediments towards…

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A multi-proxy SST and surface seawater carbonate chemistry reconstruction of the post-Industrial Revolution Southwest Pacific
Sara Todorovic1,2, Henry C. Wu1, Braddock K. Linsley3, Henning Kuhnert4, Albert Benthien5, Klaus-Uwe Richter5, Markus Raitzsch4,5, Jelle Bijma5, Delphine Dissard6

Oceanic uptake of anthropogenic CO2 emissions induced global seawater pH decrease by 0.1 since the Industrial Revolution by altering ocean chemistry with the reduction of carbonate ion concentrations and the…

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A multi-scalar and multi-disciplinary exploration approach for buried spodumene pegmatites in Leinster, SE-Ireland
Kerstin Saalmann1, Claudia M. Pohl2, Klaus Brauch2, Julian F. Menuge3, Teimoor Nazari-Dehkordi4, Axel Müller5, Ben Williamson6, Lawrence Carter6, Marco Brönner1

Exploration for buried mineralised pegmatites is challenging because of their lack of distinctive geophysical signatures. The GREENPEG project (project GA869274, EU HORIZON 2020 programme) has developed a multi-method toolset based…

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A multi-seismic approach to characterize the shallow subsurface for hosting the Einstein-Telescope infrastructure
Marius Waldvogel1, Nils Chudalla2, Shahar Shani-Kadmiel3, Soumen Kouley4, Stefan Back1

Within the feasibility study regarding the construction of the Einstein – Telescope (ET), at a depth of 200 – 350 m in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregio, various seismic methods are used…

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A multiscale numerical modelling investigation of quartz CPO variation due to flow partitioning
Ankit Bhandari & Dazhi Jiang

Quartz crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs) in natural mylonites can vary to such an extent that they apparently give opposite senses of shear within a single thin section. Many qualitative explanations…

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A new approach for 3d temperatur modelling in areas with sparse data – an example from northern Saxony-Anhalt (Germany)
Jacob Wächter, Christian Olaf Müller, Alexander Malz & Klaus-Jörg Hartmann

Modelling of subsurface temperatures is based on various approaches, which typically focus on interpolation or numerical simulation procedures. Mostly, they are based on few single measurements and do not take…

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A new approach for high-precision triple oxygen isotope analyses of CO2
Andreas Pack1, Malte Seefeld1, Oliver Jäger1, Greta Viktoria Simon1, David Bajnai1

Detection of small variations in triple oxygen isotope ratios (Δ’17O) of rocks, minerals, and water has opened new applications in the field of isotope geochemistry (1,2). A long-standing problem is…

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A new experimental approach for the determination of the diffusivity fractionations of water isotopes in air
Mohammed El-shenawy1, Daniel Herwartz1, Michael Satubwasser1

Water isotopes are key tools to understand the dynamics of the global hydrological cycle. A well constrained hydrological model requires a precise definition of isotopic diffusion and equilibrium fractionation factors…

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A new model of the base of Quaternary deposits in Northwest Germany
Ines Bruns1, Fischer Kerstin1, Meinsen Janine1, Wangenheim Cornelia1

The high-energy processes during the Elsterian glacial stage have formed a diverse relief of the base Quaternary with buried tunnel valleys, which are cut between a few tens of meters…

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A new pachypleurosaur (Reptilia: Sauropterygia) from the Middle Triassic of southwestern China and its phylogenetic and biogeographic implications
Yi-Wei Hu1, Qiang Li2, Jun Liu1

After the devastating Permo-Triassic Mass Extinction, several new groups of large predators invaded the sea in the early part of the Triassic, including sauropterygians, ichthyosauromorphs and thalattosaurs. Among these predators,…

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A new tool to decipher the past silica cycle? The Si isotope signatures of radiolarians: taxa-specific isotope difference and their potential for studying past biogeochemistry
Kristin Doering1

Dissolved silica (DSi) is an essential nutrient for marine silicifiers, and its cycling is closely linked to the biological pump and carbon cycle. The biological uptake of DSi and subsequent…

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A new tool to trace the redox-state of the upper mantle in the Archaean
Craig Storey1, Hugo Moreira2

The redox state of the upper mantle in the Archaean through to the Proterozoic is a key parameter as it would have buffered atmospheric composition and interacted with the ocean-atmosphere…

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A new universal model explaining fracture-trace length distributions
Michael Krumbholz1, Christoph Hieronymus2, Jochen Kamm3

Fracture dimensions largely control rock properties like strength and permeability. Thus, knowing their statistical distributions is of great importance in many applied fields of the geosciences e.g., in geothermics, mineral…

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A normal to incommensurate phase transition in malayaite, CaSnOSiO4
Thomas Malcherek1, Michael Fischer2, Boriana Mihailova1, Carsten Paulmann1

Malayaite, the tin analogue of titanite, has been shown to develop an incommensurately modulated phase with a modulation vector of q=0.26b* at a temperature of 20K [1]. The occurence of…

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A novel approach to determine Coulomb stress changes in subduction megathrust earthquakes
Armin Dielforder1, Andrea Hampel1, Gian Maria Bocchini2

Great subduction earthquakes cause Coulomb stress changes that can trigger intense aftershock seismicity, including strong earthquakes in the upper plate. The Coulomb stress changes are commonly computed assuming that the…

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A novel Augmented Reality Sandbox for Outreach and Education in Geoscience
Daniel Escallón Botero (1), Simon Virgo (1,2) & Florian Wellmann (1,2)

Seeing Geology is hard! To build an intuitive understanding of complex 3 dimensional structures in the subsurface requires a lot of training. To make this experience more accessible, we present…

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A Novel Web-tool for the Assessment of Materials Recovery and Recycling Projects Aligned with UNFC
Iman Dorri1, Bhagya Jayasinghe1, Alireza Sobouti1, Soraya Heuss-Aßbichler1

The current challenges in our society regarding digital, energy, and circular economy transition have made the recycling and recovery of materials from waste streams a hot topic since they have…

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A Numerical Laterisation Formation Model for Ferricretes
Caroline Fenske1, Jean Braun1, François Guillocheau2, Cécile Robin2

Ferricretes are hard iron layers forming in semi-arid to subtropical environments. We can observe them in i.e. Africa, Australia or Brazil. They are an important part of regional geomorphology, capping…

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A numerical sensitivity study of how permeability, porosity, geological structure, and background hydraulic gradient control the lifetime of a geothermal reservoir
Johanna Frederike Bauer (1), Michael Krumbholz (2), Elco Luijendijk (3)

The utilization of geothermal energy comes with a high economic risk. Many of the parameters that control the quality of a geothermal reservoir are heterogeneously distributed and therefore difficult to…

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A process-based model for fluvial valley width
Jens Martin Turowski1, Aaron Bufe2, Stefanie Tofelde3

The width of fluvial valley-floors is a key parameter to quantifying the morphology of mountain regions. Valley-floor width is relevant to diverse fields including sedimentology, fluvial geomorphology, and archaeology. The…

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A profile through ancient fast-spreading oceanic crust in the Wadi Gideah, Oman ophiolite – reference frame for the crustal drillings within the ICDP Oman Drilling Project
Jürgen Koepke1, Dieter Garbe-Schönberg2, Dominik Mock1, Samuel Müller2

The Oman Ophiolite is the largest and best-investigated piece of ancient oceanic lithosphere on our planet. This ophiolite was target of the Oman Drilling Project (OmanDP) within the frame of…

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A promising sequence stratigraphic approach to identify potential siting regions in claystone formations
Bernhard Schuck1, Thomas Mann1, Jochen Erbacher1, André Bornemann1, Tilo Kneuker1, Géraldine Zimmerli2, Lukas Pollok1

The selection procedure to identify the site “best possible” to host Germany’s repository for the final disposal of its high activity nuclear waste considers claystone, rock salt and crystalline rock…

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A Proof-of-concept study of microbial activity in water-filled pore space: an experimental investigation of methanogenic conversion of hydrogen to methane in reservoir rocks
Saeed Khajooie1, Garri Gaus1, Anja Bettina Dohrmann2, Martin Krüger2, Ralf Littke1

The activation of methanogenic Archaea in the context of subsurface hydrogen storage may lead to permanent hydrogen conversion to methane. The objective of this proof-of-concept study is to experimentally investigate…

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A proposal for drilling “Geiseltal” – a near complete terrestrial section of the Eocene in Central Europe
Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr1, Andrè Bahr2, Christian Zeeden3

As the world warms due to rising greenhouse gas concentrations, the Earth system moves toward climate sthistoricalhout historic precedent, challenging societal adaptation. One way to investigate these unprecedented conditions is…

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A Quaternary fluvial sequence tells the story of a drainage reorganization
Elhanan Harel1, Liran Goren1, Eitan Shelef2, Onn Crouvi3, Naomi Porat3, Hanan Ginat4

Field observations across the globe show that drainage reversal toward a cliff is a common type of drainage reorganization. Drainage reversal occurs when a channel reverses its flow direction by…

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A Review and Database of Landslide Induced Tsunamis
Dohmen, Katrin; Braun, Anika; Fernandez-Steeger, Tomás Manuel

Landslide induced tsunamis are a well-known phenomenon and have been reported many times in the international literature. The research has focused so far on the investigation of individual case studies…

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A Review and Database of Landslide Induced Tsunamis
Katrin Dohmen1, Anika Braun1, Tomás Manuel Fernandez-Steeger1

Landslide induced tsunamis are a well-known phenomenon and have been reported many times in the international literature. The research has focused so far on the investigation of individual case studies…

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A risk-based containment monitoring framework for long term geological CO2 storage
Marcella Dean, Sara Minisini & Steve Oates

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a key climate mitigation technology available to meet the Paris Agreement goal for limiting global warning. The goal of CCS projects is to separate,…

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A scientific journey through geo-ecological extremes – landscape dynamics at the lower Danube between the Black Sea and the Carpathian Volcanoes
Markus Finke (1), Ulrich Hambach (2) & Mihai Orleanu (3)

The CTC-Trail (“Coast-to-Carpathians”) is a conceptual educational geo-trail that is being created to guide visitors through a transect from the southern parts of the western Black Sea area grasslands through…

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A systematic approach to develop recommendations for surface exploration of siting regions for a radioactive waste repository in Germany
Lisa Richter, Thies Beilecke, Raphael Dlugosch, Tilo Kneuker, Lukas Pollok, Nicole Schubarth-Engelschall, Ralf Semroch

The site selection procedure for a high-level radioactive waste repository in Germany is based on the Repository Site Selection Act (StandAG, 2017) and comprises three phases. Commissioned by the Bundesgesellschaft…

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A taxonomic Gordian Knot – the sauropodomorph diversity in the Germanic Basin during the Late Triassic
Omar Rafael Regalado Fernández1

The sauropodomorph-bearing localities from the Norian-Rhaetian of Europe have been traditionally interpreted as monospecific, attributing the morphological disparity in Plateosaurus to intraspecific variability. The Norian and Rhaetian stages are currently…

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A Technical Approach to 3D Modelling of the Subsurface Geology in the South-Eastern Harz Foreland
Tilman J. Jeske1, Melanie Siegburg1, Alexander Malz1, Olaf-Christian Müller1, Ivo Rappsilber1

The digitization of geological data is becoming increasingly important in the assessment of the subsurface geology, and 3D visualization offers new possibilities. To extend the visualization of the subsurface geology…

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A terrestrial archive of marine environmental conditions in Antarctica – evidence from snow petrel stomach oil deposits
Sonja Berg1, Louise Emmerson2, Eric Buchta3, Tanja Fromm4, Christine Heim1, Wolf-Dieter Hermichen4, Gerhard Kuhn4, Janet Rethemeyer1, Ulrich Wand4, Michael Zech3, Martin Melles1

In the Southern Ocean microfossil records from marine sediments indicate large shifts in species assemblages and nutrient cycling in response to changing climatic conditions and sea-ice extent during the Late…

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A virtual field tour of the Jurassic Coast, NE England
David Hodgetts

The geological exposures of the Jurassic Coast of North East England cover a variety of depositional systems, from both continental and marine settings, and provide an excellent opportunity for field…

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A virtual field tour of the Wren’s Nest National Nature Reserve, part of the Black Country Unesco Geopark, UK
David Hodgetts

The Wren’s Nest National Nature Reserve, situated in the West Midlands, UK, is well known for its exposures of Silurian (Wenlock and Ludlow Series) carbonates. The Wren’s Nest was first…

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A workflow for investigating the subsurface of post-mining landscapes in Lusatia (Germany)
Silvio Janetz1, Olaf Josafat Cortés Arroyo1, Marcus Fahle1, Anne Gädeke1, Jörg Giese1, Mark Gropius1, Erik Nixdorf1, Benedikt Preugschat1, Elisabeth Schönfeldt1, Bernhard Siemon1

The largest contiguous former opencast lignite mining district in the EU is located in Lusatia (Germany). Hydrochemical contaminations such as acid mine drainage from opencast mines as well as increased…

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a_Ponte, bridging geosciences and society
Bárbara Zambelli1, Talita Gantus2

Science is not good, not bad, or neutral. It is socially built by the subject who operates the research object based on subjectivity (individual and collective).The reduction of reality to…

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Access for free: How to get free-of-charge access to Earth scientific research labs through EPOS-NL and EXCITE
Ronald Pijnenburg1, Oliver Plümper1

Access to top research equipment facilitates top research. However, the research equipment needed may not always be available within individual institutes, while access to external facilities may not in all…

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Accessibility of Geodynamic Models – Teaching Materials Developed Alongside the Open Source Software CHIC
Oliver Henke-Seemann1, Theresa Büttner1, Lena Noack1

To investigate the interior structure, dynamics and evolution of terrestrial planets, numerical models of varying complexity have become an essential tool for many researchers. Modelers often struggle with outreach and…

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Accretion of Rocky Planetary Bodies: Chemical Constraints
Klaus Mezger1, Alessandro Maltese2

All rocky materials originating from small and undifferentiated bodies of the Solar System have similar and close to solar abundances of refractory elements and are depleted to various degrees in…

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Action Plan „Digitalization of the Swiss Geological Subsurface“ 2022 – 2029
Roland Baumberger1

A coordinated and effective use of the subsurface requires in-depth knowledge and easily accessible and uniformly described data. The 2022 Action Plan supports the securing of future investments in the…

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Dulce Manuel Lima1, Nir Orion2, Clara Maria Vasconcelos3

Promoting quality education implies that teachers are reflective professionals, agents of innovation and change leaders, able to train students with critical thinking skills, problem-solving, creativity, collaborative work, and communication. In…

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Active engagement of students by means of class exercises
Hans de Bresser,

Utrecht University, The Netherlands In order to improve student learning during lectures on location, students can be actively engaged by giving short class-exercises. Class exercises are just one of the…

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Active tectonics of the eastern Southern Alps
Christoph Grützner1, Manuel Diercks2, Mark Mücklisch1, Erick Prince1, Klaus Reicherter3, Jakob Stubenrauch1, Sumiko Tsukamoto4, Kamil Ustaszewski1, Marko Vrabec5

Current tectonic activity in the eastern Southern Alps is driven by the ongoing collision of Adria with Europe at a rate of ca. 2-3 mm/yr. While the South Alpine Front…

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Additive-controlled synthesis of single crystalline gold nanoparticles
Felizitas Kirner1, Elena V. Sturm1

Nowadays, applications of nanomaterials increasingly demand for monodisperse nanoparticles (NPs), since their defined properties form the basis for a wide range of applications. Gold NPs are of special interest due…

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Adsorption of the drug molecule carbamazepine in zeolites: Studying host-guest and guest-guest interactions with DFT calculations
Michael Fischer1

In the past two decades, pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) have been identified as environmental contaminants of considerable concern due to their significant hazard potential. The anticonvulsant drug carbamazepine…

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Advanced Geothermal Heat Flow Mapping in Germany: Integrating Bayesian Approaches and Multi-Geophysical Data

Geothermal heat flow (GHF) is essential for evaluating the thermal states and energy balances of the lithosphere, playing a crucial role in geophysics and geothermal energy research. In this study,…

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Advancements in Deep-Sea Mineral Exploration and Legal Aspects of Deep-Sea Mining
Carsten Rühlemann1, Annemiek Vink1, Thomas Kuhn1

The presentation provides an overview of BGR’s deep-sea mineral resource exploration and informs on recent developments in deep-sea mining. Metals such as copper, nickel and cobalt play a vital role…

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Advances in reconstructing paleo-CO2 and ecosystem-climate-CO2 feedbacks through time
Isabel Moñtanez1

Paleo-CO2 reconstructions are integral to understanding the evolution of Earth system processes and their interactions given that atmospheric CO2 concentrations are intrinsically linked to planetary function. Furthermore, past periods of…

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Advances in terrestrial and marine carbonate archives – novel proxies and innovative techniques to decipher past climate variability
Riechelmann, Dana Felicitas Christine (1); Hansen, Maximilian (1); Warken, Sophie (2); Weber, Michael (1)

The use of carbonate-based paleoclimate archives has gained increasing importance to obtain reliable and detailed information on past climate and environmental variability in order to better understand the modern climate…

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Advances in understanding processes driving the formation and evolution of sedimentary basins
Matenco, Liviu (1); Scheck-Wenderoth, Magdalena (2); Nader, Fadi Henri (3)

This session addresses the dynamics of sedimentary basins at different temporal and spatial scales and aims to bring together a wide range of studies focusing on geodynamics, tectonics and sediment…

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Advancing Short-Term Groundwater Level Forecasting Using Temporal Fusion Transformer (TFT) and Neural Hierarchical Interpolation for Time Series Forecasting (N-HiITS)

Machine learning approaches are increasingly used to predict groundwater levels, with local models for single monitoring wells currently being state of the art. Global models enable training and forecasting at…

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Advancing towards an astronomically-calibrated Devonian timescale: Harmonizing cyclostratigraphies between Europe and North America
David De Vleeschouwer1

Astronomical insolation forcing is well established as the underlying metronome of Quaternary ice ages and Cenozoic climate changes. However, its effects on earlier eras (Mesozoic, Paleozoic, and pre-Cambrian) are less…

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Aeolianites of the Detfurth Formation (Middle Buntsandstein, Lower Triassic) in the Hessian Depression: spatial distribution and stratigraphic affiliation with regard to modern stratigraphic concepts and use in applied geosciences
Nicola Hug-Diegel

This talk focusses on the Detfurth Formation of the Hessian Depression and aims to point out a modern way of subdividing the sedimentary record, serving as a profound basis in…

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Age differences between separate magma pulses in two laccoliths (Halle Volcanic Complex): insight into processes of silicic magma formation
Arkadiusz Przybyło1, Anna Pietranik1, Christoph Breitkreuz2

The Halle Volcanic Complex includes several laccoliths emplaced during Carboniferous-Permian flare-up (Breitkreuz & Kennedy, 1999). Previous dating of the laccoliths yielded a range of ages from 301±3 Ma (Landsberg) to…

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Age-depth model derived from borehole logging and seismic data – sedimentological evolution of Lake Ohrid (North Macedonia/Albania) for the last 1 million years
Arne Ulfers (1), Christian Zeeden (1), Bernd Wagner (2), Sebastian Krastel (3) & Thomas Wonik (1)

To understand the evolution of lake basins, a robust age-depth model is essential. Usually, such model is created based on core material using various dating techniques (e.g. radiometric dating, magnetostratigraphy,…

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Age, origin and tectonic controls on rapid Pleistocene exhumation of the Sibela Mountains, Bacan, Indonesia
Juliane Hennig-Breitfeld1, Robert Hall2, Lloyd T. White3, H. Tim Breitfeld1, Marnie A. Forster4, Richard A. Armstrong4, Barry P. Kohn5

The Sibela Mountains of Bacan island in eastern Indonesia contain one of the Earth’s youngest metamorphic complexes, now exposed at elevations up to 2000 m. Exhumed basement consists of Permo-Triassic…

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AGNES – Automated generalisation/derivation of geological spatial data
Marc Filip Wiechmann1, Susanne Glück1

Until now, the BGR’s geological general map series of different scales were not connected to each other in terms of data technology. Accordingly, the GK1000 (Geological Map of the Federal…

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Airborne geophysical investigation of former opencast lignite mining areas using machine learning and other techniques
Olaf Josafat Cortes Arroyo1, Bernhard Siemon1, Silvio Janetz1, Marcus Fahle1, Elisabeth Schönfeldt1

As part of project D-AERO Finsterwalde, the “Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe” (BGR) carried out an airborne geophysical study in a former opencast lignite mining area in summer 2021. The…

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Al, Si interdiffusion in Al-bearing bridgmanite under lower mantle conditions: Analytical TEM study
Laura Czekay1, Nobuyoshi Miyajima1, Catherine McCammon1, Daniel Frost1

Diffusion studies in minerals are a fundamental tool for understanding the rheological properties of Earth’s mantle. Previous theoretical studies on deformational strain rates show that the key mechanism for deformation…

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Alchemy in Mannheim? – Mineralogical and chemical analysis of 17th-18th century technical ceramics and lead glazed earthenware.
Marcel Frenken1, Roland Schwab2, Silvia Amicone1, Christoph Berthold1, Klaus Wirth3, Susanne Greiff4

This presentation focuses on technical ceramics from various early Modern dumping contexts ranging from a well to latrine and surface fills within in the former city walls of Mannheim. Additionally…

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Alkali depletion as a trigger for degassing of hydrous melts in magma injection processes
Patricia Louisa Petri1, Anja Allabar1, Marcus Nowak1

The injection of mafic magma into a hydrous felsic magma chamber is a potential trigger mechanism for bimodal explosive volcanism. Contact of hot mafic magma with cooler, H2O-rich rhyolitic magma…

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Along-strike variations in the timing of exhumation in the eastern Peruvian Andes
Sarah Falkowski, Todd A. Ehlers

Different controls and couplings between tectonics and climate-driven erosion have been suggested to explain the topographic and structural architecture of the Andes. One aspect of controversial discussions is the late…

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Alpine and Variscan peak pressures of different rock types from the Adula Nappe (Central Alps) determined by Raman spectroscopy of quartz inclusions in garnet
Olga Brunsmann1, Marisa Germer1, Alexandra Pohl2, Victoria Kohn3, Vincent Könemann1, Xin Zhong1, Timm John1, Jan Pleuger1

The Adula nappe in the Swiss-Italian Central Alps is a continental basement nappe from the former European margin that was subducted to depths indicating (ultra)-high-pressure conditions. Many studies were performed…

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Alpine Hydrogeology
Sass, Ingo; Schäffer, Rafael

This session is thematically broad and include all topics related to research on the hydrosphere of alpine regions of the world both in humid and arid climate. We welcome contributions…

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Alpine lithospheric strength and its relation to seismicity distribution
Cameron Spooner(1,2), Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth (1,3) & Mauro Cacace (1)

Despite the amount of research focused on the Alpine orogen, different hypotheses still exist regarding varying seismicity distribution patterns throughout the numerous crustal blocks of different physical properties that comprise…

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Alteration of basalt mineral surfaces at hydrothermal conditions: Insights into reaction mechanics during solid-fluid interactions.
Mathias Peter1, Hannah Rose Babel2, Steffen Leth Jorgensen2, Wolfgang Bach1, Andreas Luttge1

The analysis of solid-fluid interactions in nature is crucial for our understanding of material fluxes and sub-surface stability. However, there is still a significant quantitative and qualitative difference between dissolution…

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Alterations at the post-Variscan nonconformity: implications of Permo-Carboniferous surface weathering and burial diagenesis (Sprendlinger Horst, Germany)
Fei Liang (1), Jun Niu (2), Adrian Linsel (1), Matthias Hinderer (1), Dirk Scheuvens (1) & Rainer Petschick (3)

The post-Variscan nonconformity formed due to the denudation of the Variscan orogen which had taken place between Devonian and early Permian. The widespread post-Variscan nonconformity in central Europe represents an…

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Aluminium is Now Critical – Enabling UNFC-Compliant Classification for a German Aluminium Scrap Recovery Project
Marina von Vietinghoff-Scheel1, Nathalie Korf1, Thorsten Greb2, Vera Susanne Rotter1

The United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) is an assessment tool for mineral resource endowments, originally developed for side-projects concerning geogenic resources, such as mines. Given the integration of…

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Ambiguity of provenance studies in complex source-to-sink settings – sediment recycling, basement exhumation and signal mixing in the Schilfsandstein (Central European Basin)
Matthias Franz1, Sebastian Niegel1, Karsten Obst2, Armin Zeh3

Provenance studies in the Central European Basin are challenged by the complex geology of source areas. The Variscan orogen represents a puzzle of Cadomian terranes, Variscan-aged domains and Palaeozoic sediments…

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Amelogenesis and tribosphenic molars: patterns and variation.
Ivan Horacek (1), Pavla Hanouskova (1) & Anna Kallistova (2)

The tribosphenic molar presents phylotypic stage of the mammalian dental evolution. A study of its enamel microarchitecture in several clades (Chiroptera, Afrosoricida, Eulipotyphla, Didelphomorhia, Cetartiodactyla) revealed, apart of considerable taxon-specific…

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An anatectic model for albite-spodumene pegmatites from the Austroalpine Unit (Eastern Alps)
Tanja Knoll (1), Benjamin Huet (1), Ralf Schuster (1) & Heinrich Mali (2)

Albite-spodumene pegmatite are considered to be the product of extreme fractionation of melts or fluids deriving from large alkaline granite intrusions. Anatectic melts deriving from partially molten metasediments are in…

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An archive of many hats: speleothems for coupled climate and ecosystem reconstructions
Franziska Anna Lechleitner

Speleothems are secondary cave carbonate deposits and an established terrestrial paleoclimate archive. Moreover, they have the potential to record conditions in the ecosystem overlying the cave, particularly the vegetation and…

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Sauropterygia was a taxonomically and ecomorphologically diverse clade of Mesozoic marine reptiles spanning the Early Triassic to the Late Cretaceous. Sauropterygians are traditionally divided into two groups representing two markedly…

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An assessment of geothermal energy potential for power generation in Iran
Mirmahdi Seyedrahimi-Niaraq1, Reza Taherdangkoo2, Faramarz Doulati Ardejani3

Energy generated from geothermal systems is a good alternative to non-renewable fossil fuels and plays an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Geothermal energy is generated from the inner…

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An ecological assessment of southern Alaska through observations of floristic change, fire regime and volcanism.
Sophie Carter McSherry1, Dr Lauren Jade Davies1, Dr Matthew Adesanya Adeleye1

Defining patterns of environmental or ecological change on different spatio-temporal scales is key to tracking and addressing present and future biodiversity changes, which is particularly important considering the rapidly changing…

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An example of continuous plutonism during orogenesis – The emplacement of the Bassiès pluton in the central Pyrenees (SW-France)
Stephan Schnapperelle1, Michael Stipp1, Mandy Hofmann Zieger2, Johannes Zieger2, Ulf Linnemann2

The Axial Zone of the Pyrenees represents a window into the Variscan evolution of the northern Gondwana margin. One enigma of this evolution is the origin of the many and…

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An initial circum-Atlantic database of pre-Mesozoic zircon ages – towards more detail in past sediment routing
Andreas Gärtner1, Anja Sagawe1, Mandy Zieger-Hofmann1, Johannes Zieger1, Ulf Linnemann1

The number of zircon age studies being published from all regions of the planet is consistently growing, as is for continental or global zircon ages databases. Unfortunately, a considerable amount…

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An initial circum-Atlantic database of pre-Mesozoic zircon ages – towards more detail in past sediment routing
Andreas Gärtner1, Anja Sagawe1, Mandy Zieger-Hofmann1, Johannes Zieger1, Ulf Linnemann1

The number of zircon age studies being published from all regions of the planet is consistently growing, as is for continental or global zircon ages databases. Unfortunately, a considerable amount…

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Beatrice Boese1, Silvia Amicone1, Emma Cantisani2, Frerich Schön3, Christoph Berthold1

This presentation gives an overview of the advantages combining thin-section optical petrography with X-ray microdiffractometry (µ-XRD2) and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) for the analysis of well…

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An introduction to Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Tools – Project Manager Suite
Nick Schüßler, Jewgenij Torizin, Michael Fuchs

Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Tools – Project Manager Suite (LSAT PMS), an open-source, user-friendly program written in Python developed and released at the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)….

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Analogue studies for potential geothermal reservoirs in the Ruhr district, Germany: What can we expect?
Felix Jagert1, Adrian Immenhauser2, Stefan Wohnlich3

Deep geothermal power plants are baseload-capable and can serve as substitutes for fossil fuel power plants. In the Ruhr region of Germany, a densely populated area with high energy demand,…

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Analyses of geophysical borehole data of Prees-2 (England) as part of the ICDP JET project
Katharina Leu, Thomas Wonik, Christian Zeeden

In the end of 2020, an approx. 650 m deep core was drilled at Prees in Shropshire, England, as part of the ICDP project JET (Integrated Understanding of the Early…

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Analysing Pleistocene tunnel valleys to assess the impact of future glaciations on the long-term safety of radioactive waste repositories
Anke Bebiolka1, Sonja Breuer1, Vera Noack1, Jörg Lang1

Future glaciations are considered as a major challenge for the long-term safety of repositories for highly active radioactive waste, which has to be assessed for up to one million years….

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Analysis of changes of the vegetation condition on the area of the closed Prosper Haniel mine using multispectral satellite and drone images.
Marcin Pawlik1, Maik Gellendin2, Bodo Bernsdorf3, Tobias Rudolph3

Mining and post-mining processes have a significant impact on the environment. An important current task and challenge is therefore the continuous monitoring of mining areas. The project „Digital Twin –…

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Analysis of continent-scale geological maps
Anke M. Friedrich

Geological maps are important products of geological work that display results of generations of field geologists’ work. Most original geological maps are generated and utilized at local scales. At regional…

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Analysis of fluid migration pathways in the context of CO2 underground storage in the German North Sea using high-resolution 3D and 2D seismic data
Niklas Ahlrichs1, Axel Ehrhardt1, Michael Schnabel1, Arne Fuhrmann1, Heidrun Stück1

For successful and safe underground CO2 storage, a profound knowledge of the subsurface and its geological structures characterizing the selected reservoir is essential. Besides robust geological models and storage capacity…

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Analysis of surface displacements caused by mine flooding for the project FloodRisk with SAR Interferometry
Markus Even1, Malte Westerhaus1, Hansjörg Kutterer1

During the last decades, one hard coal mine in Germany after the other stopped production and entered the post-mining phase. The last pits that terminated active mining were Ibbenbüren and…

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Analysis of surface displacements caused by mine flooding for the project FloodRisk with SAR Interferometry, GNSS and Levelling
Markus Even1, Malte Westerhaus1, Daniel Schröder2

After operation of hard coal mines has been terminated in Germany, many of the mines are being flooded. In the project “FloodRisk: Earthquakes, uplift, and long-term liabilities – risk minimization…

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Analysis of surface karst phenomena in Devonian carbonates in North Rhine-Westphalia – context to geothermal exploration
Manfred Heinelt1, Mathias Mueller2, Adrian Immenhauser2

The deep geothermal reservoir potential in North Rhine-Westphalia was assessed in Devonian carbonates (Massenkalk) in the Steltenberg Quarry in Western Germany. The karstification phenomena of the carbonates were recorded utilising…

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Analysis of the spatial distribution of low permeability layers on high-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage
Stefan Heldt1, Sebastian Bauer1

High-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage (HT-ATES) is a heat storage technology utilising the subsurface, which can reduce greenhouse gas emissions in renewable-dominated heating sectors. Since the temperature difference between the…

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Analytical methods used in the analysis of red iron pigments – opportunities and limitations
Kamila Splinter1, Zofia Lendzion-Bieluń1

The purpose of this study was to investigate the chemical composition of red iron pigments based on waste iron sulfate. As a model waste, waste iron(II) sulfate from Grupa Azoty…

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Analyzing the susceptibility for coastal and submarine landslides and their potential to trigger tsunami waves
Katrin Dohmen1, Anika Braun1, Tomás M. Fernandez-Steeger1

Tsunamis generated by submarine or coastal landslides are a growing area of scientific interest. Events like the 2018 tsunami in Palu, Indonesia, have highlighted their destructive potential. Landslides can generate…

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Andean uplift and consequences for species evolution in the Amazon drainage basin
Carina Hoorn1

The Neogene uplift of the Andes strongly influenced environments, geography, and climate through time. In combination with global climate, sea level change and dynamic topography, this process (re)shaped the biogeography…

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Anhydrite deposits – A paleo-archive for tectonic and sedimentary processes in evaporites
Melanie Siegburg1, Alexander Malz1

The lower parts of the evaporite cycles of the Zechstein Formation within the North German Basin comprise large deposits of several 10 to 100 meters thick sulphates, intercalated with carbonate,…

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Anisotropy of the mica rich lithologies in the north-western Tauern Window (Eastern alps, Austria)
Dustin Lang1, Michael Stipp1, Rebecca Kuehn1, Rüdiger Kilian1

Anatomy and internal structure of the Alpine orogen are difficult to decipher as structural information is usually limited to surface and seismic data. Seismic results very much depend on the…

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Anoxia – Driver of the Late Permian Mass Extinction in shallow marine basins?
Anja Frank1, Stephen Grasby2, William Foster1

The Late Permian mass extinction (LPME) was the most catastrophic extinction of marine life during the Phanerozoic. Widespread marine deoxygenation associated with the eruption of the Siberian Traps is considered…

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Antarctic sea ice reconstructions: pros and cons of highly branched isoprenoids as sea ice proxies
Nele Lamping1, Wee Wei Khoo1, Juliane Müller1,2, Oliver Esper1, Thomas Frederichs2, Christian Haas1

The reconstruction of past Antarctic sea ice coverage through the application of diatom assemblages is often hampered in near coastal environments due to silica dissolution effects. The more recently established…

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Anthropogenic Contributions to and Environmental Implications of the rare earth element flux into the Baltic Sea from major rivers in Poland
Addis Kokeb Alemu1, Keran Zhang2, David Ernst2, Michael Bau2

The ever-increasing application of rare earth elements and yttrium (REY) in diverse sectors has led to their emergence as environmental contaminants. In this study of the Oder and Vistula rivers…

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Anthropogenic Gadolinium and Other Emerging Contaminants in the Southern North Sea and the Elbe, Ems and Weser Estuaries
Dennis Krämer1, Katja Schmidt1, Franziska Klimpel2, David Ernst2, Erika Kurahashi2, Sophie Paul3, Andrea Koschinsky2, Michael Bau2

In the last decades, many trace elements that were hitherto only used as geochemical proxies gained societal and economic importance due to their increasing use in high-technology applications including medicine…

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Application of Automated Scanning Electron Microscope Analysis on Fluvial and Glaciofluvial Sands
Kai Bachmann1, Sophia Rütters2, Dirk Sandmann3

Brandenburg’s surface geology predominantly consists of Quaternary sediments, with sequences averaging 50 to 80 meters (locally up to 500 meters) in thickness. Research up to 2008 on heavy mineral composition…

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Application of digital media and interactive technologies in popular palaeontology education
Tong Bao (1,2), Hongyi Liu (2), Takashi Ito (2) & Katarzyna S. Walczyńska (2,3)

As an important component of natural science education, popular palaeontology education developed rapidly worldwide. Traditional offline public lectures, guide tours and peripheral products represent the main implementations. With the appearance…

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Application of in-situ U-Pb-He double-dating on detrital zircons – an example of Alpine sediments from the Inn river and its tributaries
Falko Malis, István Dunkl, Hilmar von Eynatten

In-situ U-Pb-He double-dating of detrital zircon provides information regarding formation and cooling ages of source rocks. Its advantage over conventional dating methods is the unique ability to obtain a high…

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Application of isotopes to study groundwater surface water interactions in the German Lusatian mining district – a first characterization
Paul Königer1, Anne Gaedeke1, Maike Gröschke1, Silvio Janetz1

The hydrology and hydrogeology of the German Lusatian mining district has strongly been impacted by open pit lignite mining. During active mining, mines are dewatered to lower the groundwater tables…

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Application of the UNFC to illustrate the management of phosphorous in sewage sludge
Soraya Heuss-Aßbichler1, Juan Antonio Munizaga Plaza1, Iman Dorri1, Bhagya Yajasinghe1, Alireza Sobouti1

The United Nations Framework for the Classification of Resources (UNFC) is a generic tool that can be used for all types of resources, including anthropogenic resources. Compared to the primary…

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Application of U-Pb LA-ICP-MS dating to unravel climate evolution and surface processes
Richard Albert1, Axel Gerdes2, Eduardo Campos3, Juan Cristóbal Ríos Contesse3, Aline Zinelabedin4, Benedikt Ritter4, Volker Wennrich4, Tibor Dunai4

Geochronological tools may play an important role in understanding the coupled evolution of biosphere and Earth surface processes. Intermittent wet periods in arid and hyper-arid environments drive mineral precipitation and…

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Applications in 3D Geological Modelling
Lehné, Rouwen Johannes (1); Baumberger, Roland (2); Steuer, Stephan (3)

Over the last decades, 3D geological modelling has become a standard in hydrocarbon exploration and production, has been adopted and is developing towards a systematic effort by geological surveys, and…

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Applications of fallout plutonium at the University of Cologne to resolve Anthropocene Earth (sub-)surface processes
Joel Mohren1, Steven A. Binnie1, Erik Strub2, Stefan Heinze3, Tibor J. Dunai1

Anthropogenic fallout radionuclides (FRNs), in particular 137Cs, are frequently measured to investigate Anthropocene sediment or soil particle redistribution patterns and rates. However, applications of 137Cs can be complicated due to…

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Applications of virtual reality to Geoscience
Claudia Ruiz-Graham

Field trips are essential for geologists and engineers to develop interpretation skills and to get a sense of scale. Unfortunately, attendance to field trips has become less frequent due to…

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Applied Metadata – The Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration HMC
Andrea Pörsch1, Emanuel Söding2, Kirsten Elger3

Metadata, i.e. ‚data about data‘, are fundamental for making research data findable, usable and understandable by researchers and all interested parties now and in the future. Moreover, with the advent…

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Applied mineralogy for sustainable use of materials
Claudia Weidenthaler1

Adapting nature offers a wide variety of opportunities to create advanced materials in the laboratory that find their templates in natural minerals. Materials, which are nowadays gaining increasing importance, are…

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Applying astrochronology to reconstruct sedimentation rate and time from downhole logging data at Lake Chalco, Central México
Mehrdad Sardar Abadi, Christian Zeeden, Arne Ulfers, Katja Hesse & Thomas Wonik

Understanding the evolution of lower latitude climate from the most recent glacial period of the latest Pleistocene to post glacial warmth in the continental tropical regions has been obstructed by…

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Applying coupled numerical model in the design of ATES facility in a contaminated urban environment
Maximilian Dörnbrack1, Chaofan Chen2, Holger Weiß1, Haibing Shao1

Within the KONATES project, an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) system is planned in the scientific park of Leipzig, where the groundwater is contaminated with chlorinated volatile organic compounds (Cl-VOCs)….

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Approach for the development of a radon potential map for the Darmstadt area
Anastasia Vogelbacher1, Rouwen Lehné1,2, Eric Petermann3

Radon (Rn)is a naturally occurring, radioactive gas that is considered an indoor air pollutant. Due to its negative effects on human health, a Germany-wide „Radon Potential Action Plan“ was implemented…

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Approaches to Sustainably Develop the Subsurface Potential for Storage and Disposal
Wippich, Max (1); Raith, Alexander (1); Popp, Till (2); Henk, Andreas (3); Müller, Birgit (4)

To accomplish the energy transition, new methodologies and technical solutions for the storage of renewable energies need to be developed. A fundamental challenge lies in the fact that energy production…

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Aquatic biomonitors and biomarkers reveal temperature and environmental changes during the Thirty Years‘ War: A case study from Bad Waldsee, Germany
Paula Echeverría-Galindo1, Thorsten Bauersachs2, Kim Krahn1, Antje Schwalb1, Matthias Hinderer3

The Thirty Years‘ War (1618-1648) had significant consequences for both human populations and natural ecosystems in Europe. To gain a better understanding of its impact on the local aquatic environment,…

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Arc duration controls crustal thickness and lava composition: implications for the detrital zircon record

The continental crust was formed predominantly by magmatism at subduction zones. Peaks in the age distribution of detrital zircons derived from the continental crust have been interpreted to indicate that…

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Archaean greenstone belts of the Singhbhum Craton, India–windows into early Earth
Jaganmoy Jodder1, Axel Hofmann2

Archaean greenstone belts offer the opportunity to study the dynamic conditions on early Earth. The Singhbhum Craton of India hosts several volcano-sedimentary greenstone sequences that preserve Archaean rocks locally exceeding…

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Archaeometry – tracing the past human footprint with geosciences
Thilo Rehren1

Recent debates around the recognition (or otherwise) of an Anthropocene, and the impact of climate change on the human experience emphasize the fact that ‘we humans’ are an integral part…

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Architecture of Subducted Rifted Continental Margin and Dynamics of Early Collision
Iskander Muldashev1, Thorsten Nagel1

The transition from subduction to collision marks a pivotal geological transformation as tectonic plates cease their subduction, giving rise to intense collisions that reshape landscapes and foster the creation of…

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Are magnesium stable isotopes a valuable geochemical tool in agronomy?
David Uhlig1, Bei Wu1, Anne Berns1, Wulf Amelung2

A sustainable use of soil resources is urgently required to cope with the increasing demand for agricultural products. Advanced soil cultivation methods like subsoiling were suggested but analytical tools to…

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Are molluscs a reliable archive for stable isotope paleo-temperature reconstructions? Implications from dual clumped isotope thermometry
Vanessa Schlidt1, David Evans2, Niels de Winter3, Miguel Bernecker1, Amelia Jane Davies1, Iris Arndt1, Philip Tauxe Staudigel1, Mattia Tagliavento1, Wolfgang Müller1, Jens Fiebig1

Shell carbonates of marine molluscs are a widely used archive for paleo-environmental reconstructions. However, their use for temperature reconstructions may be impeded by species-specific vital effects and/or a lack of…

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Are we sharing our data and software yet? Community, tools, incentives – and flexibility
Shelley Stall

The culture around sharing our data and software is evolving. Funders are starting to provide more clarity and requirements. Institutions are working to provide support and incentives. And journals are…

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Aridification in the terrestrial record: A case study from the Nullarbor Plain of southern Australia
Maximilian Dröllner1, Milo Barham1, Christopher L. Kirkland1, Martin Danišík2, Julien Bourdet3, Maike Schulz4, Aspandiar Mehrooz5

The Nullarbor Plain in southern Australia is an extensive treeless area (ca. 200,000 km2), almost devoid of surface water, reflecting the modern expression of Plio-Pleistocene aridification. The rapid climatic shift…

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Artificial clay mineral alignment during sedimentation and early compaction
Dustin Lang1, Rebecca Kuehn1, Rüdiger Kilian1

The formation of crystallographic preferred orientations (CPO/texture) in sediments is often attributed to rigid grain rotation of minerals and aggregates, plastic-brittle deformation and dissolution-precipitation processes. Especially, clay minerals have a…

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Shrawani Shagun Jha

Geological hazards or Geohazards, natural or human-induced disruptions of the earth surface that may trigger landslides, sinkholes, or earthquakes, present serious threats to communities, cost extensive damage to infrastructure and…

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Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences
Liesch, Tanja (1); Broda, Stefan (2)

With its successful application in diverse disciplines, Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially Machine Learning, has recently also become more and more popular in geosciences, particularly in the advent of increasingly affordable…

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Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences: Time for a paradigm shift
Gunnar Lischeid

Geosciences face a dramatic increase of high quality data as well as of powerful artificial intelligence approaches. These new techniques, however, have mostly been limited to applications to pre-existing research…

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Artificial neural networks acting as geothermometer for reservoir temperature estimation
Mark Vollmer, Lars Helge Yström, Fabian Nitschke, Thomas Kohl

The application of geothermometry has been used for the last six decades for geothermal reservoir temperature estimation. A steady evolution of conventional geothermometers to multicomponent tools as well as application…

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Asbestos detection in buildings to prevent contamination of the recycling material stream
Sophie Friedrich1, Martin Hönig1, Hans-Dieter Bossemeyer1, Sandra Giern2

The BMBF-funded research project “RECBest” aims at developing reliable methods for the detection and removal of hazardous building materials before demolition and at enhancing the resulting recycling material (RCM) through…

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Asbestos in construction waste – presence and recognition of asbestos containing materials
Jan Schaumann1, Martin Hönig2, Hans-Dieter Bossemeyer3, Christine Achten4

Construction waste (CW) from demolished buildings delivers a vast amount of resources for recycling material (RCM). RCM can be used as gravel, recycling-concrete or potentially for more precious applications. Hazardous…

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Asian Potash Occurrences in Central Asia
Christian Fritze1, Christoph Stoltenberg1, Andreas Jockel1, Sebastiaan van der Klauw1

Two significant potash-bearing basins occur within Central Asia. The Pricaspian Basin refers to an approximately 600 km wide (east-west) structure at the northern end of the Caspian Sea. This structure…

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Asphalt formation at the seafloor of the Campeche-Sigsbee salt province, southern Gulf of Mexico
Gerhard Bohrmann1, Miriam Römer1, Chieh-Wei Hsu2, Thomas Pape1, Yann Marcon1, Ian MacDonald3, Paul Wintersteller1

Hydrocarbon seepage is widespread distributed at the southern Gulf of Mexico. During several research cruises in 2003, 2006, and 2015 (SO174, M67/, and M114) we used multidisciplinary approaches, including multi-beam…

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Assemblage of Reference Data Sets for Claystone and Crystalline Rocks as Host Rocks for a Nuclear Repository in Germany
Matthias Helbig1

Aim of the project is the collection of data sets of solid material and groundwater physical and chemical properties for suitable host rocks such as claystone and various crystalline rocks….

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Assessing and improving the groundwater quality monitoring network of the State of Brandenburg, Germany
Florian Jenn1, Patrick Wieder1, Silvia Dinse1, Tania Birner2, Ute von Daacke2

The project “Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network Improvement 2021/2022” aimed to assess and improve the groundwater quality monitoring network of the Environmental Agency of the State of Brandenburg, Germany. This comprised…

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Assessing diagenetic stability of enamel bioapatite oxygen isotope compositions by alteration in isotopically enriched tracer solution
Thomas Tütken1, Katrin Weber1, Hubert Vonhof2, Michael Wiedenbeck3

Oxygen isotope compositions in enamel bioapatite are considered as robust proxy archives for ingested drinking water, body temperature and physiology of fossil vertebrates. However, only few alteration experiments have tested…

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Assessing Eocene hydrological pattern by reconstructing seasonally enhanced fluvial discharge into marginal seas
Jorit F. Kniest1, David Evans1, Amelia Davies2, Jens Fiebig2, Jonathan A. Todd3, Julia D. Sigwart4, Wolfgang Müller1, Silke Voigt1, Jacek Raddatz1

Shifts in the hydrological cycle, such as the location and magnitude of seasonal precipitation, are changing as a result of current climate change. The Eocene, as the warmest epoch during…

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Assessing sediment accumulation at inundated anthropogenic marshland in the southern North Sea: Using turbidity measurements and particle tracking
Ingo Jürgen Hache (1), Sebastian Niehüser (2), Volker Karius (1), Arne Arns (3) & Hilmar von Eynatten (1)

New approaches to coastal protection measures become increasingly important to protect for or to mitigate sea level rise (SLR) worldwide. Measures that involve only the heightening of dykes or revetments…

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Assessing the belemnite archive for Mesozoic seawater temperature reconstruction by clumped isotope thermometry
Amelia Jane Davies1, Philip Staudigel1, Mattia Tagliavento1, Gregory Price2, Miguel Bernecker1, Julia Brugger3, Jens Fiebig1

The reconstruction of Mesozoic seawater temperature is valuable to further understand the link between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and earth surface temperature variation. Belemnites are an effective archive for this…

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Assessing the Efficiency of Phytogeochemical Mineral Exploration
Lucija Dujmović1, Solveig Pospiech2, Jörg Matschullat3

Vegetation cover poses a significant challenge in geological surveys. Utilizing plant chemistry to detect underlying geological features offers a non-invasive exploration tool. Here, we employ a novel approach in biogeochemical…

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Assessing the potential impact of fractures on heat extraction from tight Triassic reservoirs in the West Netherlands Basin
Quinten Diede Boersma (1), Pierre Olivier Bruna (1), Stephan de Hoop (1), Francesco Vinci(2), Ali Moradi Tehrani (3) & Giovanni Bertotti (3)

Heat production from low permeability reservoirs is believed to be significantly aided by the presence of open natural fractures (e.g. Upper Rhine Graben). However, in hot sedimentary aquifer studies these…

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Assessing the role of microbes and the chemical conditions necessary for the formation of microbialites
Karim Benzerara1, Jeanne Caumartin1, Robin Havas2, Christophe Thomazo2, Miguel Iniesto3, Purificacion Lopez-Garcia3, David Moreira3, Elodie Duprat1

Microbialites are organosedimentary deposits formed by benthic microbial communities that mediate mineral precipitation. They have received particular attention since they are found throughout the geological record up to 3.43 billion…

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Assessing the spatiotemporal evolution of sulfate and iron concentrations in groundwater by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR): from lab experiments, to reactive transport modeling to field observations
Mehdi Gharasoo1, Adrienne Dietzmann1, Thomas Hiller1, Maike Gröschke1

In recent decades, mining-related activities in the Lusatian lignite mining area have led to an extensive pyrite weathering, contributing thereby to the elevation of sulfate and iron concentrations in the…

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Assessment of Eger Rift subsurface microbial communities showcases archaeal and bacterial processes driven by mantel derived CO2 degassing and regular seismic events.
Daniel Lipus1, Zeyu Jia1, Alexander Bartholomaeus1, Robert Bussert2, Dirk Wagner3, Jens Kallmeyer1

Seismic activity and consistently high CO2 fluxes make the Eger Rift in Western Bohemia (CZ) a rare subsurface ecosystem and scientifically relevant location to study microbial behavior and assess how…

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Assessment of High Temperature Aquifer Storage Potential in Depleted Oil-Reservoirs from the South German Molasse Basin
Ulrich Steiner, Florian Bauer, Katharina Schätzler, Kai Robin Stricker, Eva Schill

In the discussion about the future role of geothermal in the energy transition policy, the topic of underground heat storage became recently more and more prominent. High Temperature Aquifer Storage…

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Assessment of hydrogeochemical processes in two potential HT-ATES reservoirs in Berlin using core analysis, laboratory experiments and geochemical modelling
Lioba Virchow1, Simona Regenspurg1, Ali Saadat1

While the share of renewable energy in the electricity sector is steadily increasing, it has stagnated in the heat supply, despite the fact that in Berlin, for example, more than…

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Astronomical calibration of the Early Jurassic Sinemurian Stage based on cyclostratigraphic studies of downhole logging data of the Prees-2 borehole, England (ICDP JET Project)
Katharina Leu1, Christian Zeeden1, Arne Ulfers2, Micha Ruhl3, Stephen Peter Hesselbo4, Thomas Wonik1

In late 2020, an approximately 650 m long core was drilled at Prees within the Cheshire Basin, England, as part of the ICDP project JET (Integrated Understanding of the Early…

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Astronomical climate forcing of ~2.5 Ga banded iron formations
Margriet L. Lantink (1), Joshua H. F. L. Davies (2,3), Rick Hennekam (4), Frederik J. Hilgen (1), David McB. Martin (5), Paul R. D. Mason (1), Gert-Jan Reichart (1,4) & Urs Schaltegger (2)

Large-scale banded iron formations (BIFs) were deposited during Neoarchean to early Paleoproterozoic and have been mainly linked to hydrothermal plume activity and the rise of oxygen in the ocean and…

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Astronomically forced sphalerite growth circulation in the Upper Mississippi Valley District, USA
Mingsong Li & Hubert Barnes

Groundwater plays an essential role in global water cycles via feedback between groundwater and climate systems. However, the geologic history of groundwater activity remains unclear due to limited data. Sphalerite…

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Asymmetric river incision records the Quaternary uplift of the Rhenish Massif
Philipp Balling1, Silvia Kolomaznik1, Christoph Grützner1, Kamil Ustaszewski1

The topography of the Rhenish Massif is known to be affected by Late Cenozoic uplift. Recent GNSS studies imply surface uplift rates of up to 1 mm/a, likely controlled by…

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Atacama Desert soils as potential habitat for life at the extreme dry limit
Ramona Mörchen1, Eva Lehndorff2, Roland Bol3, Erwin Klumpp3, Franko Arenas-Diaz4, Humay Rahimova2, Barbara Fuentes4, Wulf Amelung1

In the soils of the Atacama Desert its evolutionary history is buried and thus memorized. This is because of the extreme and prolonged dryness, which enabled the preservation of organic…

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Atmospheric Dynamics of a Near Tidally Locked Earth-Size Planet
Stephen Kane1

The discovery and characterization of Earth-sized planets that are in, or near, a tidally-locked state are of crucial importance to understanding terrestrial planet evolution, and for which Venus is a…

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Au analysis by pressed-powder-pellets (PPP)-LA-ICP-MS
Clifford G.C. Patten1, Aratz Beranoaguirre1, Simon Hector1, Dominik Gudelius2, Jochen Kolb1

Analysis of Au in geological materials has been proven useful for understanding geological processes related to the formation of various Au-rich ore deposits. However, the Au concentration in the source…

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Authority, Identity and Ethics of Data Re-publication and Duplication
Lesley Wyborn1, Kirsten Elger2, Jens Klump3, Kerstin Lehnert4, Mingfang Wu5

Today, research data is widely available in digital form, datasets are easily accessible online and the dataset creator should consider it advantageous as this leads to greater uptake. However, the…

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Automated heavy mineral analysis of silt-sized sediment by artificial-intelligence guided Raman Spectroscopy
Nils Keno Lünsdorf1, Jan Ontje Lünsdorf3, Gábor Újvári2, Hilmar von Eynatten1

Compositional data on heavy minerals is fundamental in sedimentary provenance analysis. Typically, this data is gathered by optical microscopy and more recently, by mineral chemical analysis (MLA, QEMSCAN) or Raman…

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Automatic classification of benthic foraminifera for biomonitoring studies
Tobias Walla1, Christine Barras2, Emmanuelle Geslin2, Louis Lanoy2, Jean-Charles Mazur3, Camille Godbillot3, Ross Marchant3, Thibault de Garidel-Thoron3

Living benthic foraminifera are used as environmental proxies to evaluate the quality of marine ecosystems. This evaluation is usually based on diversity indices and/or on a group of indicative species…

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Automatisation of sparse cloud cleaning in Agisoft Metashape Professional (ver. 2.x)
Joel Mohren1, Maximilian Schulze1

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has recently published a guideline for processing coastal imagery acquired by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) based on the widely used Agisoft Metashape Professional software (USGS…

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Back to the future: silicate weathering through time and space

On geological timescales, Earth’s climate is closely linked to the silicate weathering feedback through the coupled silica-carbon cycles. Weathering of silicate minerals on land sequesters atmospheric CO2. This process is…

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Balancing the oceans alkalinity budget by physical weathering of carbonate rocks
Gerrit Müller, Jack Middelburg & Appy Sluijs

Alkalinity, the excess of bases over acids, is a frequently used conservative variable in Biogeochemistry and Oceanography to calculate carbonate system parameters and estimate the oceans susceptibility to acidification. On…

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Barite precipitation was associated with low temperature hydrothermal venting in the 3.2 Ga Mapepe Formation, Barberton Greenstone Belt
Paul Mason (1), Desiree Roerdink (2) & Dylan Wylmeth (3)

Sulfate minerals are rare in the geological record prior to 2.2 Ga. This is consistent with prevalent anoxic conditions in the Earth’s surface environment prior to the great oxidation event,…

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Basaltic Dykes and xenoliths from the Kiama-Gerroa Region, New South Wales, Australia
Samar Usamah Abu Shamma (1), Ian Graham (1), Paul Lennox (1) & Glen Bann (2)

Multiple dykes situated along the southeastern Australian coastline from south of Kiama to Gerroa were examined in detail. The results of geochemical analysis indicate the dyke’s composition varies from sub-alkaline…

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Basalts from the intratransform domain at the Doldrums Megatransform (7-8° N MAR) reveal mantle re-melting
Camilla Sani1, Alessio Sanfilippo2, Felix Genske3, Sergey Skolotnev4, Marco Ligi5, Andreas Stracke3

In the Equatorial Mid Atlantic Ridge at 7-8°N the Doldrums Fracture Zone (FZ) is located: a complex transform system characterized by four ‘intratransform’ ridge segments (ITRs) bounded by five active…

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Basic implementation for a 3D-viewer with web technology
Michael Wolf, Rüdiger Reimann, Silvia Dieler, Jennifer Ziesch

The presentation of 3D-data is gaining a crucial role for the government agencies in Germany. With the introduction of new federal laws on data storage and release, it became important…

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Battery metal exploration targets in the Erzgebirge from stream sediment geochemistry and mineral predictive mapping with self-organizing maps
Andreas Brosig, Andreas Barth, Peggy Hielscher, Claus Legler, Stefan Schaefer, Peter Bock, Andreas Knobloch

A 50-element stream sediment geochemistry survey with a sample density of one sample per km² shows anomalies for a number of high technology metals, including Sn, W and the battery…

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Behavior of chemically zoned acicular mullite fibers annealed at high temperature
Yohei Igami1, Johannes Birkenstock2, Reinhard X. Fischer2, Hartmut Schneider2

The synthetic analogue of the rare mineral mullite (solid solution VIAl2IV[Al2+2xSi2-2x]O10-x) is widely used in ceramics as “3/2-mullite” (x~0.25), whereas single crystals grown from melt are “2/1-mullites” (x~0.4) [1]. The…

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Behaviour of metals in the geothermal fluid system of the Upper Rhine Graben: Lithium
Michèle Jungmann, Benjamin Walter, Elisabeth Eiche, Tobias Kluge, Dominik Gudelius, Jochen Kolb

In order to increase the economic potential of geothermal power plants in view of environmental protection and sustainability, there are considerations to extract critical raw materials (CRM), such as lithium,…

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Behind the scenes of the TCEs: what we are talking about and why
Montserrat Filella1

TCEs stands for technology-critical elements, a group of chemical elements for which imbalances between supply and demand exist or are considered likely to exist. The concept is economic and geopolitical…

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Belemnites as an archive for the seawater lithium isotope composition: Evidence in the belemnite rostrum for large vital effects
Sandra J. Huber1, Vanessa Schlidt1, H.-Michael Seitz1, Horst R. Marschall1, Silke Voigt1

The lithium isotopic composition of the seawater (δ7Li) can be used as a proxy for silicate weathering. So far, different archives like planktonic foraminifera, brachiopods, mollusks and bulk carbonates have…

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Benthic sources for dissolved inorganic carbon in the North Sea: A stable isotope perspective
Michael E. Böttcher1, Cátia M. Ehlert von Ahn1, Carla K.M. Nantke1, Antonia Schell1, Donald E. Canfield2, Andreas Neumann3, Abdul M. Al-Raei4, Vera Winde1, Iris Schmiedinger1

Marine sediments may act as a sink for carbon. Substrate and electron donor availabilities, sedimentology, as well as biological activity may influence the carbon cycling, impacting the release of TA…

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Besucher aktiv werden lassen: Angewandte Paläontologie zur Wissenschaftskommunikation
Ulrich Kotthoff1, Lioba Thaut1, Julia Pawlowski2

Ökosystem- und Klimaänderungen sind äußerst aktuelle und brisante Themen, die bei einem großen Teil der Bevölkerung auf breites Interesse stoßen. Bei der Unterscheidung zwischen anthropogen beeinflussten und rein natürlichen Änderungen…

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Beyond isotope proxies: employing triple oxygen isotope systematics in the water cycle and in chemical sediments as quantitative tool
Daniel Herwartz1, Claudia Voigt2, Mohammed El-Shenawy1, Katharina Deussen1, Swea Klipsch1, David Bajnai3, Michael Staubwasser1, Carsten Münker1

Carbonate classic and clumped isotope ratios (δ18O and Δ47) are used to reconstruct paleotemperature. However, kinetic isotope effects (KIE) induce a bias on absolute temperature reconstructions. High precision δ17O measurements…

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Bias evaluated structural and probabilistic subsurface modelling: a case study of the Münsterland Basin, NW Germany
Marius Pischke1,2, Alexander Magnus Jüstel1,2, Frank Strozyk1, Peter Kukla1,3, Florian Wellmann2

The analysis of uncertainties in the description of the subsurface is an important aspect for resource exploration and material storage. Because of the complexity of the subsurface and an often…

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Big Data in Geoscience – How to approach our largest challenge of today?
Jürgen Grötsch1

In the past decades, the amount of digital subsurface and geoscience data has grown exponentially, and many companies and government organizations are dealing nowadays with Petabyte-scales of data, still growing…

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Biogenic processes of methane production and oxidation along thermokarst lake to lagoon transitions
Susanne Liebner1, Sara E Anthony2, Knoblauch Christian3, Kallmeyer Jens4, Strauss Jens5, Yang Sizhong4

Thermokarst lagoons form at the terrestrial-marine interface when thermokarst lakes, hotspots for Arctic methane emissions, erode onto the Arctic shelf. Thermokarst lagoons are dynamic environments with seasonal ice build-up and…

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Biogeochemical influence on water quality by efficient phosphorus retention in pH-neutral open-cast mining lakes
Björn Grüneberg1, Brigitte Nixdorf2, Jacqueline Rücker2, Thomas Gonsiorczyk3, Michael Hupfer3, Wilfried Uhlmann4, Dirk Sailer4, Yvonne Hillecke4, David Kneis5, Thomas Petzoldt5, Ina Hildebrandt6, Adrian Horn6

Empirical trophic models (Vollenweider-type) are one of the basic „tools of the trade“ in management of natural and artificial lakes. They are not applicable to open-cast mining lakes (PML) because…

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Biogeochemical processes in saline siliciclastic aquifers due to Aquifer thermal energy storage
Tatjana Kliwer1, Martin Gitter1, Ferry Schiperski1, Julia Mitzscherling2, Thomas Neumann1

Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) is a highly promising technology for storing excess energy due to its high storage capacity and small surface footprint. Despite its numerous advantages, planning, approval,…

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Biogeographic patterns of benthic foraminifera in contourite drift systems of the Atlantic Ocean
Anna Saupe1, Johanna Schmidt1, Jassin Petersen1, André Bahr2, Patrick Grunert1

Benthic foraminifera inhabit diverse marine environments, including areas of persistent bottom currents and contourite drift deposition. Certain highly adapted epibenthic foraminifera colonize contourite deposits as opportunistic suspension feeders. A correlation…

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Biohydrometallurgy for Cobalt and Nickel recovery from laterites: project BioProLat
Stefanie Hetz1, Srdjan Stankovic1, Mirko Martin2, Frank Haubrich2, Simon Goldmann1, Herwig Marbler1, Reiner Neumann3, José Luciano Stropper4, Axel Schippers1

Laterite ore deposits in Brazil and other tropical countries contain approximately 70% of the world’s Ni and Co resources. High energy and/or reagent costs, accompanied by expensive equipment costs, are…

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Biohydrometallurgy for Cobalt and Nickel recovery from laterites: project BioProLat
Stefanie Hetz1, Srdjan Stankovic1, Mirko Martin2, Frank Haubrich2, Simon Goldmann1, Herwig Marbler1, Reiner Neumann3, José Luciano Stropper4, Axel Prof. Dr. Schippers1

Laterite ore deposits in Brazil and other tropical countries contain approximately 70 % of the world’s Ni and Co resources. High energy and/or reagent costs, accompanied by expensive equipment costs,…

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Bioionflotation: A promising approach for recycling of metals from industrial wastewaters
Mital Vivek Chakankar1, Katrin Pollmann1, Sabine Kutschke1, Martin Rudolph1

Ion flotation process offers a sustainable way to separate and recycle critical metals from industrial wastewaters that often have low concentrations of target metals. There is a high demand for…

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Bioleaching of Rare Earth Elements from Primary Resources using Heterotrophic Organisms
Debby Schmidt1, Uwe Altenberger1, Sabine Kutschke2

Rare earth elements (REE) are essential for various modern „green“ technologies. However, conventional mining and extraction methods for REEs are energy-intensive, environmentally harmful, and call for the evaluation of alternative…

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Biologic agents mediating matter-flow inside the porous igneous oceanic crust, Vesteris Seamount, Greenland Sea
Hinrich Schmid-Beurmann1, Magnus Ivarsson2, Wolfgang Bach3, Wolf-Achim Kahl4, Jörn Peckmann1

Microorganisms within the lithosphere are biologic agents settling in niches inside the terrestrial and oceanic crust, populating the extreme environments of the deep biosphere. The fossil record of the permeable…

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Biological productivity in the Southern Ocean across the Eocene-Oligocene transition
Gabrielle Rodrigues de Faria1,2, Volkan Özen1,2, David Lazarus1, Ulrich Struck1,2, Johan Renaudie1, Gayane Asatryan1

The Eocene-Oligocene transition (EOT, ~34Ma) marks a dramatic climate change and carbon cycle perturbation in the Cenozoic. Understanding the variations in export productivity associated with EOT provides important information about…

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BioMetArchive – Subsurface biosphere metagenomics along the 1 Ma sedimentary archive of ferruginous Lake Towuti, Indonesia
Fatima Ruiz Blas1, Jens Kallmeyer1, Cynthia Henny2, James Russell3, Aurèle Vuillemin1

Lake Towuti, Indonesia is a stratified ferruginous (iron-rich, sulfate-poor) system whose deep basin experienced dynamic changes in trophic and redox conditions since the Middle Pleistocene. As wet and dry periods…

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Biomineralization processes in low-temperature, shallow-water hydrothermal vent at Tagoro submarine volcano, El Hierro Island (Central East Atlantic)
Blanca Rincón-Tomás1, Francisco Javier González2, Luis Somoza2, James R. Hein3, Teresa Medialdea2, Esther Santofimia2, Egidio Marino2, Pedro Madureira4

A novel hydrothermal system was discovered at the summit of the underwater Tagoro volcano at 89–120 m depth after the 2011–2012 eruption, characterized by the low-temperature venting of Fe-rich fluids…

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Blocks of fault-bounded imbricate stacks of Devonian limestones, a diagnostic field-criterion for a predominantly tectonic origin of chaotic rock fabrics in the Harz Mountains (Eastern Rhenohercynian Belt, Germany).
Carl-Heinz Gerd Friedel1, Edmund Lars Cunäus2, Julia Kreitz3, Bernd Leiss4, Michael Stipp5

The distinction between sedimentary and tectonic processes in the formation of chaotic rock units is especially difficult in orogenic belts, where sedimentary structures are usually strongly overprinted by tectonic deformation…

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Borehole Gressenich BK1: new insights into the early Mississippian Kohlenkalk Platform of the Aachen region, Germany
Sven Hartenfels1, Martin Salamon1, Oliver Heß1

The early Mississippian of the Aachen region is characterized by a tropical shallow-water carbonate succession, the so-called Kohlenkalk Platform. Establishing a second phase of intensive carbonate production, it follows on…

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Boron isotope fractionation in subducting oceanic crust
Jie Xu1, Horst Marschall1, Axel Gerdes1

The boron stable isotope ratio is employed to investigate fluid-rock interaction processes in subducting slabs and the slab–mantle interface. Two groups of subduction-related rocks were collected from Syros (Greece): the…

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Boron isotopic analysis of Oceanic deposits as a recorder of Continental emergence in the Archean
Avishai Abbo1, Horst Marschall1, Axel Gerdes1

The onset of plate tectonics on Earth brought about rapid accumulation of continental crust, and the transition of continental crust from being mostly submarine to mostly subaerial. Tracking the timing…

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Boron isotopic composition in cold-water corals determined by LA-ICP-MS
Grit Steinhoefel1, Christoph Held1, Kristina Beck1, Gernot Nehrke1, Marlene Wall1

In this study, we present B isotopic data for cold-water corals at high spatial resolution determined by UV femtosecond laser ablation system coupled to a Nu Plasma II MC-ICP-MS. Boron…

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Boron isotopic fractionation in subducted oceanic crust
Jie Xu1, Horst Marschall1, Axel Gerdes1, Alexander Schmidt1

Subducted oceanic crust plays an important role in controlling the chemical budget of the crust and mantle and in the composition of arc lavas. Oceanic eclogites represent fragments of oceanic…

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Building a depositional model and life that inhabited it
Michael Hall1, Patricia Vickers-Rich1, Peter Swinkels1, Thomas Rich2

Neoproterozoic Nama Group sediments in SW Namibia provide an example of the interplay between the deposition of clastics and carbonates that do not obviously follow the “rules” of sequence stratigraphy….

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Building Earth
Audrey Bouvier1

Studies of meteorites and samples returned from space missions bear the chemical and physical records of planetary formation processes. Mass-independent isotopic anomalies measured in planetary materials indicate two separate accretion…

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Burggraf-Bernsdorf – transformation of a potassium mine to a UGS facility
Hagen Feldrappe

The potassium mine Burggraf-Bernsdorf was established between 1911 and 1913. It was situated at the southwestern flank of the Roßleben saddle (Sachsen-Anhalt) and belonged to the “Unstrut Kalirevier”. About 300.000…

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Buried hydrothermal alteration zones create mechanical weaknesses within lava domes; the case of Merapi volcano, Central Java, Indonesia
Valentin R. Troll1, Thomas R. Walter2, Herlan Darmawan3, Michael J. Heap4, Claire E. Harnett5, Frances M. Deegan1, Nadhirah Seraphine6, Harri Geiger7, Daniel Müller2

Catastrophic lava dome collapse is considered an unpredictable volcanic hazard because the physical properties, stress conditions, and internal structure of lava domes are not well understood. To better explain the…

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C-O-H-S fluids released by subducted serpentinite and the implications for arc-magma oxidation
Wenyong Duan1, Hans-Peter Schertl1, Arne P Willner1

Serpentinites are able to carry H2O, ferric iron, carbon and sulfur into subduction zones, where they stepwise released fluid during dehydration. These C-O-H-S fluids are intimately linked to magma oxidation…

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Calcined clays: Innovative production of cost-effective and sustainable supplementary cementitious materials

Calcined clays are promising sustainable alternative materials for cement production. By calcining natural clay minerals (usually 600–900 °C), they become reactive and can be used as a partial replacement for…

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Calcium sulphate-rich wedges in the subsurface indicating salt dynamics in alluvial-fan deposits from the Atacama Desert
Aline Zinelabedin1, Benedikt Ritter1, Svenja Riedesel2, Joel Mohren1, Tony Reimann2, Tibor J. Dunai1

Subsurface wedges are common geomorphological structures in periglacial environments typically associated with polygonal patterned grounds on the surface. Their presence is an indicator for cryogenic processes in the subsurface resulting…

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Can REE-enriched carbonatites be mapped from space?
Veronika Kopackova-Strnadova1, R. Johannes Giebel2, Vladislav Rapprich1, Tomas Magna1

Rare Earth elements (REE) belong to the most strategic materials of the 21st century with steadily growing economic importance. PRISMA, the hyperspectral satellite data, is used for the very first…

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Can we characterize groundwater reservoirs in central Europe from air pressure induced seismic velocity changes?
Richard Kramer1, Yang Lu1, Götz Bokelmann1

Given the increasing challenges posed by climate change, especially more frequent and severe droughts experienced globally, effective exploration and management of groundwater resources is essential to ensure a sustainable and…

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Capacity building on UNFC by the EU ICE SRM
Meta Dobnikar1, Janne Hokka2, Antje Wittenberg3, Snježana Miletić1

The European Critical Raw Materials Act, which entered into force on 23 May 2024, brought a need for reporting of the critical raw materials projects by the Member States to…

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Capturing CO2 by olivine weathering in facade plaster
Maximilian Berndsen1, Rauno Baese2, Katharina Alms3

The building and construction sector accounts for a significant proportion of current anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Reducing the carbon footprint of building materials is difficult because some process-related CO2 emissions cannot…

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Carbon Cycling at the Dawn of the Cenozoic
Michael J. Henehan1, James Barnet2, Boriana Kalderon-Asael3, Volkan Özen4, Pincelli Hull3, Noah Planavsky3, Andy Ridgwell5, James Rae2, James Witts6, Kate Littler7, Sarah Greene8, Ellen Thomas3, Mathis Hain9, Friedhelm von Blanckenburg1

The Paleocene – the first epoch of the Cenozoic (66–56 Ma) – spans numerous notable climatic and biogeochemical phenomena. In the oceans, the Paleocene saw the drawn-out recovery of calcifying…

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Carbonate aquifers for thermal energy storage: A critical analysis of clogging and scaling using temperature-controlled batch and column experiments
Alireza Arab1, Leonie Gabler1, Martin Binder2, Traugott Scheytt1

Throughout the past two decades, aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) has grown increasingly into focus as a suitable geo-energy storage method. In this context, many carbonate aquifers are useable for…

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Carbonate microfacies and transgressive-regressive cycles of Oxfordian shallow-water limestones (Korallenoolith, Lower Saxony Basin)
Deyan Zhang, Stefan Huck, Ulrich Heimhofer

During the Oxfordian stage, the Lower Saxony Basin (LSB) was covered by a shallow epicontinental sea (Ziegler 1990), in which a thick succession of marine limestones and marls was deposited….

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Carbonate replacement sulfide mineralization in the Kupferschiefer district (Saale subbasin, Eastern Germany)
Mohammed S. Mohammedyasin1, Joseph M. Magnall2, Sarah A. Gleeson1, Hans-Martin Schulz2, Anja M. Schleicher2, Richard Wirth2, Anja Schreiber2, Bodo-Carlo Ehling3

The Kupferschiefer districts in Central Europe contain some of the world’s largest sediment-hosted stratiform Cu deposits. The fine-grained sulfides are hosted by the Rotliegend sandstone (S1), organic matter-rich Kupferschiefer (T1)…

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Carbonates or carbonatites? Examples of alkaline silicate plutonic xenoliths from volcanoclastic rocks in the Eifel, Germany
Maria Sitnikova1, Sindern Sven2, Kramm Ulrich2

Plutonic xenoliths in volcaniclastic rocks from the Laacher See (LS), East Eifel and the Rockeskyller Kopf Volcanic Complex (RKVC), West Eifel, were studied. They show different ways of magmatic carbonate…

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Carbonatites and alkaline rocks
Marks, Michael A.W. (1); Walter, Benjamin F. (2); Giebel, R. Johannes (3)

This session thematizes the formation, evolution and economic importance of carbonatites and alkaline rocks. These play an important role for our society, as they contain exceptional high levels of critical…

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Carbonatites do not exist in vacuum: carbonatite–rock interactions from experiment and nature, and implications for REE mineralisation
Michael Anenburg

The igneous nature of carbonatites has been controversial for decades until experimental work in the 1960s and 1970s conclusively showed that carbonatite melts can exist in geologically reasonable conditions. The…

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Case studies on the role of orbital forcing in Cretaceous greenhouse climates
Sietske J. Batenburg1

The Cretaceous was characterised by a greenhouse climate with high sea levels, resulting in its famous carbonate-rich strata which often present a remarkable rhythmicity. Orbitally-forced cyclic sedimentation patters have been…

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Case study at a model site „Green Economy Park“ in Bremerhaven, Germany „Luneplate“: High resolution 3D subsurface models in flow modeling with a focus on climate resilience
Katherina Seiter1, Björn Panteleit1, Sina Julius1

The Luneplate in Bremerhaven consists largely of nature reserves and bird sanctuaries. The soils have a thick alluvial clay horizon. Climate change threatens the region through seasonal heavy rain events,…

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CaSO4 crust as potential habitat for microbial life in the extreme hyperarid Atacama Desert and their reciprocal effects
Lina Raffelsiefen1, Aline Zinelabedin1, Benedikt Ritter1, Helge Mißbach-Karmrodt1, Christine Heim1, Tibor J. Dunai1

The Atacama Desert is one of the most extreme landscapes and environments on Earth. Due to its predominant hyperarid climate and high UV radiation, life is mostly absent. Prolonged aridity…

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Cave monitoring of La Vallina Cave (NISA): Imprint of seasonality on δ13CDIC, δ18O and trace elements and the implications for speleothems
Oliver Kost1, Saul Gonzalez Lemos2, Laura Endres1, Heather Stoll1

A cave monitoring sets the basis of speleothem studies. It helps to understand changing cave conditions on seasonal scale and site-specific geochemical differences such as hydrological conditions and heterogeneities in…

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CDGP- a gateway to geothermal data in Alsace
Marc Schaming1, Mathieu Turlure2, Marc Grunberg2, Jean Schmittbuhl1

The CDGP [https://cdgp.u-strasbg.fr], Data Center for Deep Geothermal Energy, was created in 2016 by the LabEx G-Eau-Thermie Profonde (continuing now in ITI GeoT) [https://geot.unistra.fr/], to archive the high-quality data collected…

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Celebrating thirty years of virtual outcrops: status and perspectives
Simon J Buckley1, John A Howell2, Nicole Naumann1, Kari Ringdal1, Joris Vanbiervliet1, Conor Lewis1, Magda Chmielewska2

Thirty years ago, scientists from the Technical University of Denmark and University of Bergen published 3D outcrop acquisition and processing methods for large-scale vertical cliff sections in Greenland (Dueholm &…

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Cementation rates of detrital platform carbonates and sequence stratigraphic implications
Thomas Mann1, Hildegard Westphal2

Different views exist on the prevalent processes that control transport and deposition of detrital platform carbonates in a sequence stratigraphic framework. While some models indicate that meteoric cementation during sea-level…

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Cenozoic evolution of the Icelandic Plume and its influence upon the topographic evolution of Northwest Europe
Nicky White

The Icelandic mantle plume is probably the largest convective upwelling on Earth. It is generally agreed that its growth and evolution have had a significant influence on the geologic and…

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Cenozoic fault development in the central segment of the Upper Rhine Graben: Constraints from 3D-seismic data north of Karlsruhe (SW-Germany)
Jens Carsten Grimmer1, Florian Bauer1, Lars Houpt1, Thomas Hertweck1, Eva Schill1

The Cenozoic graben filling is currently investigated for heat storage potentials (DeepStor-project). The structural model based on 3D-seismic and borehole data constrains the geometry and sedimentary thicknesses of potential reservoirs…

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Cenozoic Mass Transport Deposits in the Northern Dutch Offshore: Anatomy and Implications revealed by HiRes Seismic Mapping
Alex Marks (1) & Guido Hoetz (2)

Recent high resolution 3D seismic reflection data allowed to map Late Cenozoic Mass Transport Deposits (MTD) in great detail. These deformation structures in Miocene/Pliocene sediments are linked to the Eridanos…

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Challenges and approach to a geological 3-D modeling workflow to identify potential areas for a repository for high-level radioactive waste
Julia Rienäcker-Burschil, Christian Buxbaum-Conradi, Standortauswahl Team

In 2020, the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE) published the Sub-areas Interim Report, identifying areas with favorable geological conditions for a deep repository site for storage of high-level radioactive waste…

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Challenges and opportunities for lithium extraction from geothermal systems in Germany
Valentin Goldberg1, Fabian Nitschke1

The growing lithium demand and the dependence on poorly diversified oversea sources point towards a high strategic importance of domestic resources. Furthermore, potentially lower CO2 emissions and reduced areal use…

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Challenges in developing a transboundary groundwater model for the water stressed capital region of Berlin-Brandenburg
Bertram Monninkhoff1, Kerstin Kernbach2, Ulrike Hoermann2, Johannes Birner2, Felix Moehler3, Malte Kalter3

Higher temperatures and increasing droughts are likely to lead to a reduction in available water resources in the Berlin-Brandenburg region. Concurrently, there is an increasing demand for water due to…

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Challenges in the determination of highly accurate experimental mineral-melt partition coefficients
Cordula Haupt1, Stephan Klemme1, Andreas Stracke1, Christian Renggli1, Jasper Berndt1, Martijn Klaver1, Sabrina Schwinger2

Partition coefficients (D) depend on temperature, pressure, redox conditions, and on the chemical composition of solid and liquid. Trace element modeling of evolution of the Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) rely…

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Chances and challenges of digitization in the mineral resources management in developing countries, examples from Mongolia
Thekla Abel1, Otgonbaatar Altanbasan2, Batbayar Jargalsaikhan2, Thomas Spehs3

Mongolia is a sparsely populated, resource-rich country with a wide range of different mineral deposits and mining activities in size and quality of operation, distributed over a vast area of…

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Changes in palynofacies and organic geochemistry as indicator for marine ingressions in the German Wealden
Fritz-Lukas Stoepke1, Annette E. Götz2, Martin Blumenberg3, Julia Gravendyck4, Jochen Erbacher3, Roberto Pierau2, Robert Schöner2, Ulrich Heimhofer1

New palynological and geochemical data from the KB Rehburg-2 core covering the German Wealden (W1-4) illustrate the unique development of this depositional setting. Despite the temporary isolation of the Lower…

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Changes in precipitation during the last 420 kyr in northern Central America as recorded by Lake Petén Itzá, Guatemala
Rodrigo Martinez-Abarca1, Liseth Perez1, Thorsten Bauersachs2, Alex Correa-Metrio3, Steffen Kutterolf4, Frederik Schenk5, Antje Schwalb1

Lake Petén Itzá, Guatemala, is one of the oldest lakes in northern Central America. Its sedimentary record contains the signal in precipitation variability of the last four interglacial-glacial cycles (420-14…

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Changing carbonate budgets and the maintenance of coral reefs and reef islands
Chris T Perry

The ecology and structure of many tropical coral reefs have altered markedly over the past few decades. Drivers of this degradation range from direct local damage from destructive human practices…

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Characterisation of rock salts of Schleswig-Holstein
Berit Lehrmann1, Patrick Ahlers1, Christof Liebermann1

Rock salt is a valuable commodity for the food and fertiliser industries. It is also used as a host for artificial underground structures, such as caverns. As part of Germany’s…

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Characteristics and inhibition of microbial induced corrosion and biofilm formation by thermal shocks under in-situ conditions in a geothermal heat-storage plant in Neubrandenburg (Germany)
Christoph Otten1, Sebastian Teitz2, Tobias Lienen3, Anne Kleyböcker4, Hilke Würdemann1

Geothermal facilities in the North German Basin are frequently affected by corrosion and scaling due to high salinity as well as microbial induced corrosion. To study biofilm formation, corrosion processes…

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Characterization and Selection of Prospective CO2 Storage Sites in the North German Basin for Direct Air Capture Technology
Yifan Xu1, Mrityunjay Singh2, Márton Pál Farkas2, Cornelia Schmidt-Hattenberger2

The North German Basin (NGB) is known for its capacity for geological storage applications. However, due to limited data availability, the data first needs to be collected from different sources…

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Characterization of Devonian-Carboniferous shelf-basin deposits of the South Tuscan Palaeozoic and their supposed correlations with global palaeoenvironmental perturbations
Hubert Engelbrecht1

The working area is situated in the Monticiano-Roccastrada Zone, an interfering metamorphic core complex of Tertiary age – constituent of the Mid Tuscan Ridge – , where subduction-related, blueschist facies…

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Characterization of Natural Hydrogen Systems in Serpentinization Environments
Rodolfo Christiansen1

A specialized workflow incorporating two innovative computing algorithms has been developed to understand and quantify natural hydrogen generation through the serpentinization of ultramafic rocks. This approach integrates geological, geophysical, structural,…

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Characterization of pore space in sandstone using the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility
Julius Schenk1, Agnes Kontny1, Benjamin Busch1, Ilner Khasanov2, Hagen Steger1

The pore space in siliciclastic rocks is one of the most important petrophysical properties in reservoir rock characterization. Of particular interest is the 3D distribution of pore space and permeability…

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Characterizing sediment dewatering and fluid flow in accretionary systems – A rock magnetic approach on the example of IODP Site U1518
Annika Greve (1), Myriam Kars (2), Mark J. Deckers (1) & Michael Stipp (3)

The dewatering and subsequent drainage of fluids from porous sediments in forearc regions control the frictional behavior of the plate boundary décollement and all other faults in the forearc. Site…

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Chasing strong seismic reflections in the basement of a giant gas accumulation – the Norwegian Troll mystery
Nicola Kerstin Möller1, Christian Gram1, Hartmut Hubertus Schütt1

The crystalline basement below the giant Norwegian Troll field has been subject to research and publication for many decades. Still no well bore has penetrated the deep crystalline basement. An…

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Chatseis data acquisition: Combination of seismic reflection imaging and full-waveform inversion for glacial overdeepened valleys

The DFG-funded project Chatseis (BU3894/3-1, KO6375/2-1) intends to combine high-resolution seismic reflection imaging and full waveform inversion (FWI) for better understanding of overdeepened valleys. By combining both methods, we expect…

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Chemical and mineralogical characterization of Li- and Mn-bearing slags to increase the recycling efficiency of lithium from lithium-ion-batteries (LIB)
Marko Ranneberg1, Torsten Graupner1, Simon Goldmann1

Within the framework of the BMBF-funded project „PyroLith“ (FKZ: 03XP0336C), which deals with the recovery of lithium from NMC-type LIB via a combined pyro- and hydrometallurgical process route, two slag…

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Chemical composition and petrography of recent type 1 and 2 carbonaceous chondrite falls
Frank Wombacher1, Imene Kerraouch2, Addi Bischoff3

We analysed the recent (2019 – 2021) brecciated carbonaceous chondrite falls Flensburg (C1), Tarda (C2,) Kolang (CM1/2), Aguas Zarcas (CM2), and Winchcombe (CM2) together with Murchison and Paris for their…

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Chemical interdiffusion in Na-rich alkaline melts: insights from tephrite-phonolite couple experiments
Diego González-García1, Florian Pohl1, Stepan P. Krasheninnikov1, Philipp Beckmann1, Harald Behrens1, François Holtz1

Although alkaline melts represent an important fraction of the magmatism in ocean islands, there is a lack of chemical diffusion data in such compositions. We present here the result of…

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Chemostratigraphy and heavy mineral assemblages as correlation tools for the Triassic Skagerrak Formation of the Central Graben in the Central North Sea

The Triassic Skagerrak Formation in the Central Graben of the North Sea is a fluvial-lacustrine succession that is historically difficult to subdivide in the subsurface into lithostratigraphic units, and to…

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Chert oxygen isotope ratios are driven by Earth’s thermal evolution
Michael Tatzel1, Patrick J Frings2, Marcus Oelze3, Daniel Herwartz4, N Keno Lünsdorf1, Michael Wiedenbeck2

The 18O/16O ratio of cherts (δ18Ochert) increases monotonically by ca. 15 ‰ from the Archean to present. As oxygen isotope fractionation in the silica-water system is temperature-dependent, this trend has…

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China’s future as a low carbon economy: The Chinese hard coal industry & renewable energies in perspective
Julia Tiganj

With the recently announced climate neutrality for the year 2060, there are plenty of questions in China about the future and the existence of the hard coal mining industry. With…

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Chronostratigraphy of Euramerican continental Late Pennsylvanian and Permian deposits – state of the art.
Joerg W. Schneider1, Spencer G. Lucas2, Ronny Rößler3, Sebastian Voigt4, Ralf Werneburg5, Frank Scholz5, Abouchouaib Belahmira6, Hafid Saber6, Steffen Trümper7, Frank Loecse3, Stanislav Opluštil8, Alexander Repstock9, Evelyn Kustatscher10, Ulf Linnemann11

The super-continent Pangea was characterised by strong continentality because of climatic change from an icehouse earth during late Pennsylvanian and early Permian via an increasingly warm earth during middle–late Permian…

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Chronostratigraphy of the late Ediacaran Urusis Formation, Nama Group, Namibia
Fred Toby Bowyer1, Collen-Issia Uahengo2, Maria Ovtcharova3, Ulf Linnemann4, Dan Condon5, Bontle Mataboge6, Rachel Wood7

The terminal Ediacaran Urusis Formation of the Nama Group (southern Namibia and northwestern South Africa) is a fossiliferous, mixed carbonate-siliciclastic succession with numerous silicified volcanic tuff interbeds. Studies of the…

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City-scale residential heating and cooling with Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES)
Ruben Stemmle1, Haegyeong Lee1, Philipp Blum1, Kathrin Menberg1

Achieving sustainable and climate-friendly space heating and cooling is essential to the energy transition. Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) is a promising technology to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared…

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Clay and basic understanding of burial diagenesis
Jūratė Vaznytė, Nicolaas Molenaar

Clay cements can occur pervasively throughout larger volumes of sandstone, thereby affecting the reservoir properties significantly. They affect irreducible water content and pore surface roughness. Moreover, any induced fluid or…

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Clay dissolution/re-precipitation drives extreme Li isotope fractionation during tropical weathering
Maria Chapela Lara1, Heather L. Buss2, Michael J. Henehan1, Jan A. Schuessler1, William H. McDowell3

Lithium isotopes are the best tracers of weathering intensity, but little is known about the processes that fractionate them in highly weathered settings, where secondary minerals play a dominant role…

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Clay mineral quantification in the Upper Cretaceous Emscher Formation – evaluating a potential hydraulic barrier during mine water rebound in the Ruhr District
Till Genth1, Jan Sessing2, Henning Jasnowski-Peters1, Christian Melchers1

The sealing potential of geological formations (“cap rocks”) plays an important role in long-term industry projects associated with mine water rebound, carbon sequestration and nuclear waste disposal. It is an…

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Clay Mineral Reactions and Transport in the Critical Zone
Paul A. Schroeder1

The expression “Rock+Acid+Water -> Clays+Ions+Bicarbonate” may seem simple, but it encompasses many complex processes working in the Earth’s Critical Zone (CZ). The SE United States Calhoun CZ Observatory (O) has…

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Clay minerals in the critical zone and links to climate change
Laurence Noel Warr1

This contribution uses a recently published global clay mineral inventory of the critical zone to assess how well clay mineral assemblages reflect climate. The relative abundance of the main clay…

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Cliff coast collapses driven by nested biological, astronomical and meteorological activity cycles
Michael Dietze, Kristen L. Cook, Luc Illien, Oliver Rach, Niels Hovius

Cliffs line many erosional coastlines. Localized failures can cause land loss and hazard, and impact ecosystems and sediment routing. Links between cliff erosion and forcing mechanisms are poorly constrained, due…

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Climate dynamics plays a key role in determining the Snowball bifurcation point on Earth
Georg Feulner1, Mona Bukenberger2, Stefan Petri1

One of the limits of planetary habitability of Earth and other water-rich planets relates to the instability with respect to global glaciation, a fundamental property of the climate system caused…

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Climate projections for the waterworks Lindau in Saxony-Anhalt as planning basis for proactive and sustainable catchment management
Felix Möhler1, Alexandra Pavlova1

The waterworks Lindau (Zerbst) are an important part of the interconnected system of drinking water supply in the region of Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. The pumped water is exclusively fed by…

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Climate, energy, raw materials and the sustainable development goals

Global population growth and prosperity will result in increased raw material- and energy consumption. Countries such as China, India and Russia likely achieve today’s European living standards and related raw…

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Climate, volcanoes, and tectonic activity – Their influence on the lower to middle Eocene paleoenvironment on the Sprendlinger Horst (Southwest Germany)
Maryam Moshayedi1, Olaf K. Lenz1,2, Jürgen Mutzl1, Volker Wilde2, Matthias Hinderer1

The Sprendlinger Horst represents the northern extension of the Odenwald basement which is flanking the Upper Rhine Graben to the northeast. Several small, isolated basins filled by lacustrine sediments of…

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Climatic controls on the ecological ascendancy of dinosaurs
Emma Dunne1, Lisa Schnetz2, Alexander Farnsworth3, Richard Butler2, Roger Benson4, Pedro Godoy5, Sarah Greene2, Paul Valdes3, Daniel Lunt3

The rise of dinosaurs during the Late Triassic was a pivotal event in the history of life on Earth, which led to them becoming dominant members of terrestrial ecosystems throughout…

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Climatic Fluctuations in the Early and Middle Copper Age – First Isotope Investigations at the Water Supply of Los Millares in SE Spain
Anorte Elisabeth Jakowski1, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau2, José Miguel Alonso Blanco3

The Copper Age fortification of Los Millares is located 15 km north of Almería in Andalusia. At least between 3,541 BC (+/- 92 years) and 2,591 BC (+/- 22 years)…

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Climatic Impact of the Little Ice Age on Sumatra, Indonesia
Franziska Schwonke1, Alexander Rohrmann1, Anne Bernhardt1, Katleen Wils2

The Little Ice Age was a period of colder climate and extended glaciation mainly observed in Europe and North America between the middle of the 14th and the end of…

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Closely-spaced carbonate replacement veins: the influence of external stress on focused fluid flow during carbonation of peridotite
Manuel D. Menzel1, Janos L. Urai1, Estibalitz Ukar2

The reaction of serpentinized peridotites with CO2-bearing fluids to listvenite (quartz-carbonate rocks) requires massive fluid flux and maintained permeability despite volume increase. Here we investigate listvenites and serpentinites samples from…

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Closing an Archean ocean over 350 Mill. years – the Age-Hf isotope record of granitoids from the Limpopo Belt and adjacent Pietersburg Block
Armin Zeh1, Maria Kirchenbaur2

The Limpopo Belt in southern Africa represents a high-grade gneiss terrane located between the Kaapvaal Craton to the south and the Zimbabwe Craton to the north, and is subdivided into…

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Co-variation of silicate, carbonate, and sulfide weathering drives CO2 release with erosion: Constraints from southern Taiwan
Aaron Bufe1, Niels Hovius1, Robert Emberson2, Jeremy Rugenstein3, Albert Galy4, Hima Hassenruck-Gudipati5, Jui-Ming Chang6

The supply of fresh minerals to Earth’s surface by erosion is thought to modulate global climate by removing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) through silicate weathering. In turn, weathering of accessory…

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CO2 storage potential of the Middle Buntsandstein in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the German North Sea
Arne Fuhrmann1, Stefan Knopf1, Niklas Ahlrichs1, Heidrun Stück1, Felix Kästner1, Hauke Thöle1, Gesa Kuhlmann1

The storage of CO2 in deeply buried geological formations provides an important contribution to mitigate residual emissions from heavy industry in order to limit global warming below 2 °C. Robust…

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Coastal Foraminiferal Assemblages along the southern coast of Oman: A biogeographic stepping stone for benthic foraminifera?
Yaroslav S. Trubin1, Mohamed Kamoun2, Martin R. Langer3

The shallow water ecosystems of Oman are subject to intense seasonal upwelling and unlike many other oligotrophic tropical areas, are impacted by strong, seasonal nutrient-rich eutrophic conditions. The environmental conditions…

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Collecting ‘Big’-data in sedimentary provenance analysis: An optimized workflow from sample preparation to analysis
Nils Keno Lünsdorf1, Jan Ontje Lünsdorf2, Gábor Újvári3, Lukas Wolfram4, Adrian Hobrecht4, Lothar Laake4, Hilmar von Eynatten1

For a robust interpretation in sedimentary provenance analysis studies (SPA) a combination of multiple methods is usually applied to a selected number of samples. To circumvent effects that perturb the…

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Collecting, sharing, and visualising harmonised data on European raw materials occurrences and mines – success or failure?
Špela Kumelj1, Lisbeth Flindt Jørgensen2, Frands Schjøth2, Andrej Vihtelič1, Blaž Bahar1, Katarina Hribernik1

Easy web access to useful and reliable mineral information for the whole of Europe is the main objective of the extension of the M4EU base in the GeoERA project Mineral…

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Colloidal transport and seasonal variations of technology critical elements in aquatic systems
Teba Gil-Díaz1, Elisabeth Eiche1

Technology critical elements (TCEs) are widely understudied in aquatic systems. Many unknowns particularly are linked to the mechanistic understanding of TCE transport mechanisms in contrasting river systems. In this work,…

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Combined 182W – 142Nd data for the Deccan Large Igneous Province and the role of crustal and lithospheric reservoirs
Josua J. Pakulla1, Jonas Tusch1, Arathy Ravindran1, Eric Hasenstab-Dübeler1, Mike W. Jansen1, Purva Gadpallu2, Raymond A. Duraiswami2, Carsten Münker1

Recently, high precision isotope measurements revealed anomalies of the short-lived 182W and 142Nd system in modern Ocean Island Basalts (OIBs) [1, 2]. These anomalies indicate the presence of an ancient…

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Combined analysis of H/V and passive seismic array measurements to investigate the shallow underground of the Quaternary Weser terraces south of Hamelin
Manuel Hobiger1, Christine Thiel1, Thomas Spies1, Koen Van Noten2, Martin Zeckra2, Aida Azari Sisi1, Andreas Steinberg1, Stefanie Donner1

The geology of the Weser river terraces to the south of Hamelin is characterized by Quaternary sediments, consisting of thin alluvium and several meters of sand and gravels, overlying the…

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Combined architectural-element and microfacies analyses in carbonate sedimentology: the intra-basin shoal complex of the Lower Muschelkalk (Rüdersdorf Formation, Anisian)
Fabian Käsbohrer, Matthias Franz

The layer-cake strata of the epeiric Anisian-Ladinian Muschelkalk are devoid of large-scale architectural elements, e. g. steep clinoforms of a progradional platform slope. This resulted in a simplified approach in…

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Combined architectural-element and microfacies analyses in carbonate sedimentology: the intra-basin shoal complex of the Lower Muschelkalk (Rüdersdorf Formation, Anisian)
Fabian Käsbohrer, Matthias Franz

The layer-cake strata of the epeiric Anisian-Ladinian Muschelkalk are devoid of large-scale architectural elements, e. g. steep clinoforms of a progradional platform slope. This resulted in a simplified approach in…

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Combined Fluorescence Imaging and LA-ICP-MS Trace Element Mapping ofStalagmites: Microfabric identification and interpretation
Jakub Sliwinski1, Heather Stoll2

Here, we map a series of stalagmites from Asturias, Spain, by laser ablation inductively-coupled-plasma mass spectrometry and confocal laser scanning (fluorescence) microscopy and discuss the origins of trace element and…

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Combining Observations and Reactive Flow Modeling to Investigate Lower Crustal Hydration – Insights from the Hustad Igneous Complex, Western Norway
Jasper M. Engelmann1, Johannes C. Vrijmoed1, Timm John1

The grain-scale mechanisms of hydration of mafic lower crustal rocks are investigated on chemical maps of continuous rock sections (20 x 2 cm) of partially amphibolitized samples from the Hustad…

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Combining petrological and remote sensing methods on hydrothermal products at Stefanos Crater (Nisyros)
Clara L. Nuszer1, Daniel Müller2, Alina V. Shevchenko2, Christoph Helo1, Paraskevi Nomikou3, Thomas R. Walter2

The Greek island of Nisyros, located in the Aegean Sea and part of the Cyclades Arc, is known for its hydrothermal alterations and phreatic explosions, forming the Stefanos crater. Sudden…

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Communication geosciences and higher education teaching
Junge, Malte (1); A. Fischer, Lennart (2); Hlawatsch, Sylke (3); Meschede, Martin (4)

Geoscientific questions are increasingly relevant in our daily life. However, the public awareness of geoscientific topics is very limited. Therefore, it is important to inverse the visibility of geoscientific challenges…

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Comparing data-driven landslide susceptibility mapping methods and the impact of modifying the study area and sampling method in the Hunza Valley (Pakistan)
Nick Schüßler1, Jewgenij Torizin1

We compared artificial neural networks (ANN), frequency ratio (FR), logistic regression (LR), and weights of evidence (WoE) for landslide susceptibility mapping in the Hunza Valley, Pakistan. We applied different data…

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Comparing lacustrine sedimentation rates and their response to climatic and environmental change
Christian Zeeden1, Luc Grandcolas1, Mathias Vinnepand1, Arne Ulfers1, Mehrdad Sardar Abadi1, Simona Pierdominici2, Thomas Wonik1

Continuous limnic archives may record millions of years of climatic and environmental change at their locality. Typically, such archives reflect environmental conditions in the lakes’ catchments, but also the imprint…

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Comparison and assessment of different radon potential maps for the federal state of Hesse, Germany
Jessica Daum1, Rouwen Lehné2, Andreas Henk1, Sebastian Huber3

With the new Radiation Protection Act, the EU member states are required to identify so-called „radon prone areas“. In Germany, the federal states are accounting for this task. An important…

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Comparison of high-resolution SIMS profiles with maximum resolution IRMS stable isotope data
Tobias Kluge1,2, Philipp Holz1, Elisabeth Eiche1, Thomas Neumann3, Alexander Land4,5, Maximilian Schuh2,6, Mario Trieloff2,7, Axel K. Schmitt2,7

High-resolution speleothem paleoclimate records with annual to seasonal resolution are helpful for detailed analysis of climatic changes with limited duration (e.g., volcanic climate impacts), but also for longer-duration events (e.g.,…

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Comparison of radon and thoron exhalation and emanation in granites from Central Portugal
Filipa P. Domingos1,2, Sérgio L. R. Sêco1, Alcides J. S. C. Pereira1,3

Thoron contribution to the inhaled dose is often neglected due to its shorter half-life and lack of strong gamma emissions that hinder its measurement. However, numerous studies report a significant…

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Complex ascent of mantle plumes in a phase-changing world
Anders Lillevang Vesterholt, Thorsten J. Nagel

Phase changes in the mantle have long been known to play a major role for convection in a one-component mantle. When considering cases with depleted ambient upper mantle and upwelling…

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Complex electronic, magnetic, and structural transformations in FeO
Xiang Li1, Elena Bykova2, Georgios Aprilis3, Denis Vasiukov3, Stella Chariton4, Valerio Cerantola5, Maxim Bykov4, Anna Pakhomova5, Fariya Akbar4, Elena Mukhina6, Davide Comboni5, Catherine Mccammon4, Aleksandr Chumakov5, Carmen Sanchez-Valle1, Leonid Dubrovinsky4, Ilya Kupenko1

Iron oxides are important materials for Geoscience but also for basic science and applied technologies (Kupenko et al., 2019). Iron monoxide is likely to be the final constituent of the…

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Composition and deposition of Early Eocene ashes in northern Germany
Karsten Obst1, Jörg Ansorge2, Heiko Hüneke2

North Atlantic rifting during the Palaeocene-Eocene was accompanied by explosive volcanic eruptions. These led to distribution of about 200 ash layers of mainly basaltic composition covering wide areas of NW…

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Composition and distribution of sedimentary organic matter in the distal Wealden facies (KB Rehburg-2) of the Lower Saxony Basin, Germany
Fritz Stoepke1, Ulrich Heimhofer1, Julia Gravendyck1, Martin Blumenberg2, Jochen Erbacher2, Annette E. Götz3, Roberto Pierau3, Robert Schöner3

New insights into the Lower Cretaceous sediments can be gained from a recently drilled core (KB Rehburg-2, Lower Saxony, Germany) covering 180 m of Berriasian strata. Stratigraphic assignment is based…

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Compositional-structural characterization of the Opalinus Clay: New data from core samples from the Mont Terri URL, Switzerland
Tilo Kneuker1, Reiner Dohrmann1, Kristian Ufer1, David Jaeggi2, Lukas Pollok1, Thomas Mann1, Bernhard Schuck1

Middle Jurassic Opalinus Clay (OPA) is considered as host rock for the disposal of heat-generating high-level radioactive waste. For the present study, samples from the Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland)…

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Compositions of hydrothermal vent fluids as a guide to subseafloor mineralization processes
Wolfgang Bach, Alexander Diehl

Studying active hydrothermal systems in the deep-sea provides unique opportunities for furthering our understanding of how polymetallic seafloor massive sulfide accumulations form. The possibility of sampling the ore-forming fluids that…

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Comprehensive Geophysical and Geological Analysis for Improved Geothermal Modeling: A Case Study of Schönbrunn/Eichigt Granite Complex, Saxony

Accurate geothermal reservoir modeling relies on a comprehensive understanding of subsurface properties. This study focuses on the Schönbrunn/Eichigt granite complex in Saxony, aiming to develop a detailed 3D model for…

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Computational Investigation on the Adsorption and Photodegradation of Glyphosate in its zwitterionic form on a Rutile (110) Titanium Dioxide Surface
Jakob Brauer1, Luca Gerhards2, Thorsten Klüner2

In times of steadily increasing demand for food due to the continuous growth of the world population, herbicides like glyphosate are heavily used to ensure the supply of crops all…

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Conceptual Change Research in Geosience Education
Dirk Felzmann1

Conceptual change research is an important field of science education research. This also applies to geoscience education (e.g. Guffey & Slater 2020). Despite the high importance of student conceptions for…

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Confocal Micro X-Ray Fluorescence for Spatial Analysis of Mineral Inclusions, Biomineralization Composites and Building Materials

Micro X-ray Fluorescence (MXRF) spectrometers enable non-destructive and elemental analysis of a wide variety of solid samples with a lateral resolution of a few tens of micrometers using focusing optics….

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Coniacian-Santonian ammonites from the Ilam Formation in the Zagros basin, west of Iran
Mostafa Aseh

The ammonites from upper Coniacian to middle to upper Santonian of the Siah-Kuh section in Zagros basin, west of Iran have been described and illustrated. Three ammonite species from the…

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Connection of sulfide species and sedimentary trace metal cycles in the Namibian shelf – implications for paleo-marine redox proxies
Sümeyya Eroglu1, Florian Kurzweil2, Florian Scholz3, Olaf Dellwig4, Harald Strauss1

The identification of redox-states and -cycling in the paleo-ocean is typically based on the application of geochemical proxies in the geological record. In particular total organic carbon (TOC) and total…

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Considering the potential chromite resources of Mirdita (Albania), Troodos (Cyprus) and Muğla (Turkey) ophiolites
Sima Akrami1, M. Junge1, F. Brandmiller1, M. Kaliwoda1, W.W. Schmahl1

Chromitites are economically relevant sources for chromium, and platinum-group elements (PGE). Since chromium is resistant to corrosion and abrasion, it is a vital item in stainless (74%), alloy steel markets…

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Constraining ore-forming processes of the sediment-hosted Dolostone Ore Formation copper-cobalt mineralization, northwestern Namibia: a sulfide trace element study
Viktor Bertrandsson Erlandsson1, Daniela Wallner1, Rainer Ellmies2, Frank Melcher1, Johann G. Raith1

Exploration was recently carried out on the sediment-hosted Dolostone Ore Formation (DOF) Cu-Co mineralization, in the Kunene Region of northwestern Namibia, in the pursuit of new sources of Co. Sharing…

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Constraining the heat transfer from convecting upper-crustal magma reservoirs to hydrothermal fluid flow systems
Philipp Weis1, Christine Andersen1

Heat transfer through the upper crust is primarily controlled by magma flow, heat conduction and hydrothermal fluid flow. The interplay between magma and fluid flow processes is essential for geothermal…

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Constraining the interplay of magmatic and hydrothermal processes during ore formation with numerical models
Yulia Gruzdeva1, Philipp Weis1

Future exploration for mineral resources will target greater depths and submarine settings, which is costly and technically challenging. For this development, numerical modeling can be used to identify the governing…

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Constraining the interplay of magmatic and hydrothermal processes during ore formation with numerical models
Yulia Gruzdeva1, Philipp Weis1

Magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits form our largest resources of Cu, Mo, Sn and W and are formed by fluids released from magmatic intrusions into a hydrothermal system within the country rock….

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Constraining the mantle sources of Italian magmatism through high field strength elements and 176Hf/177Hf
Alessandro Bragagni1, Filippo Mastroianni2, Carsten Münker3, Riccardo Avanzinelli2, Sandro Conticelli4

High Field Strength Elements (HFSE) are a powerful proxy to investigate specific processes occurring in complex magmatic settings. Being only little released by slab derived fluids/melts, HFSE are not easily…

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Constraining Volatile Element Loss Processes by Germanium Isotopic Investigations of Iron Meteorites
Elias Wölfer1, Christoph Burkhardt1, Thorsten Kleine1

The concentrations of Ge and other moderately volatile elements (MVE) in iron meteorites vary by orders of magnitude, however, the origin of these variations is poorly understood and nebular as…

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Contaminant mobilization from an abandoned polymetallic sulfide mine, Mt. Bobija, Serbia
Marie Klose1, Ricarda Behrens1, Christian Mikutta1

On top of Mt. Bobija, located in Western Serbia and mainly composed of silt- and limestone, outcrops of a massive triassian sulfide ore body with pyrite, sphalerite, galena, tetrahedrite, and…

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Continental influence on the marine Zechstein Sea: constraints from Strontium isotope compositions of Late Permian evaporites from the northernmost Thuringian Basin (Germany)
Alexandra Käßner1, Marion Tichomirowa1

The up to 2000 m thick Zechstein succession was deposited in an epicontinental sea during the Late Permian. These deposits are virtually fossil-free and do not contain radiometrically datable volcanic…

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Continental or oceanic weathering processes – What controlled the Late Cretaceous lithium cycle?
Sandra J. Huber1, Vanessa Schlidt1, Jorit F. Kniest1, H.-Michael Seitz1, Jacek Raddatz1, Horst R. Marschall1, Silke Voigt1

The lithium isotopic composition (δ7Li) of marine carbonates is known as a proxy for the chemical weathering intensity of silicate rocks. To evaluate the role of weathering as a sink…

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Contour marks as potential indicators of evaporation rates in the Early Permian continental vertebrate site Bromacker (Thuringia, Central Germany)
Anna Pint1, Anke Hildebrandt1, Jan Landwehrs2, Georg Feulner2, Frank Scholze3, John Nyakatura4, Leon Ispas1, Christoph Grützner1, Peter Frenzel1

Reconstructing the climate of the past requires archives that bear proxy information on temperature, precipitation, or atmospheric composition, for example. In this study we use contour marks as potential water…

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Contrasting intensity of aragonite dissolution in glacial vs. interglacial intervals of a sea-level controlled subtropical carbonate succession
Lars Reuning1, Hanaa Deik2, Benjamin Petrick1, Hideko Takayanagi3, Yasufumi Iryu3, Margot Courtillat4, Maria-Angela Bassetti4

Aragonite and high-Mg calcite are abundant in modern, neritic temperate water systems but are nearly absent from their fossil counterparts. Dissolution of these metastable mineral phases will often leave no…

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Contrasting messages from sulfur and oxygen isotopes on the origin of Eoarchean crust
J. Elis Hoffmann1, Jonathan A. Lewis1, Esther M. Schwarzenbach1, Harald Strauss2

Mantle-like oxygen isotope compositions in zircons from Eo- and Paleoarchean tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorites (TTG) suites have been taken as evidence for the formation of early continental crust from juvenile hydrated basalts that…

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Contrasting rare metal potentials in two Southern Alpine vein deposits
Thomas Angerer1, Tim Poniewas1, Lorenz Profanter1, Martina Tribus1, Helene Braetz2

Investigating rare metal potentials of the Alpine regions is of great importance to progress towards future supply independence. Sphalerite is an important carrier of Co, In, Ga, Ge, and Sb,…

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Contribution of the extreme events to the surface transformation in proglacial areas (the Djankuat River catchment case study, Caucasus)
Andrei Kedich1,2, Maxim Uspensky1,2, Anatoly Tsyplenkov1,2, Sergey Kharchenko1,2, Valentin Golosov1,2

This study is dedicated to a quantitative assessment of two different-scale impulsive geomorphic events in proglacial areas. The study site is the Djankuat River catchment in the Caucuses. The first…

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Control of valley width on the flank erosion rate: measure of erosion rates of Andean and French fluvial valleys by using 10-Be and 26-Al
Chloé VALENTI1, Sébastien CARRETIER1, Vincent REGARD1, Sandrine CHOY1, Vincent GODARD2, Frédéric CHRISTOPHOUL1, Willem VIVEEN3

Any keen observer has noticed that valleys show a large variability in their shapes, explained by the incision and widening processes. However, valley widening processes and rate are still poorly…

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Controls of Andean valley-floor width
Stefanie Tofelde1, Fiona Jane Clubb2, Bodo Bookhagen3

The floors of river-valleys range from kilometer wide, densely populated plains to deeply incised gorges with narrow or no floodplains. Valley cross-sections are the product of the interplay between tectonic…

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Controls on Island morphologic evolution
Anaé Lemaire1, Jean Braun2, Esteban Acevedo-Trejos3

Islands are interesting geomorphic features because they possess a well defined base level. Non-volcanic islands, in particular, are the product of rifting of a small continental fragment such that they…

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Mark Mücklisch1, Thomas Voigt1

The remediation of the former uranium deposit site Königstein faces the problem to restore the groundwater level to its original state, because the uranium was leached with sulfuric acid from…

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Core formation efficiency for rocky super-Earths
Lena Noack1

For rocky planets it is typically assumed that they are able to differentiate into a silicate mantle and a metal core, due to the fact that metals are denser than…

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Core formation experiments at conditions of a deep magma ocean
Julien Siebert1

Models of core formation involve equilibration of metal and silicate in a deep magma corresponding to pressure and temperature conditions above 50 GPa and 3500 K (e.g. 1, 2). Over…

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Correlation of Neoproterozoic glacial diamictites in southern Namibia
Mandy Zieger-Hofmann1, Johannes Zieger1, Andreas Gärtner1, Axel Gerdes2, Ulf Linnemann1, Richard Albert3, Linda Marko3, Anja Sagawe1, Katja Mende1, Jessica Haschke1, Kombada Mhopjeni4, Helke Mocke4

This talk presents a multi-method approach to construct a conclusive new correlation model for Neoproterozoic glacial units of southern Namibia. Therefore, ten different sections and a variety of samples were…

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Cosmogenic 10Be/9Be in speleothem as a proxy for paleo-weathering rate
Darryl Edward Granger1, Adrian A. Singleton1, Anton Vaks2, Philip Pogge von Strandmann3

Meteoric 10Be is introduced to the ground surface as fallout from cosmic-ray production in the atmosphere, while 9Be is a trace element released by mineral weathering.  The 10Be/9Be ratio in soil…

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Coupling heat conductivity, lithofacies and reservoir quality of the coal-bearing Upper Carboniferous in the eastern Ruhr Basin, NW Germany
Jonas Greve1, Benjamin Busch2, Dennis Quandt2, Mathias Knaak3, Christoph Hilgers2

The Ruhr Basin in Germany is one of the most extensively studied 3D rock volumes due to decades of subsurface coal mining. Mine flooding associated with the closure of the…

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Creating sustainable approaches in a holistic way or Other ways to sustainability
Julia Bauer

Every country has a different approach to of climate change adaptation based on local context and needs. This presentation gives an overview how the Netherlands and Germany approach sustainability, and…

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Critical external and internal factors for plate tectonics
Oliver Henke-Seemann1, Lena Noack1

Convective mantle flow in terrestrial planets is governed by a temperature- and pressure-dependent rheology. This results in a stagnant-lid regime observed on most terrestrial planets. Plastic deformation can lead to…

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Critical metals in the environment
Jörg Schäfer

The overall amount of metals and their variety used for technical applications has been subject to a steep increase during the past decades and is forecast to further develop. Growing…

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Critical mineral resources related to the rise and fall of a supercontinent
Mathias Burisch1

The European Variscides host significant resources of energy and technology critical raw materials (ETRs) associated to various types of hydrothermal systems. Hydrothermal mineralization in central and western Europe is mainly…

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Critical Minerals in US Geothermal Brines: Opportunities and Challenges for their Extraction
Ghanashyam Neupane

Geothermal power plants produce a large volume of brine for power generation. Since these brines are the product of long-term water-rock interactions at elevated temperatures at depth, they contain dissolved…

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Critical Raw Materials (CRM) potential of Slovenian historical mining sites
Klemen Teran

Of the more than 200 metal ore occurrences and deposits discovered on Slovenian territory, several have been developed into significant mines (e.g. the Idrija Hg mine or the Mežica Pb-Zn-Mo…

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Critical Raw Materials for the Energy Transition
Kathryn Goodenough

The global objective of achieving net zero emissions is driving significant decarbonisation of energy and transport, with a shift towards renewable energy sources and electric vehicles. It is now widely…

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Crust and upper mantle structure of the Ligurian Sea revealed by ambient noise tomography and receiver function analysis
Felix Noah Wolf (1), Dietrich Lange (1), Heidrun Kopp (1,2), Anke Dannowski (1), Ingo Grevemeyer (1), Wayne Crawford (3), Martin Thorwart (2), Anne Paul (4), the AlpArray Working Group (5),

The Liguro-Provencal-basin was formed as a back-arc basin of the retreating Calabrian-Apennines subduction zone during the Oligocene and Miocene. The resulting rotation of the Corsica-Sardinia block is associated with rifting,…

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Crust-mantle and hinterland-foreland interactions in western Tibet-Pamir-Tian Shan or do mantle events govern big orogens?
Lothar Ratschbacher1, Bernd Schurr2, Sofia-Katerina Kufner3, Bradley R. Hacker4, Florian Trilsch1

The Pamir-Tian Shan-Hindu Kush orogenic segment at the western edge of the India-Asia collision stands high, reaches deep, transitions from flat to rugged, deforms truly 3D, and stretches wide beyond…

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Crustal contamination and rare earth element enrichment in the Nooitgedacht Volcano, South Africa
Mohsin Raza1, R. Johannes Giebel2, Jochen Kolb3, Benjamin F. Walter3

Carbonatites are igneous rocks with significant concentrations of rare earth elements (REEs) and other important metals. Despite their economic potential, their origin and evolution are poorly understood. Crustal contamination can…

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Crustal growth and reworking in the early Archean Narryer Terrane: new evidence from strontium isotopes in apatite inclusions
Jack Gillespie1, Peter D. Kinny1, Aaron J. Cavosie1, Christopher L. Kirkland1, Laure Martin2, Malcolm Roberts2, Matvei Aleshin2, Denis Fougerouse1, Zakaria Quadir1, Alexander A Nemchin1

The limited preservation of ancient crustal material poses a challenge for understanding the composition of Earth’s early crust. As a result of poor preservation and near-ubiquitous overprinting by later geological…

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Crustal structure and margin configuration of the La Baja Guajira basin, Colombia: regional 2D seismic reflection interpretation, gravimetric and thermal modelling
Leidy Castro-Vera1,2, Ralf Littke1, Stefan Back1, Rocío Bernal-Olaya3

The La Baja Guajira Basin (LBGB) is the primary gas-producing region of Colombia and represents South America’s northernmost prolongation. This study presents an analysis of regional 2D-seismic reflection data of…

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Cryogenian postglacial climate revealed by dolomite triple oxygen isotopes
David Bajnai1, Jack Stacey2, Axel Balsliemke1, Malcolm W. Wallace2, Andreas Pack1, Daniel Herwartz3, Ashleigh van Smeerdijk Hood2

Quantitative paleotemperature estimates from the Precambrian are rare due to the scarcity of well-preserved sediments and uncertainties about the isotope composition of ancient oceans. Carbonate triple oxygen isotope measurements (δ18O…

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Crystal Growth and Characterization of the 12L-Perovskite Ba4CeIr3O12
Henrik Schilling1, Petra Becker1

Highly frustrated magnetic systems are of great interest due to their exceptional properties and are topic of active research in solid state sciences. Within these systems, there are promising structures…

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Crystallisation sequence of a REE-rich carbonate melt: an experimental approach
Valentin Mollé1, Fabrice Gaillard1, Zineb Nabyl1, Johann Tuduri2, Ida Di Carlo1, Saskia Erdmann1

Carbonatites host the main REE deposits in the world, with bastnaesite being the main REE-bearing mineral of interest. However, the nature of the enrichment process, magmatic vs hydrothermal, is still…

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Crystallization and nucleation study of transition metal phosphates: M-phosphate octahydrate and M-struvite
Stephanos Karafiludis1, Ana Guilherme Buzanich2, Franziska Emmerling1, Tomasz Maciej Stawski2

Industrial and agricultural waste streams (waste waters, sludges, tailings etc.) which contain high concentrations of NH4+, PO43- and transition metals are environmentally harmful and toxic pollutants. Typically, separate pathways have…

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Crystallization conditions of authigenic quartz from salt of the Zechstein basin inferred from their triple oxygen isotope composition
Fabian Zahnow1, Michael Tatzel1, Andreas Pack1

The triple oxygen isotope composition of authigenic quartz allows reconstructing formation temperature and isotopic composition of the fluid with which the quartz had equilibrated [1]. We studied authigenic quartz grains…

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Curating data and samples in the long-tail – tools and examples from GFZ Data Services
Kirsten Elger, Florian Ott

GFZ Data Services, an international research data repository for the Earth sciences domain and Allocating Agent for the IGSN Global Sample Number (IGSN), is operated under the umbrella of the…

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Current understanding of sources and quantities of geological and biological methane emissions into the atmosphere
Giuseppe Etiope1

Methane (CH4) is an important greenhouse gas, but our understanding of the magnitude of its sources is fraught with considerable uncertainties. Quite neglected in early atmospheric methane budget studies, Earth’s…

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Current use of geological resources under the view of sustainability – examples from the UNESCO Global Geopark Harz . Braunschweiger Land . Ostfalen
Henning Zellmer1, Volker Wilde2

When it comes to the mining and use of local geological raw materials, a reflexive, sometimes undifferentiated social rejection arises. The ore, hydrocarbon and coal consumption have now been reduced…

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Cutting through the Lower Permian Wurzen monotonous intermediate (drilling B1/19S near Grimma, Saxony): Fabrics, facies, and geochemistry
Victoria Kühnemann1, Alexander Repstock2, Christoph Breitkreuz1, Hripsime Gevorgyan1, Bernhard Schulz1, Rosa Bögle3

The Late Paleozoic North Saxon Volcanic Complex, situated east of the city Leipzig (Germany) hosts two nested caldera systems: the Rochlitz (RVS) and the slightly younger Wurzen Volcanic System (WVS)….

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Cyclic loading of magnetite bearing rocks: modifications of structure, magnetic and elastic properties
Helena Fuchs, Boris Reznik, Agnes Kontny, Frank Schilling

Repeated seismic activity can cause progressive failure of rock masses due to material fatigue [1]. To simulate induced seismic loading, an iron ore with alternating quartz- and magnetite-rich layers from…

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Cyclicity patterns of Quaternary vega sequences on the eastern Canary Islands
Christopher-B. Roettig1, Jakob Labahn1, Thomas Kolb2, Christina Günter3, Anja Schleicher4, Carsten Marburg1, Paul Kanig1, Dominik Faust1

By our DFG funded project “On sedimentation pattern of the eastern Canary Islands”, we are concentrating on two sediment archives, the dune sequences on Fuerteventura and the Vega sequences on…

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Cyclostratigraphic investigations on high-resolution XRF data from ODP Site 662/663 in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic covering the complete Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Arne Ulfers1, Christian Zeeden1, Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr2, Thomas Westerhold3, Ursula Röhl3

We present a new high-resolution XRF dataset offshore Africa in the equatorial Atlantic to investigate elemental ratios reflecting e.g. terrigenous input and/or bioproductivity. The data will be analyzed cyclostratigraphically using…

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Cyclostratigraphic investigations with special emphasis on half-precession signals using XRF-data from ODP Site 663 (Eastern Equatorial Atlantic)
Arne Ulfers1, Christian Zeeden1, Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr2, Thomas Westerhold3, Ursula Röhl3

The characteristics of half-precession (HP) cycles (~9,000 – 12,000 years) are still poorly understood, despite their appearance in numerous records. Previous studies on European terrestrial and marine records indicate a…

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Daily growth rate quantification in fossil giant clam shells with Daydacna
Iris Arndt1, Douglas Coenen1, David Evans2, Willem Renema3, Wolfgang Müller1

Tridacna shells feature macroscopically visible bands (at mm scale) as well as microscopically visible daily banding (at µm scale). To evaluate the lifespan of an individual, the presumably seasonal macroscopically…

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Das „Puzzle Bodenbewegung“ im Kavernenfeld Epe
Tobias Rudolph1, Martha Poplawski1, Peter Goerke-Mallet1

Die Überwachung der Bereitstellung von Georessoucen stellt eine komplexe Herausforderung dar. Bildlich gesprochen handelt es sich um Puzzle bei dem nicht alle Teile vorhanden sind und nicht vollständig klar ist,…

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Das Geologische Landesamt Hamburg – Ein Zustandsbericht im Jahr 2023
Alf Grube1, Susanne Aarburg1, Kai Damerau1, Christina Götz1, Thomas Haupt1, Jens Kröger1, Lothar Moosmann1, Udo Quek1, Ingolf Stüven1

Das Geologische Landesamt Hamburg wird in diesem Jahr 75 Jahre alt. Die Tätigkeiten der Vorläuferinstitutionen reichen über 100 Jahre zurück. Die heutige Kernaufgabe des GLAHH ist nach GeolDG die Sammlung,…

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Das jüngste Kapitel in der Erkundungsgeschichte auf Kalisalze im Südharz-Revier: Bergwerkseigentum Ohmgebirge der Südharz Kali GmbH
Sabine van der Klauw1, Ricarda Hanemann1, Stephan Pfeifer2, Christian Fritze2, Marie-Luise Richter2, Liz de Klerk3, Andreas Jockel2

Die Südharz Kali GmbH, eine 100%ige Tochtergesellschaft der South Harz Potash Ltd., eine in Australien gelistete Aktiengesellschaft, hat 2017 das Bergwerkseigentum (BWE) Ohmgebirge erworben und beabsichtigt dort die Gewinnung von…

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Das natürlich geschlossene System (NGS) – Inzidenz der reflexiven und transitiven Eigenschaften in der Geologie
Hans Eckhard Offhaus

Das natürlich geschlossene System (NGS), das von (Stensen Niels 1669) begründet wurde, ist ein Modell des Komplexes von exakt gemessenen Parametern dualer Gesteinssysteme der Geologie. Die angewandte Messtechnik in den…

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Das Natürlich Geschlossene System (NGS) eine axiomatische Triade der Geologie
Hans Eckhard Offhaus1

Neben geologischen besitzen Gesteinsgrenzen auch die mathematische Eigenschaft der Gleichheit oder der Kongruenz. Im Einheitskubus des NGS können durch die Mittelsenkrechte vier kongruente Dreiecke in der lotrechten Ebene und vier…

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Das Naturwerksteinkataster Sachsen
Thomas Hertwig1, Andreas Hamperl ✝1, Helmut Schynschetzki1, Martin Köhler1, Karl-Otto Zeißler1, Markus Zingelmann1, Siegfried Siegesmund2

Die Sächsische Staatsregierung verfolgt mit ihrer Rohstoffstrategie unter anderem das Ziel, die Entwicklung des gesellschaftlichen Rohstoffbewusstseins zu unterstützen. Das Rohstoffbewusstsein ist im Unterschied zum Umweltbewusstsein in der Bevölkerung weit weniger…

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Data Journals – Bridging the worlds of data and research
David Carlson1, Kirsten Elger2, Jens Klump3, Ge Peng4, Johannes Wagner5

In less than one decade the open-access data journal Earth System Science Data (ESSD, a member of the Copernicus Open Access Publisher family) grew from a start-up venture into one…

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Data Management for the App UmweltNAVI of the Federal State of Lower Saxony in Germany
Joachim Müller1

The App UmweltNAVI Niedersachsen (see the poster in session „4.10“ or https://umwelt-navi.info/) communicates geospatial data to a broad user community of education, individuals or experts. In order to adequately present…

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Data Mining 4 You – Digitalisierung und Nutzbarmachung von Geodaten im Zuge des Projektes ROHSA 3
Daniel Franke-Laske1, Daniel Korb1, Jörg Kuder1

Rohstoffvorkommen und deren Gewinnung spielen in Sachsen seit Jahrhunderten eine große Rolle. Erzen und Spaten kommt dabei eine besondere Bedeutung zu, begründete doch vor allem der Bergbau auf Silber den…

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Data to Dialogue: How Communicating Responsible Resource Management Matters for Future Generations
Bianca Derya Neumann1

The goal of the energy transition is to enable future generations a fair and just opportunity to live without bearing the costs of the doings of previous generations. This transition,…

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Data-driven Energy Transition: Why is subsurface data so critical for success?
Jürgen Grötsch1

The amount of digital subsurface and geoscience data has grown exponentially over the past few decades with many companies, researchers and government organizations dealing with rapidly growing Petabyte-scales of data….

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Dating and Rating Landscape Evolution with Geochemical Methods on Geomorphic to Geologic Time Scales
Madella, Andrea; Falkowski, Sarah; Eizenhöfer, Paul R.; Glotzbach, Cristoph

The Earth’s surface is under constant change. Tectonic, climatic, biogenic and anthropogenic forcings have a measurable impact on erosion, weathering and surface uplift. Information on the interactions among these processes…

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Dating of weathering and oxygenation events in the Keonjhar Paleosol, Singhbhum Craton, East India
Melisande Pfennig1, Eric Hasenstab1, Frank Wombacher1, Jaganmoy Jodder2, Axel Hofmann2, Carsten Münker1

The chemical inventory of Archean paleosols provides crucial constraints on early paleoclimate and paleoredox conditions. However, it often remains ambiguous whether recent weathering has also affected such early signals. This…

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Dating pegmatites using in-situ Rb/Sr LA-ICP-MS/MS: data reduction strategy for high-Rb and low common Sr minerals
Delia Rösel1, Thomas Zack1, Christopher J. Barnes2, Andreas Brosig3, Martin Köhler4, Vania Adelino Buque5

Pegmatites are major hosts for critical materials and are thus crucial for the green technology transition. Age information and geochemical constraints are fundamental to understand pegmatite genesis and are thus…

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Debunking the myth of Germany being a country poorly endowed in high technology raw materials
Jens Gutzmer1

For several decades, there has been a widely accepted paradigm that „Germany is rich in poor ore deposits“. This paradigm was communicated with conviction especially by experts, i.e. geoscientists active…

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Decadal sea surface temperature variability in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Last Interglacial
Igor Obreht (1), David De Vleeschouwer (1), Lars Wörmer (1), Michal Kucera (1), Devika Varma (1), Thomas Laepple (1,2), Jenny Wendt (1), Matthias Prange (1), Sri D. Nandini-Weiss (1), Hartmut Schulz (3) & Kai-Uwe Hinrichs (1)

Precise future predictions of Mediterranean sea surface temperature (SST) variability as one of the most sensitive regions to climate change are hampered by insufficient knowledge of accurate SST reconstructions in…

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Decimeter-scale hydraulic testing of pre-existing fractures (HTPF) under anisotropic stress conditions. Part 1: Experimental setup
Alexander Cadmus1, Julian Osten2, Mohammadreza Jalali2, Raul Fuentes1, Florian Amann3

Sustainable development of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) requires a comprehensive understanding of the in-situ stress conditions. Among several techniques developed in the last decades, Hydraulic Testing of Pre-existing Fractures (HTPF)…

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Decimeter-scale hydraulic testing of pre-existing Fractures (HTPF) under anisotropic stress conditions. Part 2: Test procedure and results
Julian Osten1, Alexander Cadmus2, Mohammadreza Jalali1, Raul Fuentes2, Florian Amann3

To extract heat from tight deep subsurface formations, hydraulic stimulation is used to create efficient heat exchangers in the context of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS). Successful geothermal reservoir initiation requires…

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Deciphering the exhumation path of granulite facies rocks based on mineral reaction textures and monazite geochronology
Dominik Sorger1, Christoph A. Hauzenberger2, Fritz Finger3, Manfred Linner4, Etienne Skrzypek2, Simon Schorn2, Elena Sizova2

The formation of mineral reaction textures such as coronae or symplectites is commonly attributed to post metamorphic peak processes. Thus, they can be used to make implications about the retrograde…

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Deciphering the Gypsum – Anhydrite Phase Transition in the Atacama Desert
Niklas Wehmann1, Christoph Lenting1, Sandro Jahn1

Present as gypsum (CaSO4∙2H2O), bassanite (CaSO4∙0.5H2O) and anhydrite (CaSO4), calcium sulphates comprise a significant fraction of the surface and soil in the Atacama Desert.Field observation suggest a secondary formation process…

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Deciphering the mechanisms of crustal formation in the Early Earth: Insights from Ti isotopes
Liam Hoare1, Laura Rzehak-Wissink1, Sebastian Kommescher2, Moritz Jansen3, Elis Hoffmann4, Raúl Fonseca1

Archean tonalite-trondjemite-granodiorite (TTG) plutonic rocks provide a unique, yet imperfectly understood record of crustal formation. Due to the incomplete nature of this record, there are varying interpretations on the prevailing…

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Decoupled dust deposition and ocean productivity in the Antarctic Zone of the Southern Ocean over the past 1.5 million years
Michael E. Weber1, Ian Bailey2, Sidney R. Hemming3, Yasmina M. Martos4,5, Brendan T. Reilly6, Thomas A. Ronge7, Stefanie Brachfeld8, Trevor Williams9, Maureen Raymo3, Simon T. Belt10, Lukas Smik10, Hendrik Vogel11, Victoria Peck12, Linda Armbrecht13, Alix Cage14, Fabricio G. Cardillo15, Zhiheng Du16, Gerson Fauth17, Christopher J. Fogwill14,18, Marga Garcia19,20, Marlo Garnsworthy21, Anna Glüder22, Michelle Guitard23, Marcus Gutjahr24, Iván Hernández-Almeida25, Frida S. Hoem26, Ji-Hwan Hwang27, Mutsumiq Iizuka28, Yuji Kato29, Bridget Kenlee30, Suzanne OConnell31, Lara F. Pérez12, Osamu Seki32, Lee Stevens33, Lisa Tauxe6, Shubham Tripathi34, Jonathan Warnock35, Xufeng Zheng36

Southern Ocean paleoceanography provides key insights into how iron fertilization and oceanic productivity developed through Pleistocene ice-ages and their role in influencing the carbon cycle. We report the first high-resolution…

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Decoupled radiogenic Nd and Hf isotopes of clays reveal South Asian Monsoon control of silicate weathering intensity
Ed Hathorne1, Rasmus Thiede2, Anja Conventz2, Ralph Schneider2, Martin Frank1

The weathering of silicate rocks removes CO2 from the atmosphere-ocean system on geological timescales but the time required for weathering intensity to respond to changes in climate is poorly constrained….

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Deducing the magma evolution of the Upper Carboniferous Tharandt Caldera (Saxony, Germany) by geochemical and mineralogical constraints
Markus Aurelian Baessler1, Alexander Repstock2, Lutz Hecht3, Hripsime Gevorgyan4, Sabine Gilbricht4

Voluminous pyroclastics are known to be formed in catastrophic caldera-forming eruptions. The reconstruction of the magma’s origin and lithospheric evolution beneath such calderas is still a challenging task in igneous…

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Deep drillings in Brandenburg, Germany and their potential reuse for geothermal energy extraction (Transgeo-Projekt)

The ongoing structural change from the hydrocarbon industry towards sustainable green energy is one of the challenges Europe (and the world) faces recently. In Germany, there are approximately 15,000 boreholes…

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Deep geothermal potentials of Hesse as derived from geological 3D models and thermo-hydraulic simulations
Nora Koltzer (1), Judith Bott (1), Kristian Bär (2), Maximilian Frick (1), Mauro Cacace (1) & Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth (1)

Geothermal power plants require reservoirs of high temperature, high flow rates and sustainable recharge. Typically, there is a trade-off between increasing temperatures and decreasing fluid availability (due to pore space…

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Deep Geothermal research in Northern Bavaria, background and current state of the investigation
Hamed Fazlikhani1, Wolfgang Bauer1, Harald Stollhofen1

The geothermal heat anomaly in northern Bavaria was first discovered in the late 1970s and has recently been more precisely localized. An elevated temperature of 57 °C estimated at a…

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Deep glacial melt water erosion of sedimentary rock through tunnel valleys – numerical modelling in the presence of uncertainty
Matthias Brandt1, Anton Carl-Dworschak2, Andreas Jockel2, Rene Kahnt3

The lowlands of northern Germany and neighbouring countries have been subject to glaciation several times in the pleistocene. These glacial periods have left behind several erosional features, of which tunnel…

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Deep hydrochemical profile through the Alps – solute acquisition during distinct water-rock-interaction along the Sedrun section of the Gotthard Base Tunnel
Ingrid Stober, Kurt Bucher

During drilling of the Gotthard Base Tunnel through the Central Alps the exposed fractured rocks and the frequent water inflows provided a deep insight into regional hydrogeological processes in orogenic…

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Deep thermal fingerprints of different tectonic environments in continental areas from data-integrated process models
Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth1, Ajay Kumar2, Mauro Cacace2, Judith Bott2, Denis Anikiev2

The deep thermal field in the continental lithosphere varies significantly depending on the age of the lithosphere, its tectonic setting and the time since the last tectonic event. Accordingly, orogens…

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Deep-stuck Ti-rich carbonatites: A link to the composition of primitive carbonatite melts?
R. Johannes Giebel1, Benjamin F. Walter2, Michael A.W. Marks3, Gregor Markl3

Carbonatitic melts are subject to different processes during their ascent (e.g., fractional crystallization and crustal contamination), which may cause a strong change in their composition. Their original composition has not…

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Deepwater Systems Reloaded: Advances on our understanding on submarine lobe deposits
Yvonne T. Spychala1, David M. Hodgson2, Joris T. Eggenhuisen3, Stephen Flint4, Christopher Stevenson5, Mike Tilston6, Ian A. Kane4, Amadine Prelat7, Florian Pohl8

Submarine lobes are high aspect ratio sand-rich deposits that are fed by turbidity currents and debris flows via channels in deep-marine settings. As a major component of submarine fans, they…

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Deformation at the base of the Bergell Pluton in the upper Valle dei Ratti (Italy)
Simon Luca Fuhrmann1, Thorsten Nagel1

The Bergell Pluton (BP) is a calc-alkaline intrusion located in the Italian Alps, north of the Insubrian Line. The intrusion continues into the Southern Steep Belt (SSB), an E-W-striking, north-block-up…

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Deformation mechanisms in shallow-crustal active fault zones: Implications from the Main Frontal Thrust of Himalayas
Dyuti Prakash Sarkar (1), Jun-ichi Ando (1), Kaushik Das (1), Gautam Ghosh (2) & Prabir Dasgupta (3)

The nature of the shallow-crustal active faults has been widely studied to elucidate their stress accommodation mechanisms and response to the fault movement in terms of stress localizations and ultimately…

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DemoStorage – planning and monitoring of an ATES demonstrator site in an urban environment
Detlev Rettenmaier1, Roman Zorn1, Alexandra Mauerberger1, Blum Philipp2, Herrmann Matthias2, Viernickel Michael3, Eichelbaum Fabian3, Fleuchhaus Paul4, Stoeck Thorsten5, Katzenmeier Sven5, Breiner Hans-Werner5, Hahn Hans-Jürgen6, Fuchs Andreas6

Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) is comparatively rarely used in Germany. Since there is a lack of demonstration plants nationally, the goal of our BMBF-funded joint project “DemoSpeicher” (Development and…

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Denoising of Seismic Waveform Data and its Impact on the Analysis of North Korean Nuclear Tests
Peter Gaebler1, Andreas Steinberg1, Gernot Hartmann1, Johanna Lehr1, Christoph Pilger1

In the past years numerous machine learning based applications have been introduced to the field of seismology. These applications for example address issues such as earthquake detection, event classification, feature…

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Denudation and weathering rates of carbonate lithologies from meteoric 10Be/9Be ratios
Hella Wittmann1, Julien Bouchez2, Damien Calmels3, Jerome Gaillardet2, Daniel Frick1, Nicole Stroncik1, Georges Aumaître4, Didier Bourlès4, Karim Keddadouche4, Friedhelm von Blanckenburg5

During the past decades, cosmogenic nuclides, such as in-situ produced 10Be, evolved as state-of-the-art tool to quantify millennial-scale denudation in quartz-rich landscapes. However, applications of cosmogenic nuclides to carbonate-dominated lithologies…

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Denudation rates from meteoric 10Be/9Be in lithologically heterogeneous catchments
Nestor Gaviria-Lugo1, Charlotte Läuchli2, Anne Bernhardt2, Patrick Frings1, Dirk Sachse1, Hella Wittmann1

Accurate determination of denudation rates is crucial for the quantification of Earth surface processes like soil formation and the consumption of CO2 during silicate weathering. In situ 10Be is the…

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Depletion of Titanium in the mantle of the Earth
Herbert Palme1, Hugh O'Neill2, Julien Siebert3

Many authors have used the chemical composition of peridotitic rocks from a variety of geological settings to estimate the composition of the upper mantle of the Earth, (PUM-primitive upper mantle)….

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Depletion, Density, and Deposits through the mantle transition zone (MTZ)
Thorsten Joachim Nagel1, Anders Vesterholt1, Christian Schiffer2

We present phase diagrams of variously enriched and depleted mantle rocks down to 800 kilometers depth and explore density as the parameter governing convection and compositional stratification. Some results are…

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Deportment study of critical elements – The Ruwai Pb-Zn-Ag skarn deposit in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, as a case study
Shelly Mardhia Faizy1, Alkiviadis Kontonikas-Charos2, Mathias Burisch3, Arifudin Idrus4, Max Frenzel1

The Ruwai Pb-Zn-Ag skarn deposit is located within the Schwaner Mountain Complex in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. It is the largest polymetallic skarn deposit in Kalimantan with the resources is estimated…

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Deposition of Subglacial Lake Sediments underneath the Laurentide Ice Sheet? – Sediment Cores from Lake Melville, Canada, provide first Evidence
Sophie Kowalski1,2, Christian Ohlendorf1, Jens Matthiessen2, Andrea Catalina Gebhardt2

Lake Melville is a fjord-type lake located in Labrador, Eastern Canada, as part of the Hamilton Inlet System. It is significantly characterised by its eastern connection to the Labrador Sea…

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Depositional and diagenetic processes in carbonate systems
Foubert, Anneleen (1); Pederson, Chelsea (2); Reuning, Lars (3)

Modern carbonate systems such as reefs provide livelihood and ecosystem services, such as coastal protection and food security, for hundreds of millions of people. Fossil carbonate systems are important archives…

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Depositional conditions controlling organic carbon burial in fine-grained sediments of the North Sea – The Helgoland Mud Area as a test field
Daniel Mueller1, Bo Liu2, Walter Geibert2, Elda Miramontes3, Heidi Taubner3, Lasse Sander4, Moritz Holtappelsa5, Susann Henkel5, Ingrid Dohrmann2, Denise Bethke2, Jessica Volz2, Kai-Uwe Hinrichsb Hinrichs6, Sabine Kasten7

Fine-grained marine sediments are the largest permanent carbon sink on our planet. We chose the Helgoland Mud Area (HMA) as it represents the most important depocenter of such sediments in…

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Depth profile sampling by femtosecond-LA-(MC-)ICP-MS for high spatial resolution analyses of chemical and isotopic diffusion profiles
Martin Oeser1, Ralf Dohmen2, Ingo Horn1, Stefan Weyer1

Femtosecond laser ablation coupled to MC-ICP-MS has been proven to be a powerful means to analyze isotope ratios of “non-traditional” stable isotope systems with high spatial resolution, precision and accuracy….

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Nikolay Yakimchuk1, Ignat Korchagin2, Arzu Javadova3

The results of the application of the mobile direct-prospecting technology of frequency-resonance processing and interpretation of satellite images and photographs in large areas and local areas of hydrogen degassing in…

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Der Sprung über den Harz – Ersterkundung auf Kalisalze im Südharz-Revier vor 135 Jahren
Andreas Johann Jockel1, Henry Andreas Michael Rauche1

Nachdem die Kalidüngemittelproduktion in den 1860er Jahren in Staßfurt, im nördlichen Harzvorland, ihre weltweite Premiere erlebte, sich zunächst auf das sogenannte Nordharz-Kalirevier beschränkte, begann auf Betreiben des preußischen Bergbeamten Pinno…

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Deriving basin-wide erosion/denudation rates of basaltic rocks using cosmogenic Kr isotopes, vulcanic complex Vogelsberg, Germany
Sabrina Niemeyer1, Joel Mohren1, Tibor J. Dunai1

The Vogelsberg area located in Hessen, Germany, comprises the largest contiguous volcanic complex in Central Europe, covering an area of about 2300 km². After volcanic activity ceased during the Mid…

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Description of scientific metadata at the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW)
Vikram Notay1

The Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute acts as a consultant for and supports the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport (BMDV) and the Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration (WSV)…

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Design and application of messenger nanoparticle tracers for multi-parameter reservoir exploration
Laura Spitzmüller1, Jonathan Berson2,3, Bastian Rudolph2,3, Fabian Nitschke1, Thomas Schimmel2,3, Thomas Kohl1

The inaccessibility of geothermal reservoirs makes the accurate determination and monitoring of reservoir properties and conditions difficult and is a major problem in reservoir engineering. We present an approach for…

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Detailed investigation of the Asse salt structure (Subhercynian Basin) based on new 3D seismic data
Michael Warsitzka1, Jan Witte2, Kai Gruschwitz3, Maximilian Scholze1, Christoph Nachtweide1, Christian Buxbaum-Conradi1

The Asse salt structure is a salt-cored anticline with steep, locally overthrusted flanks located in the Subhercynian Basin. It is an excellent example of salt structures in the North German…

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Detailed multi-stratigraphic correlation of the continental latest Permian to Middle Triassic across Central Europe
Michael Szurlies1

In Central Europe, the about 1 km thick Buntsandstein was deposited in the large intracratonic Central European Basin (CEB). The Buntsandstein sedimentary succession displays a striking cyclicity of varying magnitude….

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Determinants of ground source heat pump systems’ market acceptance: Empirical findings from Greece Spyridon Karytsas1,2
Spyridon Karytsas1,2

The residential sector consumes a significant amount of energy globally, with the majority being produced through the use of fossil fuels. Residential microgeneration technologies, such as photovoltaic systems and micro…

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Determination of phases of warm climate during MIS 3 in Central Europe based on precisely dated speleothems from Bleßberg Cave, Germany
Jennifer Klose1, Sebastian F. M. Breitenbach2, Birgit Plessen3, Hubert Vonhof4, Denis Scholz1

Speleothems provide a great opportunity for paleoclimate reconstruction because they occur almost worldwide and can be dated very precisely using the U-series disequilibrium method. The most commonly used climate proxies…

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Determination of seismic resolution: Some practical aspects from land seismic data
Patrick Musmann1

Reflection seismics is the most common geophysical method for obtaining structural images of the subsurface. It can image subsurface structures over large areas and depth ranges at high resolution. In…

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Determining Dilute Condition Dissolution Rates with Stirred Reactor Coupon Analysis
Christoph Lenting1, Simon Schablack1, Joseph V. Ryan2

With many countries deciding on deep geological disposal of high-level nuclear waste, the corrosion behaviour of the glassy waste matrix is of utmost importance. Multiple studies determined glass dissolution rates…

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Detrital garnet petrology challenges Paleoproterozoic ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in western Greenland
Jan Schönig1, Carsten Benner1, Guido Meinhold2, Hilmar von Eynatten1, N. Keno Lünsdorf1

Modern-style plate tectonics is characterized by the global operation of deep and cold subduction involving ultrahigh-pressure and blueschist-facies metamorphism. This is a common process since the Neoproterozoic, but a couple…

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Developing a geological 3D-model of the Upper Harz Mountains for the DESMEX-REAL project
Christiane Walther1, Sabine Sattler2, Robert Schöner2, Annika Steuer3

In times of increasing demand for mineral resources, the collaborative project DESMEX-REAL aims to combine geophysical data from newly developed semi-airborne electromagnetic (sAEM) measurement systems with geological data from centuries…

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Developing an EU International Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Resource Management to support UNRMS
Meta Dobnikar1, Snježana Miletić1, Zoltán Horváth2

Sustainable use of mineral resources that we need for energy storage, power generation and the transition to climate neutrality, and which is at the same time more efficient and integrated,…

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Development of a fluid treatment strategy to enable combined raw material and freshwater recovery from geothermal fluids
Valentin Goldberg1, Daniel Winter2, Fabian Nitschke1, Diego Morata3, Joachim Koschikowski2, Thomas Kohl1

The energy transition and the associated need for non-energy, mineral raw materials have prompted the German government to expand research and development activities along the entire value chain. It is…

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Development of a routine method for the chemical and mineralogical characterization of Li- and Mn-containing slags from the recycling of NMC-type lithium-ion batteries (LIBs)
Marko Ranneberg1, Torsten Graupner1

In the BMBF-funded project PyroLith, a methodical approach for the recovery of Li from NMC type LIB via a combined pyro- and hydrometallurgical process route is being developed. For this…

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Development of a water storage toolbox for surface-induced managed groundwater recharge
Jan Stautzebach1, Jörg Steidl1, Christoph Merz1

Water stress is increasing in Northeast Germany due to climate change. New approaches for water management are needed to mitigate the impacts on the water system and water users. Therefore,…

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Development of new formats of Citizen Science with micrometeorites for multidisciplinary school education
Lutz Hecht1, Dieter Dominik1, Andrea Miedtank1, Alexandra Moormann2, Aria Tilove2

In addition to its importance for basic scientific research, Citizen Science involving micrometeorites collected from the roofs of Berlin has a special potential for promoting scientific literacy and the understanding…

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Development of the 3D geological model of the new railway line Dresden – Prague
Sabine Kulikov1, Lisa Thiele2

The new Dresden – Prague railway line is a Saxon vision. Since 2014, the Geological Survey of Saxony has been developing the geological 3D model on the basis of archive…

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Peter Buchholz, Jochen Kolb, Christoph Hilgers

Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der nationalen und internationalen Rohstoffsicherung. Mit der Energie– und Mobilitätswende und der zunehmenden Digitalisierung befindet sich der globale Rohstoffsektor in einem grundlegenden Transformationsprozess. Auf der einen…

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Did volcanoes erupting in estuaries (Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, BGB) serve as microbiological cradles during the Archean?
Deon Janse van Rensburg (1), Sebastian Reimann (2), Christoph Heubeck (1), Andreas Zametzer (2) & Paul Fugmann (3)

The Moodies Group is classically described as a synorogenic sequence of quartz-rich sandstone, conglomerate, fine-grained sediments with subordinate ferruginous sediments and volcanic components. A prominent basaltic lava (MdL) approx. mid-section…

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Differences in decompression of the high-pressure Cycladic Blueschist Unit (Naxos Island, Greece): what can inclusions tell us?
Alexandre Peillod1, Jarosław Majka2,3, Uwe Ring4, Kirsten Drüppel5, Clifford Patten1, Andreas Karlsson6, Adam Włodek3, Elof Tehler4

Determining the tectonic evolution and thermal structure of a tectonic unit that experiences a subduction-related pressure temperature (P-T) loop is challenging. Within a single unit, P-T conditions can vary from…

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Different populations of pyrrhotite and pentlandite inferred from major and trace elements, Outokumpu mining district, Eastern Finland
Christoforos Zamparas1, Clifford Patten2, Agnes Kontny1

The Outokumpu deposit is an ultramafic-hosted VMS deposit in Eastern Finland. It is of Paleoproterozoic age and discussed as polygenetic in origin. Its primary enrichment in Cu-Zn-Co-Ni is of economic…

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Diffraction intensities of ordered omphacite, measured from precession electron diffraction
Nobuyoshi Miyajima1, Lucas M. Calvo1, Tiziana Boffa Ballaran1, Greta Rustioni1

Cation ordering in minerals at high temperatures is important for understanding the metamorphic processes in the interior of the Earth. Omphacite, (Na0.5,Ca0.5)(Al0.5,Mg0.5)Si2O6 undergoes an order transition from C2/c to P2/n…

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Digging into Eocene hothouse climate variability: Linking X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanning and palynology of Messel sediment cores
Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr1,2, André Bahr2, Olaf Lenz3,4, Volker Wilde3, Sonja Wedmann5, Jörg Pross2

The late early to early middle Eocene (~48 Ma) maar lake sediments of the famous Messel fossil-pit, located near Darmstadt, SW Germany, represent a prime archive for climate dynamics operating…

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Digital educational content in geosciences
Mandy Duda1, Julia Godlewska1, Marc Sören Ogan1, Alexander-Dean Seiling1, Tobias Backers1

Fieldwork represents a highlight for most students in geosciences but is associated with challenges related to diversity. Due to long periods of absence, high costs, remote destinations, and physical and…

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Digital educational tools – smart solutions for heavy stuff
Edouard Grigowski1, Anne Zacke1, Fides Friedeberg1, Gösta Hoffmann2

Although geoscientific topics (e. g. climate change, natural hazards, geoheritage) engage public, media and politicians, the visibility of geosciences as subject labs behind. Classic ways of public relations are still…

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Digital field methods in geoscience education and outreach
Gösta Hoffmann, Valeska Decker, Sabine Kummer, Edouard Grigowski, Rosalie Kunkel

The scientific discipline „geology“ has relied on outcrops as the primary source of information since its beginnings. The initial equipment to analyse the rocks in these outcrops was simple: hammer,…

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Digital fieldtrip into the Vulkaneifel Unesco Global Geopark (Germany)
Sabine Kummer(1), Andreas Schüller (3) & Gösta Hoffmann (1,2)

This virtual fieldtrip will lead the participants into the geopark „Vulkaneifel“. The aim of the fieldtrip is a) to introduce the geopark; b) to highlight the abilities of the smartphone…

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Digital methods for the planning and construction of geothermal plants
Holger Kaiser1

Digitalisation helps to improve planning, make processes more transparent, save resources and counteract the staff shortages that will become even greater in the future. BAUER Resources GmbH has been using…

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Digitale Kaolinexploration: Ausweisung neuer sächsischer Kaolinvorkommen mit Hilfe von Desktopanwendungen
Christian Lohmann1

Seit über 300 Jahren wird Kaolin in Sachsen abgebaut. Ehemals allein zur Herstellung von Porzellan wird heute Kaolin auch in der Papierindustrie, Farben- und Lackindustrie und vielen weiteren Anwendungen verwendet….

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Digitale Transformation: Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung von Rohstoffdaten (Digital transformation: Prospects and challenges of the digitalization of raw material data)
Daniel Korb1, Markus Slomke2, Axel Hiller2

Sachsen ist reich an Bodenschätzen und verfügt über einen einzigartigen geologischen Datenbestand. Einen signifikanten Anteil bilden von der SDAG Wismut erhobene Daten der Buntmetall- und Spaterkundung – finanziert aus dem…

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Digitalisierung von unüblichen geologischen Informationsträgern – vom Handstück zum 3D-Objekt
Rouwen Johannes Lehné1, Heiner Heggemann1

Im Rahmen der geologischen Landesaufnahme werden in Hessen, wie in allen anderen Bundesländern auch, seit weit über 100 Jahren wertvolle Gesteinsproben (Bohrkerne, Handstücke, Fossilien, Mineralien) gesammelt, beschrieben, analysiert und archiviert….

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Disclosing the magma genesis and storage beneath the Cretaceous Ebersbrunn diatreme, Saxony: Evidence from mineral chemistry and juvenile fragments
Hripsime Gevorgyan1, Alexander Repstock2, Irka Schüller3, Horst Kämpf3

The Mesozoic to Cenozoic intraplate to rift-related magmatic activity in central Europe spawned both, intrusive and extrusive carbonatites. Located within the intersection of the Regensburg-Leipzig and Gera-Jachýmov fault zones, the…

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Discovering minerals and rocks
Birgit Kreher-Hartmann1

We all like to go on a discovery tour – regardless of age. And we like to use all our senses. But the most important thing in everything we do…

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Discrete pulses of Variscan magmatic activity in the Erzgebirge (Eastern Variscan belt) and their relation to ore formation
Marion Tichomirowa1, Alexandra Käßner1, Mathias Burisch2, Sebastian Weber3

Recently, new age data have been published for the Variscan magmatism as well as for times of ore formation in the Erzgebirge (e.g., Breitkreuz et al., 2021; Burisch et al.,…

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Disentangling the sedimentological record in the northern upper rhine graben during the upper pliocene – insights from the Iffezheim Formation of the research well Riedstadt-Erfelden
Jonas Kraus1, Matthias Hinderer1, Jens Hornung1, Laura Stutenbecker2, Christian Hoselmann3, Christian Zeeden4

While the sedimentological development of the Quaternary in the northern Upper Rhine Graben is well researched, there is a lack of in-depth investigations for the underlying Iffezheim Formation. To close…

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Dislocation creep flow laws of wet quartzite: the significance of pressure and slip systems
Lucy Lu (1) & Dazhi Jiang

An accurate flow law for dislocation creep of quartzite is critical for the understanding of continental rheology and geodynamic models. Despite many years of effort, existing creep experiments have yielded…

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Dissecting a granulite-facies migmatite: Leucosome – melanosome – bulk rock relationships and the role of garnet (Namaqua Metamorphic Province, South Africa)
Jürgen Reinhardt1, Aidan Leetz1, Russell Bailie1

A geochemical-mineralogical study carried out on a migmatite from the granulite zone of the Bushmanland Domain in the Grenville-cycle Namaqua-Natal Belt in southern Africa reveals an anatectic process largely controlled…

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Dissecting the Sadisdorf Sn-W-Li vein and greisen system
Dino Leopardi1, Jens Gutzmer1, Bernd Lehmann2, Mathias Burisch1

The Sadisdorf Sn-W-Li-Cu prospect, Germany, comprises magmatic-hydrothermal greisen and vein-style mineralization associated to a small alkali-feldspar granite porphyry. Petrographic and fluid inclusion data across the full extent of the deposit…

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Distribution and isotope fractionation of traces during carbonate mineral formation from amorphous precursors
Vasileios Mavromatis1, Etienne Balan2, Jacques Schott1

The formation of calcium carbonate from an amorphous precursor phase is a crystallization route selected by a large number of marine calcifiers. To date, however, only little is known about…

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Distribution of Holstein interglacial deposits in Brandenburg and Berlin (Germany)
Jaqueline Strahl1, Sophia Rütters1, Angela Sonntag1

The Holstein interglacial is classified as the period between the end of the Elster glaciation to the beginning of the Fuhne glaciation. The deposits in Brandenburg are supplied by limnic…

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Distribution of rare earth elements and yttrium in fjord waters: evidence for geogenic and anthropogenic sources in Norwegian fjords
Anna-Lena Zocher1, Tomasz Maciej Ciesielski2, Stefania Piarulli3, Julia Farkas3, Michael Bau1

The picturesque fjords along Norway’s coastline play an important role for the country’s tourism and aquaculture industry. Despite their economic importance for the country, surprisingly little is known about the…

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Distribution, duration and size of slow-slip events in the eastern Mediterranean: insights from the Hellenic subduction system
Vasso Saltogianni1, Vasiliki Mouslopoulou2, Michail Gianniou3, Andrew Nicol4, Benjamin Männel5, Jonathan Bedford6, Onno Oncken5, Stelios Mertikas7

Slow-slip events (SSEs), although widely recorded in various convergent margins globally, only recently have been reported in the Eastern Mediterranean, with one of them triggering the 2018 ~M7 Zakynthos Earthquake…

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Divide migration and escarpment retreat in Madagascar and the Western Ghats of India
Yanyan Wang1, Sean Willett1, Datian Wu2, Negar Haghipour1, Marcus Christl3

A great escarpment is characterized with extremely asymmetrical topography with a steep and high-relief mountain range rimming a low-relief high plateau. Measured erosion rates contradict the observed high relief of…

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Do pseudo-sands‘ internal structures determine biogeochemistry of tropicals‘ critical zone?
Simone Kilian Salas1, Paul A. Schroeder2, Susanne K. Woche3, Stephan Peth3, Jens Boy3, Georg Guggenberger3, Hermann F. Jungkunst1

Deeply weathered soils are iconic components of the tropical critical zone. Being short of exchangeable nutrients, physical features beyond sheer depth determine more than elsewhere the provision of life-sustaining resources….

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Do thermomechanical heterogeneities in the upper mantle control crustal deformation?
Judith Bott1, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth2, Ajay Kumar1, Mauro Cacace1, Sebastian Noe3, Jan Inge Faleide4

The architecture of the crust in intracontinental Western and Central Europe is well constrained by multidisciplinary geoscientific data. This low-strain intraplate setting is known for its widely distributed seismicity with…

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Does different metal endowment in orogenic Au deposits (Pohjanmaa Belt, western Finland) form during different tectonic events?
Andressa de Araujo Silva1, Simon Hector1, Clifford Patten2, Aratz Beranoaguirre3, Elisabeth Eiche1, Benjamin F. Walter4, Jochen Kolb1

The Pohjanmaa Belt in western Finland hosts orogenic Au deposits with enrichment in base metals, such as the Jouhineva Cu-Co-Au-Ag deposit (0.448 Mt at 0.811% Cu, 0.182% Co, 0.88 ppm…

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Does regional geology help to assess earthquake hazard in continental interiors?
Tim Hahn1, Jonas Kley1, Diethelm Kaiser2, Thomas Spies2

Earthquake hazard assessment is crucial for different planning tasks, including the search for a German nuclear waste repository. Germany is located in an intraplate setting with a low level of…

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Does the Middle Miocene rise of the Greater Himalaya cause the slow down of Southern Tibet exhumation?
Rasmus C. Thiede1, Dirk Scherler2, Chistoph Glotzbach3

The Himalaya is the highest and steepest mountain range on Earth and forms today efficient north-south barrier for moisture-bearing winds. 1D-thermokinematic modeling of new zircon (U-Th)/He bedrock-cooling ages and >100…

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Downhole logging data and its suitability for cyclostratigraphy and time series analysis
Christian Zeeden1, Arne Ulfers1, Mehrdad Sardar Abadi1, Mathias Vinnepand1, Katja Hesse2, Katharina Leu1, Thomas Wonik1

Extensive borehole logging datasets are being gathered for commercial and scientific purposes, but studies exploring their full potential through applying time series analysis remain sparse. Typically, fast available logging data…

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Drillcore GT1 of the ICDP Oman Drilling Project: insights into magmatic processes beneath fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges
Dominik Mock (1,2), Benoit Ildefonse (2), Dieter Garbe-Schönberg (3), Samuel Müller (3), David Axford Neave (4), Jürgen Koepke (1), Oman Drilling Project Science Team (5)

The Samail ophiolite in Oman provides an ideal field laboratory for investigating the processes taking place beneath fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges (MORs). Drill site GT1, which was sampled by the Oman…

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Drilling in a World Heritage Site
Nonkululeko Phumelele Mashele1, Christoph Heubeck2, BASE Onsite Geoscience Team2, Astrid Christianson3

The ICDP-Project BASE investigated Archean Surface Environments by coring the ca. 3220 Ma Moodies Group of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa, Oct. 2021 – August 2022. This unit represents…

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Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys: First results from the Tannwald Borehole
Bennet Schuster1, David C. Tanner2, Gerald Gabriel2, Thomas Burschil2, Thomas Wonik2, Frank Preusser1, Flavio Anselmetti3, Marius W. Buechi3, Sebastian Schaller3, Markus Fiebig4, Ulrike Wielandt-Schuster5

The panalpine project „DOVE“ (Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys), co-funded by the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP), is drilling a series of overdeepened glacial troughs around the Alps that were…

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Drilling the Crust – Mantle transition zone in the Oman ophiolite – the formation of massive dunites.
Sven Merseburger1, Felix Marxer1, Francois Holtz1, Jürgen Koepke1

The formation of oceanic crust at mid-ocean ridges is one of the dominant processes in the chemical differentiation of our planet. Oceanic crust formed at fast-spreading ridges exhibits a relatively…

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Drivers of Topography in Fold-thrust Belts: A Perspective from Central Nepal
Paul R Eizenhöfer1, Nadine McQuarrie2, Suryodoy Ghoshal2

Topography in fold-thrust belts over geologic time reflects the development of an orogenic Coulomb wedge that represents a balance of tectonic and erosional forcings. The establishment of critically tapered topography…

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Dual clumped isotope thermometry and fossil eggshells: a way to better understand the dinosaur-bird transition
Mattia Tagliavento1, Amelia Davies1, Miguel Bernecker1, Philip Staudigel1, Robin Dawson2, Weifu Guo3, Jens Fiebig1

Birds evolved from dinosaurs during the Late Jurassic and they are now one of the most widespread group of vertebrates on the planet. However, some aspects of the dinosaur-bird transition,…

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Duckweeds as quasi-hyperaccumulators of rare earths and the biounavailability of Gd-based contrast agents
Anna-Lena Zocher1, Franziska Klimpel1, Dennis Kraemer2, Michael Bau1

Duckweeds are widespread macrophytes in lentic waters. These small, fast-growing aquatic plants receive increasing attention as potential food supplement, which makes detailed knowledge of their chemical composition highly important. The…

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Dynamic as always – Sedimentary evolution of a coral reef island from the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia
Yannis Kappelmann1,2, Hildegard Westphal1,2, Dominik Kneer1, André Wizemann1,3, Thomas Mann1,4

The effects of changing climate and environmental conditions on coral reef islands have received a lot of attention, and the findings are discussed broadly. The low elevation of such islands…

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Dynamics and changes of the Geysers at the Haukadalur thermal area, Iceland
Thomas R. Walter1

The Haukadalur thermal area in southwestern Iceland comprises numerous individual thermal springs, geysers, and hot pots arranged roughly in a north-south orientation. Situated on the eastern slope of a hill,…

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Early Earth – geodynamics, environments, & the emergence of life
Duda, Jan-Peter (1); Heller, René (2); Münker, Carsten (3); Reitner, Joachim (4,5)

From geodynamic processes to the long-term diversification of life – through geologic time, our planet has been influenced by a wide variety of forces. This session seeks to explore life,…

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Early Jurassic K-Ar illite age data of fault gouge from a reverse fault of the Gernsbach-Neuenbürg flexure in crystalline basement rocks of the Nordschwarzwald (SW Germany)
Jens Carsten Grimmer1, Klaus Wemmer2, Mathias Hueck2, Jonas Kley2

We investigated a SSE-dipping reverse fault zone of the ENE-striking Gernsbach-Neuenbürg flexure within c. 325 Ma old coarse grained two-mica granite. The fault zone consists of a hematized, cataclastic 15-20…

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Early mantle processes inferred from high-precision 182W-142Nd isotope systematics of igneous rocks from the Singhbhum Craton, India
Arathy Ravindran1, Josua Pakulla1, Jonas Tusch1, Eric Hasenstab-Dübeler1, Jaganmoy Jodder2, Axel Hofmann2, Rajat Mazumder3, Carsten Münker1

The scarcity of well-preserved exposed Precambrian rocks as well as post-emplacement metamorphism and alteration hamper a detailed understanding of mantle differentiation processes on the early Earth. This issue can be…

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Early Permian rhyolite volcanism and Jurassic alteration, Northern Schwarzwald, Germany – new evidence from geochemistry and U-Pb dating of zircon, monazite, uraninite, and xenotime
Kirsten Drüppel1, Emre Agca2, Armin Zeh1, Jens Grimmer1, Michael Waitzinger3

Formation of Early Permian rhyolites in the Schwarzwald postdates the exhumation of Variscan granites and gneisses. Although similar Permian volcanics are recognized across Central Europe, little is known so far…

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Early to Middle Miocene paleoaltimetry results from the European Alps
Armelle Ballian1, Maud M. J. Meijers2, Isabelle Cojan3, Damien Huygue3, Katharina Methner4, Daniel Boateng5, Sebastian G. Mutz6, Walter Kurz2, Emilija Krsnik7, Horst Zwingmann8, Yann Rolland9, Todd Ehlers6, Jens Fiebig10, Andreas Mulch1

Quantifying the topographic evolution of mountain ranges through time is essential for our understanding of geodynamic forces that shape Earth’s surface, orographic and regional climate change, and the distribution of…

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Earth science education: How to narrow the gap between Earth science education potential and its low profile in schools?
Nir Orion (1) & Clara Vasconcelos (2)

During the past 30 years, Earth science education (ESE) research has established a solid theoretical foundation, as well as practical strategies and techniques, for meaningful teaching of Earth science from…

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Earth sciences for schoolchildren in the Museum Mineralogia Munich
Melanie Kaliwoda1, Malte Junge1, Felix Hentschel1, Wolfgang Schmahl1

The Museum Mineralogia München is the public part of the Mineralogische Staatssammlung München (MSM). The aim of the MSM is to provide knowledge transfer in natural science subjects, i.e. especially…

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Earth Surface Dynamics and Processes under Climatic and Tectonic controls
Krautblatter, Michael (1); Bufe, Aaron (2); Stefanie, Tofelde (3)

Earth’s surface is subject to a complex interplay of tectonic, atmospheric, and biologic forcing and processes of chemical and physical weathering and erosion. In turn, surface processes can modulate climate,…

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Earth system science in schools: Teaching geoscientific content with the help of instructional videos
Martin Meschede1

There is an urgent need to include Earth systems sciences (ESS) in the school curricula in order to enable the next generation to understand that the Earth is a dynamic…

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Earth systems education – Four decades of Research-Development-Implementation
Nir Orion1

This presentation describes the milestones of four decades of Earth Science Education (ESE) research. It will describe the evolution of the ESE Group in the Department of Science Teaching at…

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Earth’s lower mantle may be harder than expected: Al, Si diffusion in bridgmanite
Laura Czekay1, Nobuyoshi Miyajima1, Catherine McCammon1, Daniel Frost1

Diffusion of atoms in crystalline solids at high temperatures and pressures influences dynamic processes in Earth’s lower mantle. This study aims to better understand the physical behaviour of Earth’s most…

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Earth’s mantle: probing a hidden heavy-weight
Sonja Aulbach1

Earth’s mantle comprises the vast region between the crust and core, some 84% by volume and 67% by mass – a real heavyweight. The superposition of key events – all…

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Earth’s sustainable mantle
Kirchenbaur, Maria (1); König, Stephan (2)

The mantle is Earth’s largest silicate reservoir and one of its fundamental characteristics is the chemical and isotopic heterogeneity that extends down to the mineral scale. These various-sized mantle domains…

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Earthlings from the Unseen Universe
Jonas Grutzpalk1

The French sociologist Bruno Latour has repeatedly described humans as “earthlings” (terrestres) and has thus stressed the point that there is no alternative for us to chose from: we are…

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Easy access to geological and geophysical data for the planning of underground spaces or subsurface project management in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Karsten Obst1, Juliane Brandes1, Sabine Matting1, André Deutschmann1, Lisa Schwark1, Johannes Kalbe1

The search for saline water springs started in the area of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania several hundreds of years ago. First drillings to find coals seams were reported from the end of…

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Easy-to-use diagnostics of mean-term drought vulnerability
Gunnar Lischeid

Facing a couple of dry and warm years which are consistent with climate change scenarios, there is now increasing need for advanced diagnostic tools for drought risk assessment at the…

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Ecohydrological partitioning through the critical zone drives groundwater recharge: an isotopic approach
Doerthe Tetzlaff1

In times of accelerated global change, integrated tools are urgently needed that allow process-based, quantitative assessment of how climatic drivers interact with land cover, soil water conditions and hydrogeology to…

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Ecology of the Eocene moor landscapes of the Leipzig Embayment
Sascha Schmidt1, Henny Gerschel1

The study of natural climate archives is a significant method to understand past environmental conditions and depositional processes. Investigating Central German lignite is particularly suitable, as it serves as an…

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Ecology of the Eocene moor landscapes of the Leipzig Embayment
Sascha Schmidt1, Henny Gerschel1

The study of natural climate archives is a significant method to understand past environmental conditions and depositional processes. Investigating Central German lignite is particularly suitable, as it serves as an…

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Economic challenges of Fe, Co, Ni, Sc processing from complex ore deposits on the example of Sebuku Fe-(Ni)-Laterite (Indonesia)
Saskia Dück1, Thomas Heinig1, Anke Schneider1, Jana Nicolai1

Securing a predictable and affordable supply of critical metals for the high-tech industry, coupled with tightening supplies and augmented competition for available resources, leads to increasing exploration of complex and/or…

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Ecotoxicological effects of rare earth elements on early life stages of fish
Piarulli, Stefania (1), Hansen, Bjørn Henrik (2), Fossum, Frida (3), Kermen, Florence (3)Kvæstad, Bjarne (4, 5), Farkas, Julia (6)

Rare earth elements, comprising the 15 lanthanoids (LN; IIIb in the Periodic Table) plus yttrium are critical elements for a wide range of applications, including new and traditional industries as…

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Education through fascination: looking for ways to promote geoscience
Ilja Kogan1

The course of recent debates on global warming, biodiversity crises, pandemics and anti-pandemic measures, racism, or military conflicts demonstrates how quickly societies become emotionally driven and unsusceptible to evidence. Changes…

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Effect of cyclic loading at elevated temperatures on the magnetic susceptibility of a magnetite-bearing ore
Katarzyna Dudzisz1,2, Mario Walter3, Ralf Krumholtz3, Boris Reznik1, Agnes Kontny1

Rocks are often subjected to dynamic stress that occurs during earthquakes, volcanic activity as well as human-induced activities. The aim of this study is to test if mechanical fatigue in…

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Effect of deformation localization on the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility in natural shear zone
Vladimír Kolář Kusbach, Matěj Machek &Zuzana Roxerová

We derived the relationship between AMS and strain in a marble shear zone by combining rock magnetic studies, detailed microstructural analysis and CPO-based numerical modelling of the AMS. AMS ellipsoids…

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Effect of global warming on the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones: an Early Jurassic perspective
François-Nicolas Krencker1, Christian Zeeden2, Ulrich Heimhofer1

Anthropogenic warming is predicted to increase the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones, leading to severe damage and loss of life. However, projections based on historical observations are limited due…

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Effect of shock pressure on the Verwey transition in magnetite: Modelling of the magnetic susceptibility with various distributions of transition temperatures
Helena Fuchs1, Frank R. Schilling1, Agnes Kontny1

Magnetite occurs as an accessory mineral in many rocks. It shows a strong ferrimagnetic behavior with a phase transition at about 120 K (Verwey transition temperature), which causes a strong…

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Effect of the fracture aperture distribution on the heat extraction performance from the fractured geothermal systems
Saeed Mahmoodpour, Mrityunjay Singh, Kristian Bär, Ingo Sass

Fractures are main flow paths for heat extraction from fractured geothermal systems. The process of injecting cold water to extract hot water from a fractured reservoir results in thermal and…

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Effects of an oblique collision on the evolution of foreland basins: Insights from 3D numerical modeling
Giridas Maiti1, Attila Balázs2, Lucas Eskens1, Taras Gerya2, Alexander Koptev3, Nevena Andrić-Tomašević1

Flexural bending of a downgoing subducting plate in response to forces from slab pull and topographic load leads to foreland basin development in front of growing mountain belts. Many foreland…

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Effects of CO2 and Ocean Mixing on Miocene and Pliocene Temperature Gradients: Strongly reduced seasonality
Gerrit Lohmann1, Gregor Knorr1, Christian Stepanek1

Cenozoic climate changes have been linked to tectonic activity and variations in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Here, we present Miocene and Pliocene sensitivity experiments performed with the climate model COSMOS. The…

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Effects of fluid composition on the precipitation behaviour and shape of minerals
Susan Stipp

Minerals form by the ordered arrangement of atoms. Each mineral has a characteristic form, determined by the electron configuration of the atoms of its structure and the temperature and pressure…

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Effects of upper mantle drag on slab detachment dynamics: insights from 0D and 3D experiments
Andrea Piccolo1, Marcel Thielmann1, Arne Spang1

Slab detachment is a process that has been invoked to explain rapid uplift, deep seismicity, and magmatic activity in several active orogens (e.g., Alps, Himalaya). However, it is not yet…

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Effects of water level rise on the dynamic behavior of land uplift in abandoned mines, Germany
Mir Ahmad Mohammadi1

The terrain elevation changes resulting from the rising water level caused by stopping dewatering or flooding in abandoned mines area can damage surface construction or make the surface area useless….

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Efficiency and depth of H2O recycling from a modelling perspective
Sara Vulpius1, Falco Menne1, Lena Noack1, Oliver Henke-Seemann1, Enrique Sanchis Melchor1

The recycling of volatiles like H2O from the surface into the interior is critical as it influences the physical and chemical properties of the mantle. One of the essential effects…

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Efficiency of CO2 storage in saline aquifers using foam co-injection
Xiaocong Lyu (1), Denis Voskov (1,2) & William Rossen (1)

In this study, we investigate CO2-foam injection as a promising technology to increase the security of CO2 sequestration process. To evaluate the performance of CO2-foams in saline aquifers, the Delft…

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EGU Geoscience Education Field Officer (GEFO) initiative in Germany – results of the first year of activity
Sylke Hlawatsch1

Geoscientists know that their scientific understanding of the Earth as a system is important for the sustainable development of planet Earth. In Germany they expressed their concern about the state…

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EGU Geosciences Education Field Officers: the assessment of the programme
Gina P. Correia1, Sylke Hlawatsch2, Anna Anglisano Roca3, Hélder Pereira4, Jean-Luc Berenguer Berenguer5

With the main goal of supporting geosciences education in Europe and beyond, the European Geosciences Union (EGU) Education Committee (EC) launched and support the Geoscience Education Field Officers (GEFO) programme….

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Eight ICDP boreholes and three tunnels through 3.7 km of Paleoarchean shallow-water strata probe the setting of early life
Christoph Heubeck1, Nic Beukes2, BASE onsite team3

The up to 3.7 km-thick Moodies Group (~3.22 Ga) of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa and Eswatini, comprises some of the oldest well-preserved sedimentary strata on Earth, deposited within…

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Ein weltumfassendes Netzwerk? Zum geowissenschaftlichen Thesaurus der BGR und seiner Repräsentation als Linked Open Data

Die Bibliothek der Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in Hannover pflegt seit den 1980er-Jahren einen hausinternen Thesaurus, der zur Erschließung der Bibliotheks- und Archivbestände verwendet wird. Anfang der 2000er…

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Einordnung bisheriger Funde und Aktivitäten zu Wasserstoffvorkommen im geologischen Untergrund

Wasserstoff wird in Zukunft weltweit eine bedeutende Rolle bei der Dekarbonisierung des Energie- und Wirtschaftssystems einnehmen. Da die Herstellung von Wasserstoff aus erneuerbaren Energien noch vergleichsweise teuer ist, stellt sich…

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Element partitioning and selective mobilisation at the magmatic-hydrothermal transition in shallow igneous systems
Anne Kaufmann1, Thomas Pettke1

Fluid-melt partition coefficients (KD) quantify the distribution of elements at the magmatic-hydrothermal transition and describe the potential for selective mobilisation and transport of elements from a solidifying magma into the…

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Element partitioning during hydrothermal alteration at ultramafic-hosted mineralized systems: insights from the fossil Marmorera-Cotschen hydrothermal system (Platta nappe, SE Switzerland)
Rémi Coltat1, Philippe Boulvais2, Thomas Riegler3, Ewan Pelleter4, Yannick Branquet2,5

Ultramafic-hosted mineralized systems commonly form massive sulphides at the seafloor which are enriched in base (Cu, Zn, Ni), critical (Co) and precious (Au, Ag) metals. In present-day settings, the limited…

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Enabling virtual teaching with Unreal Engine 5 (3D/XR): The 30 Geotope³ virtual museum
Pascal Michael Woiton1, Edouard Grigowski1

Fieldwork and outcrops are an essential component of geoscience education, providing students with a hands-on learning experience that enhances their understanding of geological processes. This is reflected by the importance…

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Energy analysis of microseismicity induced by fluid-injection in the Soultz-sous-Forˆets geothermal reservoir
Kamel Drif1,2, Olivier Lengliné1, Jannes Kinscher2, Jean Schmittbuhl1

Between 1993 and 2005, the Soultz-sous-Forˆets reservoir was stimulated through 4 different wells crossing the reservoir at two different levels R3 (about 3km deep) and R5 (about 5km deep). The…

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Energy storage in salt caverns: Technical, regulatory and societal challenges from an energy and mining perspective
Serge van Gessel (1), Isis van Wetten (1), Gregor Schneider (2) & Ingrid Kroon (1)

Rock salt is an abundant mineral typically applied in chemical industry, food industry and road de-icing. Besides extraction from seawater and surface occurrences, subsurface mining is common practice in several…

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Enhanced weathering of mafic rocks in tropical Colombia
Camilo Montes1, Aymer Maturana1, Maritza Duque1, Jaime Escobar1, Juan Andres Gil1, Juan David Atencio1

The tropics have the potential to capture large amounts of CO2 through enhanced weathering of mafic rocks. This negative emissions technology can be articulated with the needs of the agricultural…

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Enhancing Model Transparency in Geothermal Settings: Clustering to Reduce Aleatoric Uncertainty
Magued Al-Aghbary1, Mohamed Sobh2, Christian Gerhards3

Aleatoric uncertainty, inherent in the variability of data itself, presents a significant challenge in predictive modeling, especially in scenarios with intrinsic randomness and noise. Traditionally viewed as irreducible, this type…

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Enhancing the contribution of closed systems to geothermal energy generation by increasing the ratio of generated power to the total length of wellbores
Morteza Esmaeilpour, Maziar Gholami Korzani, Thomas Kohl

Geothermal energy extraction through closed systems is a secure approach responding to the global heating demand without contaminating subsurface water and causing seismic events. However, the generated power of conventional…

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Environmental change at the Mid-Eocene Climate Optimum in Central Asia and potential relations with Eurasian paleoecological dispersals
Guillaume Dupont-Nivet1, Silke Voigt2, Alina Seufert2, Erwin Appel3, Saida Niglatova4, Nariman Jamikeshev5

limatic optima and hyperthermals of the Paleogene period (66-34 Ma) open windows into the past to explore the Earth System under extreme conditions, beyond several tipping points. During this period…

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Episodic mantle overturn in a non-plate tectonic mantle
Anders Lillevang Vesterholt, Thorsten J. Nagel

Using ultra-high-resolution, 2D-thermomechanical modeling, we explore the evolution of the mantle of a terrestrial planet with a stagnant lid like Venus or the early Earth. Without plate tectonics, the mantle…

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Equally warm but even drier Mediterranean region at the Miocene – Pliocene transition
Iuliana Vasiliev-Popa1, Konstantina Agiadi2, Katharina Methner3, Jens Fiebig4, Andreas Mulch5

Between 5.97-5.33 Ma, kilometre-thick evaporites were deposited in the Mediterranean Basin during the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) under strongly negative hydrological budget. In the light of the IMMAGE initiative to…

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Erosion rate response to mining and deforestation, Elba Island
Nathalia Cerón Espejo1, Anne Bernhardt1, Dirk Scherler2, Alexander Rohrmann1, Wiebke Bebermeier3, Fabian Becker3, Hella Wittmann4, Tibor Dunai5

Throughout history, humans have modified the landscape by farming, extracting natural resources, and deforestation. However, it is not fully understood to what extent such activities have changed vegetation structures and…

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Erosion, Chemical Weathering and the Uplift of the New Guinea Highlands
Peter Dominic Clift1, Yifan Du2

Chemical weathering in Southeast Asia is increasingly recognised as being a core control over global climate, particularly the cooling of Earth during the Cenozoic. This is particularly true during the…

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Escarpment Retreat Drives Diversification of Eastern Madagascar through Allopatric Speciation
Yanyan Wang1, Sean D. Willett1, Yi Liu2, Loïc Pellissier2, Niklaus Zimmerman3

Species richness of Madagascar is uneven, with the highest species richness and endemism found on the steep great escarpment of the eastern margin. The unevenness is further observed within the…

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Estimating the upper limit of the Proterozoic petrographic carbon (PC) flux
Sami Nabhan1, Don Canfield1

Atmospheric oxygen levels in the Proterozoic are highly debated with estimates reaching from >0.1 – 24 % PAL. A new approach to model Proterozoic atmospheric oxygen levels, based on concentrations…

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Estimation of shallow groundwater temperatures in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Maximilian Noethen1, Hannes Hemmerle1, Laura Meyer1, Peter Bayer1

Groundwater temperatures (GWTs) vary based on the local geothermal heat flux, the energy budget at the surface, and land cover. With subsurface temperature data being scarce, standard techniques for the…

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Europe’s marine minerals: EMODnet geology and Geological Service for Europe (GSEU)
Xavier Monteys1, Charise McKeon1, Teresa Medialdea2, Francisco Javier González2, Egidio Marino2, Luis Somoza2, Ana Lobato2

The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) is a long-term marine data initiative funded by the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) and supported by the EU’s integrated…

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Europe’s resilience on raw materials – how did GeoERA contribute
Antje Wittenberg1, Daniel P. S. de Oliveira2, Lisbeth Flindt Jørgensen3, Tom Heldal4, F. Javier González Sanz5

Europe’s Green Transition is a declared key political goal in the European Union. The technology needed to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 relies heavily on metals and minerals. Responsible sourcing…

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European Minerals Inventory as part of the Mineral Intelligence for Europe
Špela Kumelj(1), Jasna Šinigoj (1), Duška Rokavec (1), Andrej Vihtelič (1), Lisbeth Flindt Jørgensen (2) & David Whitehead (2)

The geographical coverage of the Minerals Inventory is being extended with data from the West Balkan countries as mineral data from this region represented a gap in the existing mineral…

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European Raw Materials
Wittenberg, Antje; Sievers, Henrike

Raw Materials are crucial components of a resilient and sustainable economy and society. A sustainable supply of primary raw materials needs accessible mineral deposits and efficiently productive mines. Competing land-use…

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Evaluating porosity, permeability and fluid producibility from SEM image of porous media for underground hydrogen storage
Wisdom David1, Mrityunjay Singh1, Juliane Kummerow1, Cornelia Schmidt-Hattenberger1, Ingo Sass2

Underground hydrogen storage (UHS) technology promotes large-scale energy storage and balancing of energy grids due to mismatch between renewable energy production and demand patterns. As this technology is significantly dependent…

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Evaluating U-Pb and Sr isotopic compositions of late Ediacaran carbonate rock from drill cores to asses preservation of geochemical signatures
André Navin Paul1, Axel Gerdes1, Marjorie Cantine2, Maria Ovtcharova3

Marine carbonates are potential archives of geochemical proxies, such as U-Pb and Sr isotopes, which can be utilized in the reconstruction of past climate conditions and ancient seawater composition. The…

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Evaluation of geogenic and anthropogenic impacts on spatio-temporal variation in the quality of the drinking water sources under the impact of land-use and land-cover: A case study of the Erbil Central Sub-Basin, Iraq
Jawhar Mohammed-Shukur TAWFEEQ1, Erkan DİŞLİa1, Masoud Hussein HAMED2

The study area, Erbil Central Sub-Basin, is located within the foothill zone in the stable shelf tectonic unit of Iraq (northern Iraq) on the Arabian plate. Recently, groundwater demand has…

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Evaluation of structural geological bulk data from a study area in the Bavarian Forest
Thomas Kürschner1

The western border of the Bohemian Massif is characterized by a complex pattern of major NW-SE striking fault zones which form the tectonic boundary to younger sedimentary rocks to the…

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Evidence for a non-classical dissolution-reprecipitation reaction path in natural high pressure-low temperature rocks
Matthias Konrad-Schmolke1, Ralf Halama2, Richard Wirth3, Aurélien Thomen4, Nicolai Klitscher3, Luiz Morales5, Franziska Wilke3

Dissolution and precipitation of minerals in the presence of a hydrous fluid is commonly assumed to occur predominantly by hydrolysis of the outermost monolayers of the reacting crystal and subsequent…

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Evidence for time-variable thickness of the Phanerozoic continental lithosphere in Central Europe
Amr El-Sharkawy1,2, Thomas Meier1, Sergei Lebedev3, Carlos Clemente-Gomez4, Javier Fullea4, Thor Hansteen5

The Phanerozoic lithosphere in Central Europe was formed due to the Caledonian and Variscan Orogenies. It then probably underwent modification and thinning associated with widespread and intense Permian volcanism. Since…

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Evolution and Modeling of the Carbonate-Clastic Permian system in the Jeffara Basin, Central Tunisia
Christos Kougioulis1, Pierre-Olivier Bruna1, Allard Willem Martinius1, Ahmed Nasri2, Ghofrane Laouini2,3, Giovanni Bertotti1

Permian deposits are found in outcrops and in the subsurface of Central Tunisia. Their sedimentary and stratigraphic characteristics and origin are not fully understood and represents the main focus of…

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Evolution from subduction initiation to mature island arc volcanism in the Upper Eocene to Middle Miocene Vitiaz Arc, SW Pacific: Evidence from Malekula Island (Vanuatu)
Kathrin P Schneider1, Karsten M Haase1, Bernard Pelletier2

The oldest volcanic rocks exposed on Malekula Island, now belonging to the New Hebrides Island Arc, formed in the Upper Eocene to Middle Miocene Vitiaz Island Arc, Southwest Pacific. They…

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Evolution of fluid flow and carbonate recrystallization rates in deep-sea sediments of the Equatorial Pacific
Andreas Wittke1, Nikolaus Gussone2, Dominik Derigs3, Barbara M.A. Teichert4

Fluid flow and carbonate recrystallization rates were determined for deep-sea sediments from the Equatorial Eastern Pacific (IODP Exp. 320/321) using δ44/40Ca values of pore water and corresponding sediments. The drill…

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Evolution of the Dinarides Fold and Thrust Belt: Paleogene Deformation and Neogene Post-Collisional Reorganization
Philipp Balling1, Bruno Tomljenović2, Stefan Schmid3, Christoph Grützner1, Marijan Herak4, Wim Spakman5, Kamil Ustaszewski1

The Late Cretaceous collision of the Adriatic microplate with Eurasia led to a predominantly southwest-vergent and in-sequence structural architecture in the Dinarides. During the Paleogene, the deformation front migrated from…

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Evolution of the Ediacaran-Cambrian arc section preserved in the SW Iberia (Ossa-Morena Complex, Variscan Belt)
Esther Rojo-Pérez1, Ricardo Arenas2, José M. Fuenlabrada2, Rubén Díez Fernández3

The geochemistry of sedimentary sequences allows the recognition of patterns and shifts in geodynamic settings. On active margins, the contribution of these sequences to arc magmatism through processes such as…

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Exhumation and erosion rates in the flat-topped Nock Mountains in the Eastern Alps constrained by low-temperature and cosmogenic 10Be data
Andreas Wölfler1, Andrea Hampel1, Christoph Glotzbach2, István Dunkl3

Constraining rates of landscape evolution is a necessary pre-requisite for reconstructing the spatiotemporal evolution of the Earth´s surface. In our study, we present new zircon and apatite fission track and…

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Exhumation pulses in the Southern Patagonian Andes (Torres del Paine, 51°S)
Nevena Andrić-Tomasevic, Sarah Falkowski, Alireza Aghakhani & Todd A. Ehlers

The Cenozoic exhumational evolution of the Southern Patagonian Andes and its potential tectonic and climatic controls remain poorly constrained. Here, we integrate 21 new and 73 published bedrock thermochronological ages…

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Exhumation related crystallographic preferred orientations in Cretaceous high pressure rocks of the Eastern Alps
Ruth Keppler1, Niko Froitzheim1

The Saualpe-Koralpe high pressure (HP) complex as well as the HP units of the Pohorje mountains formed during the Cretaceous orogenic cycle in the Eastern Alps. Within these units eclogite…

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ExoMDN: Rapid characterization of exoplanet interiors with Mixture Density Networks
Philipp Baumeister1, Nicola Tosi2

Characterizing the interior structure of exoplanets is an essential part in understanding the diversity of observed exoplanets, their formation processes and their evolution. As the interior of an exoplanet is…

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Exothermic adsorption of oxo-anions by goethite
Michael Kersten1

Column and field tests related to ATES found significantly elevated Mo, V, and other oxo-anions that could not be explained by reductive dissolution of Fe oxyhydroxides. A common hypothesis levied…

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Expanding the U-series disequilibrium dating to minerals beyond Zircon by LA-ICP-MS
Marcel Guillong1, Jörn-Frederik Wotzlaw1, Franziska Keller1, Francesca Forni2, Razvan-Gabriel Popa1, Olivier Bachmann1

In situ U-Th disequilibrium dating is applicable to Uranium bearing minerals crystallizing the past 300 ka and has long been the domain of ion microprobes. We introduced analytical protocols employing…

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Experimental alteration of ferroan brucite at temperature below 150°C: new thermodynamic and kinetic constaints on H2 production during ultramafic rock alteration at low temperature
William Carlin1, Benjamin Malvoisin2, Fabrice Brunet2, Bruno Lanson2, Nathaniel Findling2, Martine Lanson2, Tiphaine Fargetton3, Laurent Jeannin3, Olivier Lhote4

The alteration of ferroan brucite, a common by-product of serpentinization, has been proposed as a H2 source at low temperature. Here, synthetic ferroan brucite with Fe/(Fe+Mg) = 0.2 was reacted…

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Experimental and isotopic constraints on the formation of Archean continental crust
Liam Hoare1, Christopher Beyer1, J. Elis Hoffmann2, Raúl O.C. Fonseca2

Remnants of Earth’s juvenile continental crust are preserved in the form of Archean Tonalite-Trondhjemite-Granodiorites (TTGs). However, much controversy surrounds the composition of TTG protoliths and whether the geodynamic setting involved…

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Experimental and isotopic insights into mineral-fluid interactions at Earth’s surface in natural and engineered systems
Anna L. Harrison1, Vasileios Mavromatis1, Jacques Schott1, Cameron Wood2, Avni Patel3, Eric Oelkers1, Katharine Maher4, Siobhan A. Wilson3, Maija Raudsepp3, Jon Golla5

Mineral-fluid interactions underpin element cycles, mobility of hazardous and valuable metals, and removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. The fractionation of isotopes provides insights into the processes controlling mineral-fluid reactions…

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Experimental and numerical investigations to calculate long-term recharge in a water stressed region and to optimize nature-based MAR solutions
Lucia Magnano1, Arif Chowdhury2, Ahmed Abdelrahman1, Ronjon Heim3, Irina Engelhardt1

Climate projections indicate that extreme weather events have increased in frequency and intensity in the past and will affect sensitive Germany in the near future. Our study site, the catchment…

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Experimental assessment of geochemical reactions during H2-fluid-rock interaction in selected porous rock formations investigated for underground hydrogen storage in Germany

To enable large-scale underground hydrogen storage, porous rock formations can complement the storage space of salt caverns, which currently are investigated in first pilot tests in Germany. In porous rocks,…

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Experimental constraints on reactive flow in the lunar mantle and high-Ti magma petrogenesis
Martijn Klaver1, Tim Elliott2, Stephan Klemme3

Basaltic lunar mare volcanism has erupted a variety of melt compositions that far exceeds that of terrestrial basalts. Most notably, TiO2 contents of lunar basalts vary by almost two orders…

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Experimental determination of boron isotope fractionation between silicate melts and hydrous fluids, with application to understanding magmatic-hydrothermal ore genesis
Jakob Heinrich Rauscher1, Bernd Wunder2, Max Wilke3, Robert Trumbull2, Sandro Jahn4, Melanie Jutta Sieber3, Julie Michaud5, Florian Pohl5, Maria Rosa Scicchitano2, Michael Fechtelkord6, Oona Appelt2

The magmatic-hydrothermal transition is an important but poorly-understood process in the formation of Sn-W, Nb-Ta and Li deposits associated with evolved granites and pegmatites. Theory predicts that boron isotopes will…

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Experimental investigation of gas diffusion in claystones: The potential of gas uptake measurements as a means to assess diffusivity in water saturated porous media
Saeed Khajooie1, Garri Gaus1

This study investigates sealing properties of Jurassic claystones, specifically Lias and Dogger mudstones of the Lower Saxony Basin, in the context of the disposal of high-level radioactive waste. Within the…

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Experimental investigation of hydrogen storage and transport properties in reservoir rocks under the influence of abiotic chemical reactions, microbial metabolism, and „in-situ“ pressures.
Nicolai Thüns1, Garri Gaus2, Ralf Littke2, Helge Stanjek1

Temporary underground storage of molecular hydrogen (H2) in depleted oil and gas reservoirs has recently attracted increasing research interest as it can support chemical industry demands and peak-shaving in the…

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Experimental investigation of tuite stability in peridotite bulk and its role in the Earth’s phosphorus cycle
Vazhakuttiyakam Jaseem1, Tristan Pausch1, Anthony C Withers2, Bastian Joachim-Mrosko1, Jürgen Konzett1

Ca-phosphates play a vital role in the global phosphorus, halogen and incompatible trace element cycle. During subduction, apatite, which is the most abundant terrestrial Ca-phosphate, breaks down to form tuite…

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Experimental investigation of Zn isotope fractionation during sulfur-bearing magma degassing
Chun Yang1, Paul Pangritz2, Christian Renggli2, Christoph Burkhardt3, Stephan Klemme2

Moderately volatile metal elements like Zn in may be efficiently transported into the gas phase during magma ascending, and during vaporization may fractionate elements and their isotopes between gas and…

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Experimental large scale salt cavern methanation simulation
Marcel Schulz1, Birgit Müller1, Frank Schilling1

Despite the high salinity, biological processes could be used in salt caverns for methanation if suitable conditions are created. With suitable backfill materials, growth areas for the formation of biofilms…

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Experimental quantification of the degassing of chalcophile and siderophile elements from metal and sulfide melts
Edgar S. Steenstra1, Christian Renggli1, Jasper Berndt1, Stephan Klemme1

The chemical composition of magmatic iron meteorites provides fundamental insights into planetary accretion processes. They are distinguished based on their trace element compositions and could represent the cores of more…

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Experimental results of a high-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage test site – storage efficiency and thermal impact on the environment
Johannes Nordbeck1, Klas Lüders1, Götz Hornbruch1, Sebastian Bauer1

High-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage (HT-ATES) in the geological subsurface can help bridge the temporal mismatch between production and demand of energy from renewable sources. Despite great importance for energy…

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Experimental Simulation of Liquid Immiscibility in a Primitive Silicate-Carbonatite System
Antonia Simon1, Roman Botcharnikov2, François Holtz3, Daria Voropaeva4, Marion Tichomirowa4, Stephan Buhre2

Despite being the most important source of rare earth elements (REE), the formation of carbonatites as well as the enrichment processes of rare metals in these rocks remain elusive. While…

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Experimental simulations of hydrogen migration through potential storage rocks
Bettina Strauch, Peter Pilz, Johannes Hierold, Martin Zimmer

The save and effective storage of hydrogen in geological formations is an important part towards the implementation of renewable energy use. Due to fluctuating power supply from wind or solar…

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Experimental sulfidation of nano-magnetite at hydrothermal conditions – implications for the reconstruction of microbial life in ancient sulfide deposits
Eric A. Runge1, Muammar Mansor2, Andreas Kappler3, Jan-Peter Duda1

Nano-magnetite is a potential archive for biosignatures of iron-cycling microorganisms in hydrothermal systems, which are widely considered to be among the most ancient microbial habitats on Earth. Sulfidic diagenesis driven…

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Experimentally determined NH4+ – K+ exchange coefficient between phengite and fluids at 700°C/4.0GPa
Nada Abdel-Hak1, Axel Kitte2, Jens Kallmeyer2, Monika Koch-Müller1, Bernd Wunder3

Phengite is the main nitrogen (N) carrier in high-P/T metamorphosed rocks in subduction zones (e.g. Halama et al., 2017; Abdel-Hak et al., 2020). N is incorporated as ammonium (NH4+) substituting…

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Experimentally Induced Thermal Fatigue on Lunar and Eucrite Meteorites – Influence of the Mineralogy on Rock Breakdown
Markus Patzek1, Ottaviano Rüsch1

Understanding regolith formation and evolution on airless planetary surfaces at the spatial scale from meters to microns is crucial. Diurnal temperature variations on airless planetary surfaces is a common feature…

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Exploration and extraction of key battery commodities for e-mobility
Gorka, Torsten (1); Peters, Stephan (1); Barth, Andreas (2)

The growing need for energy storage for e-mobility and other battery-intense applications has created a large interest in the key battery commodity Lithium (Li) as well as other critical raw…

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Exploration in Potash Mining in the Werra Potash District
Jens Barnasch1

The Werra Potash District is located on the border of the federal states of Thuringia and Hesse. Mining has taken place in this area for more than 125 years. The…

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Exploration of the geologic and hydrogeologic conditions for a medium deep borehole high-temperature thermal energy storage system at TU Darmstadt, Germany
Lukas Seib, Bastian Welsch, Matthis Frey, Claire Bossennec, Kristian Bär, Ingo Sass

Solutions for seasonal energy storage systems are an essential component for the reliable use of fluctuating renewable energy sources and to bridge the gap between abundant heat availability from renewable…

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Exploring flooded mines with UNEXUP
Márcio Tameirão Pinto & Luís Lopes

The UNEXUP project (2020-2022), funded by EIT RawMaterials, is a continuation of the Horizon 2020 UNEXMIN project (2016-2019). In UNEXMIN a robotic platform to conduct geoscientific surveys in underground flooded…

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Exploring for CCS
Gesa Luise Netzeband1, Susanne Kuchling1

CCS has been identified as a key element for limiting global warming. The adoption of the EU Green Deal and other European regulation have made carbon capture and storage technologies…

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Exploring meteorite collections via non-destructive micro X‑ray fluorescence analysis
Lutz Hecht1, Ansgar Greshake2, Felix Kaufmann2, Christopher Hamann2, Dina Schultze2, Roald Tagle3

Meteorites offer a unique view on the formation and evolution of our solar system. Thousands of such samples exist in meteorite collections all over the world; however, this resource is…

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Exploring the geothermal potential of North Rhine-Westphalia – insights into the intermediate and deeper subsurface
Sarah Esteban Lopez1, Kim Roya Nokar1, Martin Sattelberger1, Vladimir Shipilin1, Burcu Tasdemir1, Immanuel Weber1

The rising demand for heating applications in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) based on regional, climate and environmentally friendly energy sources has prompted the federal state government to further evaluate the geothermal…

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Exploring the Plio/Pleistocene stratigraphy of a core from Riedstadt/Hesse (Upper Rhine Graben)
Christian Zeeden1, Stephanie Scheidt2, Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr3, Christian Hoselmann4

The last of a total of three main subsidence episodes of the northern Upper Rhine Graben took place during the Pliocene to Quaternary and allowed the accumulation of thick sedimentary…

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Exploring the preservation of greigite in hydrocarbon reservoirs using thermodynamic modelling
Jack Turney, Adrian Muxworthy, Dominik Weiss, Alastair Fraser

Previously, thermodynamic modelling has been used to predict the magnetic phases favoured under varying geochemical conditions at hydrocarbon seepage zones. Although greigite (Fe3S4) has been identified by magnetic experiments in…

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Exponate, Bilder, Stories – das Museum als Mittel gegen Lehrbuch-Eintönigkeit
Michael Buchwitz1, Merlin Jansen1

Die Evolution der Pferde, „Brückentiere“ wie Archaeopteryx und das Schnabeltier, die Abstammung des Menschen, Darwin-Finken, die klassischen Evolutionsfaktoren der Synthetischen Theorie, Homologie und Analogie, Lamarckismus und Darwinismus – manchmal hat…

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Expressions of Early Silurian climate changes in the stratigraphic record of Baltica and South China
Oliver Lehnert1, Guido Meinhold2, Michael Joachimski3, Guanzhou Yan4, Mikael Calner5, Peep Männik6, Jiri Frýda7, Fangyi Gong4, Rongchang Wu4

The Silurian record in the Siljan crater, Europe’s largest impact structure, in the succession at Baizitian (Sichuan Province) in South China, in other Swedish and Estonian sections, together with records…

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Extending the age model for Lake Bosumtwi (Ghana) for climate- and environmental reconstructions in West Africa during the last million years
Mathias Vinnepand1, Christian Zeeden1, Anders Noren2, Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr3, William Gosling4, Jochem Kück5, Thomas Wonigk1

Lake Bosumtwi, formed after a meteorite impact at ~1.07 Ma, contains a sedimentary archive that yields an excellent high-resolution record of climate- and environmental change in Sub-Saharan West Africa. The…

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Externally- vs. internally-derived H2O as control on reaction progress during high-pressure metamorphism
Simon Schorn1

The progress of metamorphic reactions at high-pressure is commonly limited by kinetics. Relatively low temperatures, absence of deformation, short timescales and particularly the paucity of fluid may hamper transformation, thereby…

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Extracting the source characteristics of the April 2022 Guanyuan landslide event from seismic signals recorded in the near-field
Rebeca Ursu1, Hui Tang2, Jens M. Turowski2, Ci-Jian Yang2, Jui-Ming Chang3

The seismic signature of landslides preserves information of utmost importance in reconstructing the impact forces induced by landslides and, subsequently, the trajectory of motion and the dynamic properties of the…

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Extraction of Cr during mantle melting: Experimental constraints on the role of peridotite composition and the effect of water
Myriam Ruttmann1, Roman Botcharnikov1, Annalena Stroh1, Evangelos Moulas1, Stephan Buhre1

Chromium (Cr) is considered to be one of the most economically important critical raw materials. The most economically significant mineral for Cr exploitation is Chromite which can be found in…

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Extreme As partitioning into pyrite during hydrothermal siderite replacement in As poor fluids
Frederik Jonas Dunkel1, Martin Kutzschbach1, Christof Kusebauch2, Ferry Schiperski1, Frederik Börner3, Manuel Keith3

Pyrite is among the most abundant sulphide minerals in the Earth’s crust and an important sink for As and valuable elements like Au and Te (1, 2). Hence, arsenian pyrite…

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Extreme Oligocene cooling in the North American Cordillera
Niels Meijer1, Katharina Methner2, Nikki M. Seymour3, Debra L. Hanneman4, Miguel Bernecker5, Jens Fiebig5, Andreas Mulch6

The continental response to global climate forcing remains difficult to predict due to the intricate feedbacks among climate, vegetation and other land surface changes. This is exemplified by the Eocene-Oligocene…

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Fabric development in felsic granulites during multistage exhumation of the Saxonian Granulite Massive
Till Berndt1, Rüdiger Kilian1, Michael Stipp1

Fabrics in the granulites of the Saxonian Granulite Massive (SGM) are interpreted to result from deformation related to early exhumation at deep crustal conditions, followed by subsequent shearing of the…

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Facies analysis and petrography of Permian sandstones – key for stratigraphy and depositional environment of a new tetrapod track site (Southern Permian Basin, Germany)
Sebastian Germann1, Jörg W. Schneider1,2, Birgit Gaitzsch1, Michael Buchwitz3

The Upper Rotliegend II sandstones of the Mammendorf Quarry in the Flechtingen High near Magdeburg in northern Germany yield an assemblage of continental trace fossils (reptilian and therapsid tracks, scratch…

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Facies characterisation of a Kungurian volcano lake of the Athesian Volcanic District (Italy)
Evelyn Kustatscher1, Francesca Vallé1, Giuseppa Forte1, Nereo Preto2, Corrado Morelli3

The Athesian Volcanic District offers important insights into how volcanic activity influenced ecosystems during the Cisuralian, particularly at low latitudes, thanks to sedimentary successions intercalated with the volcanic units. By…

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Factors influencing the long-term interseismic behavior of the Main Marmara Fault, NW Turkey: a data-driven modelling approach
Naiara Fernandez1, Mauro Cacace1, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth2, Oliver Heidbach1

In this contribution, we discuss our latest results from the project “Deformation Mechanisms along the Main Marmara Fault (DEMMAF)”, funded by the ICDP priority program of the German Science Foundation….

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FAIR dissemination of laboratory data in the solid Earth sciences: an EPOS community portal for cross-disciplinary metadata
Otto A. Lange1, Laurens Samshuijzen1

The Thematic Core Service Multi-scale Laboratories (TCS MSL) is a community within the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) that includes a wide range of world-class laboratory infrastructures and that provides…

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Fast Segmentation of hexahedral grids based on cell properties
Georg Semmler1

Regular and irregular hexahedral grids are a common geometric primitive used to represent spatial property distributions. It is often required to calculate closed isosurfaces based on these given spatial properties…

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Fault sets in the North Alpine Foreland Basin in Bavaria and their relation to subduction processes in the Alps
Martin Elsner1

The North Alpine Foreland Basin (NAFB), or Molasse Basin, represents the northern foredeep of the Alps. In southern Bavaria, geothermal exploration of the past two decades resulted in new seismic…

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Fe3+ in garnet and the V/Cr redox proxy: Two methods, one result. Oxygen fugacity of Paleoarchean ky/cor eclogites from the Kaapvaal craton – subducted equivalents of former troctolites
Heidi Eva Hoefer1, Qiao Shu2, Gerhard Peter Brey1, Catharina Heckel1, Prokopiy Vasilyev3

The Earth’s mantle was at metal saturation shortly after accretion (ΔFMQ ~ -4.5; Frost and McCammon, 2004). This supposedly changed very rapidly to ΔFMQ ~ 0 (= today’s oxidation state…

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Feasibility Study of Monitoring Delft Geothermal Project Using Land Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Method
Mahmoud Eltayieb, Dieter Werthmüller, Guy Drijkoningen, Evert Slob

Delft geothermal project (DAPwell) is a planned geothermal well doublet, where relatively cold water is going to be injected through one well into a low enthalpy geothermal reservoir to produce…

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Feedbacks in silicate glass alteration studied by in operando fluid-cell Raman spectroscopy
Gerrit Müller1, Moritz Bernd Karl Fritzsche2, Lars Dohmen3, Thorsten Geisler2

The alteration of silicate glasses (and minerals) is involved in most biogeochemical cycles and poses challenges in several technical applications. The mechanism(s), kinetics and rate-determining factors have been extensively studied…

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Felsic veins in gabbros drilled by IODP at Atlantis Bank (Southwest Indian Ridge; Expedition 360): Formation, metamorphism and their role for fluid and mass transfer: first results
Artur Engelhardt, Jürgen Koepke & François Holtz

Hole U1473 (32° 42.3622’ S; 057° 16.6880’ E), located on the summit of Atlantis Bank at the ultra-slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge was drilled to 789.7 m below seafloor (mbsf)…

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Fennoscandian Deep biosphere – similarities, differences and functions
Malin Bomberg1

The continental subsurface contains approximately 12 – 20% of Earth’s biomass. In deep rock environments this biomass dwells in aqueous spaces, fractures and pores of the rock, either attached in…

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Ferruginous shelled structures in mine shafts of the Harz Mountains
Leon Kausch1, Andreas Kronz1

In abandoned mines in the Harz Mountains, peculiar corrosion phenomena can be observed on steel structures (pipes, steel struts, rails) whose cm-sized structures are reminiscent of closed clam shells. They…

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FID GEO: library-based services that help establish Open Science practices.
Melanie Lorenz1, Malte Semmler2, Kirsten Elger1

In the context of Open Science, data are just one, albeit important, part of the chain of scientific outputs, ranging from samples, to data, software, and research articles. The Specialized…

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FID GEO: promoting cultural change towards Open Access and FAIR data in the German geoscientific community
Marcel Meistring1, Melanie Lorenz1, Kirsten Elger1, Inke Achterberg2, Malte Semmler2, Norbert Pfurr2

The rise of Open Science practices is impacting the entire scientific publishing culture. The transition to Open Access for text publications goes hand in hand with the growing demand to…

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Finding opportunities in the uncertainties of geomechanical-numerical models
Moritz Ziegler1, Oliver Heidbach2, Karsten Reiter3, Mojtaba Rajabi4

The numerical modelling of the in-situ stress state is commonly performed for reservoir management or subsurface applications such as nuclear waste repositories. Modelling is required due to the sparsity of…

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Finding Quaternary Seismic Slip Along the Eastern Periadriatic Fault System: Dating Fault Gouges by combined means of Electron Spin Resonance and Optically Stimulated Luminescence
Erick Prince1, Sumiko Tsukamoto2, Christoph Grützner1, Marko Vrabec3, Kamil Ustaszewski1

The Periadriatic Fault System (PAF) is among the largest post-collisional structures of the Alps. Recent studies using GPS velocities suggest that Adria-Europe convergence is still being accommodated in the Eastern…

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Finding the geothermal sweet spots of Germany by integrating the subsurface geological heterogeneity with process simulations
Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth1, Mauro Cacace2, Judith Bott2, Denis Anikiev2

In Germany the heat demand distribution and operational geothermal production show limited spatial overlap and this is related to the geology in the subsurface. Most of the geothermal energy projects…

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Fingerprinting fluid evolution and metal distribution in the Skouries porphyry Au-Cu deposit (NE Greece) by mineral micro-analysis
Alica Höss1, Reiner Klemd1, Manuel Keith1, Panagiotis Voudouris2, Vasilios Melfos3, Lisa Gerlach1, Karsten Haase1, Tim Baker4

The Skouries deposit in NE Greece is a platinum-group element enriched (⌀=149 ppb Pd, ⌀=30 ppb Pt) Au-Cu porphyry system hosted by monzonite-syenite intrusions. The porphyry stockwork consists of quartz-rich…

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First evidence from Lake Melville, Canada: Subglacial lake sediments underneath the Laurentide Ice Sheet?
Sophie Kowalski1,2, Christian Ohlendorf1, Andrea Catalina Gebhardt2, Jens Matthiessen2

The fjord-type Lake Melville is located in Labrador, Eastern Canada, as part of the Hamilton Inlet System. It is mainly characterised by riverine freshwater influx into its western end and…

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First interpretation of mantle structure in the Alps-Apennines-Carpathian-Pannonian region from teleseismic Vp studies
Marcel Paffrath (1), Mark R. Handy (2), Stefan M. Schmid (3) & Wolfgang Friederich (1)

A pattern of teleseismic Vp anomalies in the greater Alpine area reflect asymmetrical mantle structure in the Alps as well as pronounced orogen-parallel variations. The foreland of the Western and…

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First Lu-Hf ages of garnet-bearing lithologies from the Saxonian Granulite Massif
Madeline Richter1, Sebastian Weber2, Niko Froitzheim3, Kathrin Fassmer4, Carsten Münker5, Kamil Ustaszewski1

The Saxonian Granulite Massif is an antiformal gneiss dome with granulite facies rocks in the core, enwrapped by uppermost amphibolite to lower greenschist facies metasediments. Their subduction and exhumation histories…

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First results of quartz inclusion elastic barometry and insitu U/Pb dating in garnet for Koralpe-Saualpe-Pohorje (KSP) Complex
Iris Wannhoff1, Jan Pleuger1, Xin Zhong1, Timm John1, Leo J. Millonig2, Axel Gerdes2

The KSP Complex in the Eastern Alps is a lithologically heterogenous (U)HP nappe with eclogite lenses embedded in gneisses and metasediments. The formation history of the KSP Complex is still…

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First results of the full scale HT-ATES project in a greenhouse area Middenmeer in the Netherlands
Bas Godschalk, Peter Oerlemans

Agriport A7 is a large-scale greenhouse area in Middenmeer in the Netherlands. The local energy company ECW provides geothermal heat (92ºC, from 2 km depth) to the greenhouses through a…

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First U-Pb zircon age of a tuff horizon in the early Late Cretaceous Lengerich Formation of the Münsterland Basin
Karsten Obst1, Armin Zeh2, Tobias Fischer3

The Late Cretaceous succession of the Münsterland Basin is up to 2,000 m thick and comprises mainly limestone, marlstone and chalk. As flooding came from the north, siliciclastic coastal sediments…

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FloodRisk: Earthquakes, uplift, and long-term liabilities – risk minimisation during mine flooding
Dennis Quandt1, Michael Alber2, Felix Allgaier1, Benjamin Busch1, Even Markus3, Kasper Fischer4, Wolfgang Friederich4, Jonas Greve5, Mathias Knaak5, Birgit Müller6, Thomas Niederhuber6, Detlev Rettenmaier7, Martina Rische4, Thomas Röckel8, Frank Schilling6, Daniel Schröder9, Olaf Ukelis7, Malte Westerhaus3, Roman Zorn7, Christoph Hilgers1

Due to the cessation of coal mining in Germany, mine water management in the former coal districts is subject to change and of environmental and economic significance. Since there is…

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FloodRisk: Observations of rising mine water level and micro seismicity in the eastern Ruhr area (Germany)
Martina Rische, Kasper David Fischer, Wolfgang Friederich

FloodRisk is an interdisciplinary project focusing on the effects of mine water level rise in abandoned coal mine regions in Germany. Such effects are heterogeneous ground uplift, stress changes due…

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Flow-through experiments on granites under different cycling pressure-temperature conditions using the Thermo-Triaxial device
Angel Ramirez1, Leandra Weydt1, Ingo Sass2

Understanding the thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in various high-temperature/high-pressure underground projects, such as nuclear waste disposal, coal gasification, geothermal energy, and beyond, plays a key role in the assessment and selection of…

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Fluid and chemical constraints on sphalerite precipitation in the Boundary Zone Zn-Pb prospect, Yukon, Canada
Haruna M. Grema1, Joseph M. Magnall2, Sarah A. Gleeson1, Jack E. Milton3, Marta Sośnicka2, Vitor R. Barrote4, Hans-Martin Schulz2

Sphalerite (ZnS) is the main ore mineral in clastic-dominant (CD-type) massive sulfide deposits. However, the precise physicochemical conditions of ore formation are often poorly constrained. This study uses sphalerite mineral…

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Fluid evolution and Re enrichment in the Maronia porphyry system, NE Greece: Insights from pyrite, molybdenite and quartz micro-analysis
Jan J. Falkenberg1, Manuel Keith1, Karsten M. Haase1, Panagiotis Voudouris2, Vasilios Melfos3, Max Hohl4, Christoph Beier5, Martin Kutzschbach6, Julia Wenske1, Reiner Klemd1

The monzonitic-granitic intrusion of Maronia in NE Greece hosts an anomalously Re-rich Cu-Mo ± Au porphyry system. The mineralization is dominated by pyrite, molybdenite, chalcopyrite, native Au, and rheniite (ReS2)…

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Fluid Evolution in the Iivaara Alkaline Complex (Finland): a Fluid Inclusion Study
Fahmi Hakim1, Tobias Fusswinkel1, Sven Sindern1

Alkaline igneous rocks are known to host a variety of rare metal deposits, including HFSEs and REEs. The Iivaara alkaline complex (Finland) and the surrounding fenite aureole show Ti-dominated enrichment…

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Fluid flow characteristics recorded in continental eclogites of the Münchberg Massif
Johannes E. Pohlner1, Afifé El Korh2, Reiner Klemd3, Thomas Pettke4, Bernard Grobéty2

Eclogite-facies metamorphic veins provide records of fluid flow dynamics during high-pressure metamorphism. Here, we evaluate the inventory of quartz-rich metamorphic veins and segregations in Variscan eclogites from the Münchberg Massif…

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Fluid inclusion triple halogen (Cl-Br-I) systematics as tracers of fluid provenance in metamorphic and magmatic systems
Tobias Fusswinkel1, Paula Niinikoski-Fusswinkel1, Thomas Wagner1

Heavy halogens are exceptional tracers of fluid provenance due to their largely conservative behaviour during most fluid-rock interaction processes. In particular, Br/Cl ratios have long since been established as a…

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Fluid metasomatism in the cold nose of the Mariana subduction zone
Elmar Albers1, Christian T. Hansen1, John Shervais2, Yuji Ichiyama3

Fluid-mediated mass transfer in subduction zones is crucial for chemical cycling on Earth. Particularly little is, however, known about such processes at shallow subduction levels. We used thermodynamic models to…

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Fluid Release from a Dehydrating Serpentinite by Reactive Porosity Waves
K. Huber1, L. Khakimova2, J. C. Vrijmoed1, Y. Y. Podladchikov2, T. John1

Dehydration of oceanic lithosphere during subduction is a key process in the Earth’s deep volatile cycle. Field observations and studies of obducted meta-serpentinites that underwent dehydration at depth often show…

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Force-balance changes at the subduction-to-collision transition and implications for mountain building
Armin Dielforder1, Andrea Hampel1

The elevation of mountain belts increases at the subduction-to-collision transition in response to crustal thickening and processes like slab breakoff, but the main parameters controlling how much mountain height increases…

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Force-balance changes at the subduction-to-collision transition and implications for mountain building
Armin Dielforder, Andrea Hampel

The elevation of mountain belts increases at the subduction-to-collision transition in response to crustal thickening and processes like slab breakoff, but the main parameters controlling how much mountain height increases…

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Formation and compositional variation in igneous garnets from the Tezhsar Alkaline Complex (Lesser Caucasus, Armenia)
Ralf Halama1, Krzysztof Sokół2, Khachatur Meliksetian3, Ivan P. Savov4, David Chew5

Garnet in alkaline igneous rocks is of interest due to its compositional and textural variability that provides insights into magmatic and hydrothermal processes. This study investigates textures and mineral chemistry…

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Formation and deformation of Triassic skarn (Uppermost Unit, Crete/Greece)
Gernold Zulauf1, Axel Gerdes2, Jochen Günther Krahl3, Jolien Linckens1, Horst Marschall2, Leo Millonig2, Nicolas Neuwirth1, Rainer Petschick1, Jörg Pfänder4, Paris Xypolias5

The nappes of the Uppermost Unit of Crete are counted among the most enigmatic constituents of the Eastern Mediterranean. U-Pb dating of zircons separated from felsic metavolcanics of the deepest…

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Formation and development of polygonal soils in the hyper-arid Atacama Desert and their relevance for Mars.
Christof Sager1, Alessandro Airo1, Felix L. Arens2, Dirk Schulze-Makuch3

Polygonal networks occur on various terrestrial and extraterrestrial surfaces holding valuable information on the pedological and climatological conditions under which they develop. However, in contrast to their periglacial counterparts, the…

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Formation and hydraulic reactivity of an alite-rich material from post-treated basic oxygen furnace slag
Katharina Schraut1, Burkart Adamczyk1, Christian Adam1, Dietmar Stephan2, Sebastian Simon1, Julia von Werder1, Birgit Meng1

Basic oxygen furnace slag (BOFS) is a by-product of steelmaking of which about 10.4 Mt are produced annually in the EU. BOFS is mostly used in road construction, earthwork and…

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Formation of fully carbonated/silicified peridotite (listwaenite) during shallow-crustal extension (Eastern Oman Mountains)
Andreas Scharf1, Frank Mattern1, Ivan Callegari2, Christopher Bailey3, Uwe Ring4

Oman’s listwaenite formed when carbonate-rich fluids reacted with peridotite, reducing the atmosphere’s carbon. Listwaenite provides clues regarding natural global carbon flux and sequestration. Oman contains the world’s largest exposure of…

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Forward stratigraphic modelling of marine petroleum source rocks: the case of the Carson Basin
Samer Bou Daher, Erwan Le Guerroué, Paul Jermannaud, Alcide Thebault

Organic matter rich rocks are the main component of any petroleum system. Marine organic matter deposits form a major part of these rocks and are the source of most oil….

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Fossilization of Precambrian microfossils in the Volyn pegmatite, Ukraine
Gerhard Franz1, Peter Lyckberg2, Vladimir Khomenko3, Vsevelod Chernousenko4, Hans-Martin Schulz5, Nicolaj Mahlstedt5, Richard Wirth5, Johannes Glodny5, Ulrich Gernert6, Jörg Nissen6

The Volyn biota are a distinct and uncommon example of 3D-preservation of ~1.5 Ga old Precambrian fossils, recovered from cavities in pegmatites, which were the habitat for microorganisms in the…

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Fossilization of Triassic marine reptile bones from southwest China – bone diagenesis at elevated temperature
Qiang Li1, Frank Tomaschek2, Fabian Gäb2, P. Martin Sander3

The preservation of fossils over long periods of geological history usually has special characteristics, and the specific conditions for successful fossilization have not been established yet. Triassic bones from SW…

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Fostering Geoscience Awareness: Initiatives in Northern Thuringia’s STEM Education Landscape

The promotion of STEM education, known as MINT in German-speaking countries, is widely acknowledged as essential for addressing future scientific challenges and enhancing quality of life. The current scarcity of…

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Four eruption cycles feeding the most voluminous Deccan Eruptions
Patrick A. Hoyer1, Karsten M. Haase1, Marcel Regelous1

Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) are unusual volcanic events in which massive amounts of melt (~106 km3) erupt in relatively short time periods (< 106 yrs). Many LIPs were emplaced at...

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Fracture network characterization and DFN modelling of the Upper Carboniferous, Ruhr Area, Germany
Felix Allgaier1, Benjamin Busch1, Dennis Quandt1, Thomas Niederhuber2, Birgit Müller2, Christoph Hilgers1

Since coal mining in the Ruhr Area has been ceased, mine water drainage is gradually reduced leading to the rise of formation water and groundwater levels. Rising mine water levels…

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Fracture permeability evolution as a result of long-term geochemical granite alteration in geothermal systems: A combined experiment and modelling approach
Nick Harpers1, Niko Kampman2, Jim Buckman1, Hannah Menke1, Julien Maes1, Andreas Busch1

Geothermal systems in crystalline basement rocks require fractures and faults to allow economic heat production. Sufficient permeability of these flow paths is vital and affects the lifetime of such systems….

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Fractures, fluids and hypogenic karsts: key features in carbonate reservoirs and aquifers
Giovanni Bertotti (1) & Stephan de Hoop (2)

Karsts have been documented in a large number of hydrocarbon reservoirs but their origin has generally been attributed to meteoric processes. In the last years, however, it has been increasingly…

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Fragmentation, injection, flow, mingling and mixing of diorite, tonalite and granite magma in a regional stress field: the Abbartello late-Variscan magmatic suite in southern Corsica
Jörn H. Kruhl1, Ron H. Vernon2, Ivan Zibra3, Santu Biswas4

In the Variscan Batholith of Corsica large-scale, variably trending magmatic flow patterns are developed with steep magmatic foliation. This pattern is intensified by magmatic layering, mainly km-long lenses and layers…

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FRAME and MINDeSEA: Where land meets sea in the research, prediction and prospectivity of metallic mineral critical raw materials
Daniel P. S. de Oliveira (1), F. Javier Gonzalez (2) & Antje Wittenberg (3)

Critical raw materials (CRM) made it back on the EU Commission’s (EC) agenda in 2008. To date three CRM lists have been published (2011, 2014, 2017) and a new list…

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FRAME’s (Forecasting and Assessing Europe’s Strategic Raw Materials Needs) innovative research in mineral raw materials on the eve of the EU’s “Green Deal”
Daniel P. S. de Oliveira (1), Maria João Ferreira (1), Martiya Sadeghi (2), Nikolaos Arvanitidis (2), Guillaume Bertrand (3), Sophie Decrée (4), Håvard Gautneb (5), Eric Gloaguen (3), Tuomo Törmänen (6), Helge Reginiussen (2), Henrike Sievers (7), Lídia Quental (2) & Antje Wittenberg (7)

The EU’s Green Deal policy recognises that Europe needs a new growth strategy that transforms the Union into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy where 1- there are no net…

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From baseline to post operation: two year monitoring of thermo-hydraulic induced geochemical effects of a cyclic HT-ATES field test at the “TestUM” test site
Klas Lüders1, Götz Hornbruch1, Ralf Köber1, Johannes Nordbeck1, Andreas Dahmke1

Seasonal ATES systems enable the efficient integration of climate-neutral heat sources into urban heat-supply systems. However, secure and efficient operation presupposes the detection as well as realistic evaluation and prediction…

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From boring needs to cool instruments. – Can codes and standards assist to ensure fair, responsible and legal mining?
Christian Masurenko1

Worldwide 80-100 million people are involved in small-scale mining, another 4 million people in „normal“ mining in order to survive and to gain income for their families. Many strategic minerals,…

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From dry to drenched: variability of H2O contents in rutile from subducted rocks using quantitative in-situ FTIR spectroscopy and mapping
Mona Lueder1, Renée Tamblyn1, Jörg Hermann1

Rutile is potentially very important for the transport of water during subduction metamorphism after the breakdown of hydrous phases, as it is one of the most hydrous nominally anhydrous minerals…

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From Field Application to Publication: An end-to-end Solution for FAIR Geoscience Data
Moritz Theile1, Fabian Kohlmann1, Romain Beucher2, Malcolm McMillan3, Samuel Boone3, Alejandra Bedoya Mejia4, Wayne Noble1

Creation of data starts with sample collection in the field and the assigning of an unique global IGSN sample identifier to samples, these samples are stored along with any subsequent…

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From lithium mineral to chemical: challenges and opportunities
Hans C. Oskierski1, Johannes Chischi1, Thamsanqa Ncube1, Mahmoud Alhadad1, Arif A. Abdullah2, Gamini Senanayake2, Bogdan Z. Dlugogorski3

About half of the global supply of lithium for the battery market is extracted from lithium minerals, such as spodumene. Conventional extraction of lithium from spodumene concentrate proceeds via calcination,…

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From mountain chains to grains: Tracing Alpine erosion using sedimentary provenance analysis
Laura Stutenbecker

MP4-file (136 MB, 55 min, 18 sec. ) Europe, Alps

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From natural observations to an experimental investigation of a potential miscibility gap between Fluorapatite and Fluorbritholite-(Ce)
Melanie Lorenz1, Daniel Harlov2

Evidence for a miscibility gap between fluorapatite (FAp) and fluorbritholite-(Ce) (FBri) has been observed in various natural occurrences, inferred by significant compositional gaps between Ca + P (FAp) and REE…

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From planetary sciences, earth sciences, volcanology to robotics and agriculture: Highlights from the 7th Summer School on Vulcano, Sicily, 2023
Vikram Unnithan1, Frank Sohl2, Christian Riedel3

The annual Summer School on Vulcano, Sicily will take place at the end of June 2023. This poster gives an impression and an overview of the highlights of this successful…

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From portals to hubs, dashboards and storymaps – new technologies for easy access and use of geoscientific data
Lars Behrens

Due to constantly changing requirements and needs for easy access and use of geoscientific data, the technology and methods to provide and present this type of data have recently evolved…

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From Poverty to Prosperity: The Real Energy Transition
Scott W. Tinker

The energy dialog varies by economic status. Western Europe and the United States suggest there is clean and renewable vs dirty and non-renewable energy, and further that clean energy is…

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From rivers to the sea: determination and tracing of TCEs in natural waters
Anna Ebeling1, Ole Klein1, Tristan Zimmermann2, Bettina Rust2, Dominik Wippermann1, Svenja Faust2, Johanna Irrgeher3, Daniel Pröfrock2

TCEs have a wide-spread range of applications and are released into the aquatic environment in various ways. For their sound determination in natural waters not only new analytical methods are…

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From Snowball Earth to the Cambrian explosion: a tale of carbon cycle extremes
Graham Anthony Shields1

There is no firm evidence for glaciation for over 1.5 billion years, i.e. from the Great Oxidation Event (or Episode) until the onset of the Cryogenian Period. By contrast, global…

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From Structural to Parametric: Advancing the Geological 3D Structural Model of the North German Basin (TUNB) with Seismic Velocity Modelling within the TUNB Velo 2.0 Project
Frithjof A. Bense1

The TUNB project, conducted from 2014 to 2021, marks an important step in the geological 3D modelling of the North German Basin. Through the collaboration of the State Geological Surveys…

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From Struggle to Solutions: Understanding the Concerns of People’s Groundwater Usage Habits and Environmental Awareness for Sustainable Water Management in Ca Mau Province
Van Cam Pham1, Jonas Bauer1, Felix Dörr1, Hoan Viet Tran1, Stefan Norra2

The Mekong Delta, including Ca Mau province in the south, faces severe land subsidence, attributed in part to the excessive groundwater extraction. Addressing this issue requires finding alternative water sources…

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From the field to the synchrotron, investigating the early Triassic recovery fauna from Driefontein, South Africa
Kathleen Nina Dollman1, Chandele Montogomery2, Andy Heckert3, Vincent Fernandez1, John Hancox2

The Karoo Supergroup of South Africa contains extremely rich palaeontological record, including evidence of the largest mass extinction in history, the end-Permian extinction (±251.9 Ma). The recovery of terrestrial ecosystems…

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From the museum into the field and back – The digital link between museum objects and their origin
Anne Zacke1, Edouard Grigowski1, Friedeberg Fides1, Hoffmann Gösta2

Museums act on the interface between public and science and hence are in the best position to communicate scientific topics. We implement this by using our objects as translators: with…

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From Understanding to Tailoring: Molecular Simulations unravel Crystal Nucleation and Growth
Dirk Zahn1

From Understanding to Tailoring: Molecular Simulations unravel Crystal Nucleation and Growth Dirk Zahn, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Modern approaches of molecular dynamics simulations have paved the way to the in-depth understanding of…

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From Volcanoes to Glaciers – The importance of geoscientific research during the site-selection procedure for a high-level nuclear waste repository in Germany
Nils-Peter Nilius, Reinhard Fink, Sönke Reiche

After implementation of the Repository Site Selection Act (StandAG) in 2017, the Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal mbH (BGE mbH), as the German waste-management organization, started the site-selection procedure…

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Frontal fault growth and megafan construction control drainage development in the western Himalaya
Jonas Kordt1, Saptarshi Dey2, Bodo Bookhagen3, Georg Rugel4, Johannes Lachner4, Carlos Vivo-Vilches4, Santunu Kumar Panda5, Naveen Chauhan5, Rasmus Thiede1

The evolution and course of Himalayan rivers when exiting the orogen is controlled by the interplay between tectonics, climate, and associated sediment flux. We investigate these interactions by studying a…

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Full microtremor H/V and phase velocity dispersion curves inversion for S-wave velocity profiles of subaqueous slopes in Lake Lucerne (Switzerland)
Agostiny Marrios Lontsi1, Anastasiia Shynkarenko2, Donat Fäh2

The assessment of seismic hazard and potential earthquake secondary effects such as tsunamis in offshore env