Quarry in Lower Muschelkalk near Struth (Eichsfeld) (Photo: Heinz-Gerd Röhling)


Here you will find an overview of our specialist sections. Clicking on the individual tiles will take you to the respective page of the section.


We work in and with the International Geoscience Education Organisation for more geoscience in German schools


The Geoinformatics Section is a platform for professionals from those areas of the geosciences that use or develop computer-based methods.

Geotopes & Geoparks

The FS GeoTopes and GeoParks brings together people involved in the exploration, use and protection of geotopes


The Fachsektion Hydrogeologie e.V. in der DGGV e.V. (FH-DGGV e.V.) is an interdisciplinary community of interests from science, authorities and industry, which deals with all aspects of hydrogeology.

Engineering Geology

The section aims to promote and develop the application of geoscientific methods in urban and regional planning, the construction industry, mining industry and environmental engineering

Tektonics – structural geology – crystalline geology (TSK)

This section represents geoscientists who are scientifically active in these fields.

Sedimentology/ SEPM-CES

The sedimentology section sees itself as a representation of interests of sedimentologists at German-speaking universities, research institutions, authorities and within the industry.

Energy & Raw materials FUTURE

The specialist section Energy & Raw Materials FUTURE deals with integrative issues and solutions for the energy transition and raw materials supply

Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft – Geologische Vereinigung e. V. (DGGV)

Geschäftsstelle Berlin
Rhinstraße 84
12681 Berlin


Frau Inka Wienen
Tel. 030-509 640 48