Paleoseismic investigations in Hamburg and Peissen document paleo-earthquake structures, e.g. large clastic dykes, infill structures, complicated folds, fault-systems and vertical injections as larger structures. Smaller structures include special forms of diapirs, seismically induced soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS), special flame structures, shear bands, among others. Plastic deformation is dominant in Hamburg, brittle deformation dominates in Peissen. The seismic deformations can be attributed to different mechanisms, e.g. compression as a result of seismic shock or sediment intrusion, liquefaction, fluidization, strain, shear stress, volume loss and subsequent collapse as a result of blowout activity. The observed structures show certain properties that allow a distinction from non-seismic forms (e.g. glacitectonic and periglacial deformation). Dyke structures are partly of Holocene age.