Demands for integrity, transparency and reproducibility of today's research are increasing, posing new challenges for research data and software management in all science communities. The geoscience community is responding to these requests with a growing number of scientific networks and strategic initiatives, at different levels and with varying thrust. Clearly, publicly funded geoscience research data and software will increasingly be part and parcel of these frameworks: among them national efforts such as the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) or international ventures like the bottom-up driven Research Data Alliance (RDA) or the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Organizations and institutions will certainly need to interact with these initiatives and adopt emerging results/services. Early integration into these frameworks will provide institutions with the opportunity to strategically interact with them and shaping the future of FAIR and open data and software management, that will become reality.
This session invites contributions from largescale and/or strategic efforts in the geosciences to present their programs and approaches. Showcases of integrations into these frameworks by organisations and institutions are invited as well to serve as inspiration and possible blueprints for others.