The SwissSIMS is a national facility equipped with a Cameca 1280 HR2 installed at the University of Lausanne, which is open to all scientists. Here we present the latest analytical developments that allow the measurement of smaller mineral grains and of high resolution depth profiles. Depth profiles of Ti concentration in experimental zircon have revealed that diffusion parallel to the crystallographic c-axis is 4-5 order of magnitude faster than perpendicular to the c-axis. This study has important implications for Ti in zircon thermometer. We will also present latest results on Cl isotope in melt inclusions that provide new insights on element recycling in subduction zones. Fe isotope compositions of micropyrites from ancient and modern microbialites can be thus used as a biosignatures of Fe microbial reduction but also emphasize that pyrite formation record very local conditions. Perspectives on future analytical developments at the SwissSIMS will be also provided.