Scientific section

Section tectonics – structural geology - crystalline geology (TSK)

Titelbild TSK

The Section Tectonics – Structural Geology – Crystalline Geology (TSK) represents geoscientists active in these fields at universities and research institutions, as well as from public authorities and from the industry in German-speaking countries. The section was founded on 27 September 2016 during the annual meeting of the DGGV at the GeoTirol conference in Innsbruck. An open and informal TSK forum had already been in existence since 1986. Ever since, this forum had organised the biennial TSK symposia “Tektonik – Strukturgeologie – Kristallingeologie”. The first symposium of its kind was held in 1986 in Tübingen.

The TSK Section serves as a platform and discussion forum for the exchange of information and for networking activities between individuals and institutions involved; it also represents the topics and concerns of the involved disciplines within the DGGV as well as in the public. Structural geology and the adjoining fields of tectonics and crystalline geology are, in addition to their scientific importance for understanding the Earth system, of great social relevance in questions of raw material supply, long-term underground storage of contaminated waste and natural risks.

The Section organises the biennial TSK symposia at alternating locations in the German-speaking world. These conferences are aimed at an international audience and intended to give particularly young researchers a forum for presenting their results. Workshops on new methodological developments and emerging fields expand the typical conference programs; field trips provide additional opportunities for knowledge transfer and networking. In addition, the TSK section also holds regular topical sessions in the framework of the DGGV annual conferences.

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Fachsektion TSK

Prof. Dr. Thomas Kenkmann

Universität Freiburg

Institut für Geo- und Umweltnaturwissenschaften

Albertstr. 23-b
D-79104 Freiburg


1. Stellvertretender Sprecher: Prof. Michael Stipp, Halle

2. Stellvertretender Sprecher: Prof. Thorsten Nagel, Freiberg


Prof. Dr. Thomas Kenkmann

Telefon: + 49 761/203-6495 or 6494 (Sekretariat)

Fax: +49 761/203-6496