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Prospectivity mapping of phosphor in Europe; a part of the GEOERA-FRAME project

The prime aim of WP 3 in the FRAME project is to produce a map of Strategic and Critical Raw Materials (SCRM) for Europe. Another main objective is the predictive targeting based on GIS exploration tools and prospectivity assessments at a continental scale. There are several methods of producing prospectivity mapping based on available data and methodology. We present here the result of hybrid fuzzy weights of evidence for phosphor targeting in Europe. Phosphate mineralizations occur in rocks from the Archean to the Quaternary in age and can be generally categorized as sedimentary- and igneous-related deposits, hydrothermal and phosphate concentration related to elluvial/alluvial deposits. The data on phosphate mineralization collected by FRAME project (WP4) and has been used for this targeting assessment. The results of our prospectivity mapping highlight several areas in Europe. From the Northern part of Sweden, the areas close by iron oxide apatite deposits in Kiruna to Malmberget, and southern Norway. Northern Estonia: the area probably related to sedimentary phosphorite is highlighted with additional potential for targeting. The study by WP4 also suggested that Lower Palaeozoic sedimentary phosphorites are the most promising targets. In Spain and Portugal, very high favourable area highlighted for favourability of phosphate mineralization. These areas are related with granitic to alkaline igneous rocks and also granitic pegmatitic rocks (e.g. Caceres Logrosan zone in Spain). In the UK there is high favourable target area that may related to granite and alkali granite rocks. In Belgium and northern France and in the north of Lyon show high favourability of rocks for targeting phosphor. Summarizing up; as Igneous-related phosphate mineralizations show elevated REE and other critical metals compared to the sedimentary phosphorite, then alkaline rocks might be potential targets for both phosphor and other critical metals, but the sedimentary phosphate deposits might not be underestimated as a good target because of theirs size and tonnage. Acknowledgment: As part of GeoERA ( FRAME has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731166.


Martiya Sadeghi (1), Guillaume Bertrand (2), Sophie Decree (3), Daniel P. S. de Oliveira (4)
SGU: Geological Survey of Sweden, Box 670, SE-751 28 Uppsala, Sweden (1); BRGM: French geological survey, Orléans Cedex 2 France (2); GSB: Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences – Geological Survey of Belgium (3); LNEG: Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, Amadora, Portugal (4)
GeoUtrecht 2020