Creation of data starts with sample collection in the field and the assigning of an unique global IGSN sample identifier to samples, these samples are stored along with any subsequent analytical data in our fine-grained and detailed geochemical data models allowing visualising and publishing acquired datasets. This unique solution has been developed by Lithodat Pty Ltd in conjunction with the AuScope Geochemical Network (AGN) consisting of most Australian geochemical laboratories and can be accessed by the public on the AusGeochem web platform.
Using our field application users can enter and store all sample details on-the-fly during field collection, the data will be stored in the user's private data collection. After running subsequent geochemical analyses those results, including all metadata, can be stored in the relational database and be attached to the sample. Once uploaded, data can be visualised within AusGeochem, using data analytics via technique-specific dashboards and graphs. All data can be shared with collaborators, downloaded in multiple formats and made public enabling FAIR data for the research community.
Having all data stored in a clean and curated relational database with very detailed and fine-grained data models gives researchers free access to large amounts of structured and normalised data, helping them develop new technologies using machine learning and automated data integration in numerical models. Having all data in one place including all metadata such as ORCIDs from involved researchers, funding sources, grant numbers and laboratories enables the quantification and quality assessment of research projects over time.