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GEOWiki@LMU – behind the scenes

GEOWiki@LMU is more than just a visible website on the Internet. Various different activities are going on behind the scenes. All students, from the first semester up to advanced classes, independent from their thematic specialization have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge in research areas of their choice and even to conduct their own research as part of the GEOWiki-Team.

One outstanding example is the StudForschung program of the LMU, where contents for the new branch GEOWiki@Schule were developed. We are happy to announce that also student teachers work together with their colleagues from geoscience to develop the course. Together they gain insights into geoscientific topics and methods and get prepared for their future teaching activities. In addition, the content developed together with the instructions can be applied by the teachers and pupils promoting the knowledge in geosciences in different school subjects.

We work with a variety of tools to realize our own ideas and bring them into practice. The website of the GEOWiki@LMU is meanwhile very broad: in addition to the classic webpages we offer an OPEN-VHB course to teach geoscientific content. The interdisciplinary team developed a wide variety of content, which are always interlinked. Our didactic goal is to learn with fun and motivation independent whether you are a user of the website or active developer of the content. We invested an immeasurable amount of heart and soul in this project and we are excited to continue the journey of education.


Donjá Aßbichler1, Daniel Schmid1, Carolin Otte1, Elina Bauer1, Natalie Diesner1, Leonard von Ehr1, Paul Herwegh1, Philipp Kessler1, Leon Koß1, Phil Lavorel1, Alina Piller1, Andrea Schmid2, Wolfgang Stoiber1, Malte Junge3, Eileen Eckmeier4
1Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany; 2Technische Universität München, Germany; 3Mineralogical State Collection (SNSB-MSM), Germany; 4Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany
GeoBerlin 2023