Volcandpark Conference 2024
After successful Volcandpark meetings in Olot (2012) and Lanzarote (2016), and after a global pandemic break, we are pleased to announce a new event to bring together experts in valuation, protection, education and management of volcanic areas. This time we are going to meet in a seemly calm area, but one with dynamic volcanic history and inspirational experience in all aspects of volcanic geoheritage.
The objective is to gather experts with a wide breadth of expertise and also different experience from numerous regions across the world to spread new ideas, concepts and techniques in management and popularization of volcanic heritage. The ultimate goal is to contribute to building a more resilient society, better understanding volcanic processes, both physical and societal, and hence be better prepared for volcanic threats and threats to volcanic geoheritage. The meeting will take place in Jičín, a historical town, and gateway to the Bohemian Paradise UNESCO Global Geopark. Jičín is situated in a picturesque landscape crowned with erosional remnants of Miocene monogenetic volcanoes. The volcanic heritage of the Bohemian Paradise and also other nearby volcanic areas, together with some innovative concepts of geoheritage presentation and popularization, will be presented during several scheduled field-trips. |
20. Mai 2024 - 24. Mai 2024Uhrzeit
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