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Tropical Climate Variability and Coral Reefs – A Past to Future Perspective on Current Rates of Change at Ultra-High Resolution (SPP 2299)

Climate change, in particular the rise in tropical sea surface temperatures, is the greatest threat to coral reef ecosystems today and causes climatic extremes affecting the livelihood of tropical societies. Assessing how future warming will change coral reef ecosystems and tropical climate variability is therefore of extreme urgency. Ultra-high resolution (monthly, weekly) coral geochemistry provides a tool (1) to understand the temporal response of corals and coral reefs to ongoing climate and environmental change, (2) to reconstruct past tropical climate and environmental variability, and (3) to use these data in conjunction with advanced statistical methods, earth system modelling and observed ecosystem responses for improved projections of future changes in tropical climate and coral reef ecosystems. The DFG Priority Programme “Tropical Climate Variability and Coral Reefs” (SPP 2299, aims to enhance our current understanding of tropical marine climate variability and its impact on coral reef ecosystems in a warming world, by quantifying climatic and environmental changes during both the ongoing warming and past warm periods on timescales relevant for society. The programme aims to provide an ultra-high resolution past to future perspective on current rates of change to project how tropical marine climate variability and coral reef ecosystems will change in a warming world. Information on the organisational structure, research topics and preliminary results of this collaborative programme, which involves more than 40 scientists from ten universities, three Helmholtz Centres, one Max-Planck Institute and one Leibniz Centre from all over Germany, will be provided.


Thomas Felis1, Miriam Pfeiffer2, Jessica Hargreaves1, Eleni Anagnostou3, Sonia Bejarano4, Patrick Boyden1, Thomas Brachert5, Hana Camelia1, Diana Diers6, Juan Pablo D'Olivo7, Andrew Dolman8, Nicolas Duprey9, Jan Fietzke3, Martin Frank3, Norbert Frank10, Daniel Frick2, Dieter Garbe-Schönberg2, Eberhard Gischler6, Sahra Greve10, Ed Hathorne3, Michael Henehan11, Saori {Sally} Ito2, Oliver Knebel6, Laura Lehnhoff7, Donghao Li1, Alfredo Martinez-Garcia9, Luisa Meiritz3, Ute Merkel1, Regina Mertz12, Wyatt Million13, Phyllis Mono5, Manfred Mudelsee14, Alessio Rovere15, Marlen Schlotheuber16, Christian Voolstra16, Marlene Wall3, Sophie Warken10, Takaaki {Konabe} Watanabe2, Christian Wild17, Yang Yu3, Maren Ziegler13
1MARUM, University of Bremen, Germany; 2Kiel University (CAU), Germany; 3GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany; 4ZMT Bremen, Germany; 5Leipzig University, Germany; 6Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany; 7FU Berlin, Germany; 8AWI Potsdam, Germany; 9MPI for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany; 10Heidelberg University, Germany; 11University of Bristol, UK;GFZ Potsdam, Germany; 12Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany; 13Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany; 14University of Potsdam, Germany; 15Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy; 16University of Konstanz, Germany; 17University of Bremen, Germany
GeoBerlin 2023