GEOWiki@LMU is a constantly growing open platform for the promotion of practical and research-oriented knowledge acquisition. Its major objective is to provide information on methodologies relevant to geosciences, with focus on fieldwork, sample preparation and analytical methods. It offers students a quick overview including helpful practical tips and references to relevant literature. In addition, there are various new developments which are presented here:
OPEN-VHB: The GEOWiki@LMU team developed the course “Geosphere” on the platform of the “Virtuelle Hochschule Bayerns – VHB” to provide non-geoscientists an introduction into geoscience. Interactive tools are used to show how determination of minerals and rocks works, it also gives a short introduction in earth history or applied geology.
Moodle: This concept will be expanded to create a moodle based training-platform to provide interactive exercises not only for students but also for pupils and interested people.
The most fascinating aspect of GEOWiki@LMU is that it is elaborated by students of earth sciences. The contents are developed by students in courses or on their own initiative in interdisciplinary teams. The activity of the students is essential for the development of GEOWiki. It gives decisive impulses for the selection and structure of the topics, writing the articles and acquisition of funding. All topics are discussed in weekly editorial online-meetings and revised in close collaboration with lecturers and scientists. All graphics, icons and videos are created by the students. The website is also programmed by students, according to the motto: what doesn't fit is made to fit.