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The Working Group on Mining Consequences of the DGGV e. V.

With its long mining history, Germany is a country with an important tradition in the field of mining science. The "Working Group on Geoscientific Aspects in Mining Areas" has been dealing with the remnants of mining and the resulting subsequent uses since it was founded in 1995. The task of the working group is to bring together geoscientists and other experts from the mining industry, from mining and geology-related administrative departments and research institutions for an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and experience.

The first meeting of the Working Group on Mining Consequences took place in Upper Lusatia on the landscapes resulting from lignite mining. The thematic range of further events expanded to include ore, salt, uranium, hard coal and earths and stone mining, oil and natural gas extraction, and the search for a final repository for radioactive waste.

The meetings of the working group combine theory and application in a very practical and illustrative way. Thematically diverse technical presentations and a full-day excursion to geological outcrops, historical or operating mining facilities and post-montane landscapes are the basis for intensive exchange among the participants.

In 2023, the Working Group on Mining Consequences looks back on 51 successful meetings in different mining regions of Germany, attended by about 5,000 professional colleagues from the geo- and mining sector, nature and geotope conservation, geoparks and many other disciplines. A conference volume with excursion guide is published for each meeting in the EDGG series.


Henny Gerschel1, Katrin Kleeberg2
1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 2Oberschöna
GeoBerlin 2023