Internal Architecture of a carbonate ramp exposed to high amplitude sea-level fluctuations: Evidence from the NW shelf of Australia The North West Shelf of Australia represents an extensive tropical carbonate ramp and forms an…ggwebentwicklung27. Februar 2023
Postglacial slip distribution along the Teton normal fault, northeastern Basin-and-Range Province (Wyoming, USA) derived from tectonically offset geomorphological features Along the eastern front of the Teton Range, northeastern Basin-and-Range Province, well-preserved fault scarps that…ggwebentwicklung27. Februar 2023
Climatic Fluctuations in the Early and Middle Copper Age – First Isotope Investigations at the Water Supply of Los Millares in SE Spain The Copper Age fortification of Los Millares is located 15 km north of Almería in…ggwebentwicklung27. Februar 2023
Exhumation and erosion rates in the flat-topped Nock Mountains in the Eastern Alps constrained by low-temperature and cosmogenic 10Be data Constraining rates of landscape evolution is a necessary pre-requisite for reconstructing the spatiotemporal evolution of…ggwebentwicklung27. Februar 2023
Force-balance changes at the subduction-to-collision transition and implications for mountain building The elevation of mountain belts increases at the subduction-to-collision transition in response to crustal thickening…ggwebentwicklung27. Februar 2023
Slip rate of the Danghe Nan Shan thrust fault from 10Be exposure dating of folded river terraces: Implications for the strain distribution in northern Tibet The northeastward motion of the Tibetan Plateau along the Altyn Tagh strike-slip fault causes thrust…ggwebentwicklung27. Februar 2023
Microbial H2 consumption at conditions relevant for H2 underground storage Underground storage of hydrogen could be an alternative way to store large amounts of energy.…ggwebentwicklung27. Februar 2023
Thrust and strike-slip fault control, in the late Eocene to Miocene, of Pindos foreland basin evolution: SE Aitoloakarnania area, western Greece. Evolutionary stages, from late Eocene to Miocene, of Pindos foreland, mark the transition from Pindos…ggwebentwicklung27. Februar 2023
Megathrust shear force limits mountain height at convergent plate boundaries The shear force along convergent plate boundary faults (megathrusts) determines the height of mountain ranges…ggwebentwicklung27. Februar 2023
First evidence from Lake Melville, Canada: Subglacial lake sediments underneath the Laurentide Ice Sheet? The fjord-type Lake Melville is located in Labrador, Eastern Canada, as part of the Hamilton…ggwebentwicklung27. Februar 2023