A cordial welcome to Sharing Geoscience Online
We are so pleased to welcome you all to our grand experiment – in response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, EGU2020 has gone virtual with Sharing Geoscience Online! Please see the welcome video on YouTube or LinkedIn.
What is on during Sharing Geoscience Online?
- Scientific sessions: download presentation materials, discuss through public commenting, and participate in live text-based chats. More information on the scientific sessions‘ page.
- Union symposia: 5 interactive webinars discuss overarching and interdisciplinary topics of EGU-wide interest.
- Great debates: join in the debate of 5 current discussion topics in the geosciences.
- Short courses: each day one or two short courses are available as webinars.
- Townhall meetings: join in the discussion of new initiatives and opportunities of geoscientific interest via live, text-based chat.
- Photo Competition: vote in the online EGU Photo Competition.
- #shareEGUart: follow our online artists, Stacy Phillips and Priyanka Das Rajkakati, and share your own creativity around your research with the hashtag #shareEGUart.
- Division meetings: update yourself on division news and give feedback.
- Networking events: meet your colleagues.