Scientific section

Energy & Raw materials FUTURE

On the occasion of the annual conference of DGGV, GeoKarlsruhe21 “Sustainable Earth – from processes to resources” at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the specialist section Energy & Raw Materials FUTURE (Research and Technology for Subsurface, Raw Materials & Energy) was founded at the General Assembly on 21.9.2021. The section is open to DGGV members and external members of other societies and associations.

Blick in den Tagebau der Rössing Mine (Namibia). Aufgenommen während der Namibia-Exkursion 2018 (Foto: H.-Gerd Röhling).

View into the open pit of the Rössing Mine (Namibia). Taken during the Namibia excursion in 2018 (Photo: H.-Gerd Röhling).

The specialist section Energy & Raw Materials FUTURE deals with integrative issues and solutions for the energy transition and raw material supply. It forms a geoscientific platform for sustainable use of the subsurface. This includes the exploration and extraction of energy and raw materials and safe underground storage.

Increasing world population, growing prosperity, technological innovation, and energy and mobility transformation will lead to a continued rise in global demand for energy and raw materials. Secure temporary storage for energy sources from renewable energies and the permanent storage of greenhouse gases for climate protection will increase in importance. Sustainable use of the subsurface and safe underground storage can only be ensured with geoscientific expertise. This requires the transfer of know-how into the renewable energy sector and a fundamental improvement of geodata management.


The goal of the Section is to increase geoscientific knowledge on the topics of energy & raw materials and underground storage, to contribute to sustainability, and to share scientific knowledge on sustainable energy and raw material supply with the public.

The professional section addresses the following topics:
  • Mineral raw materials for the secure supply of industry and society
  • GeoEnergy from the subsurface such as geothermal energy and hydrocarbons for industrial products
  • Underground storage for heat, large material energy storage, permanent storage for CO2 and final storage of radioactive waste in geological formations.
Die Fachsektion adressiert folgende Themen:
  • Platform for scientific exchange at conferences, workshops, symposia, continuing education events and excursions
  • Networking with national and international, scientific and professional organizations to promote technology developments
  • Working groups on the topics of mineral resources, geoenergy and underground storage space
  • Information platform for professionals and the public

Colleagues from the universities RWTH Aachen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, TH Gregor Agricola Bochum, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences (HS PF), University of Potsdam UP, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Montanuniversität Leoben MUL, the Geoforschungszentrum GFZ, BGR, Geologische Bundesanstalt, DERA and state authorities initiated the specialist section. We are looking forward to more new supporters of the section from the academic community of students, researchers and teachers, government agencies and industry.

Among the founding members are Prof. Dr. Tobias Backers (RUB); Prof. Dr. Gregor Borg (Halle); Prof. Dr. Rolf Bracke (RUB); Dr. Peter Buchholz (DERA); Dr. Christoph Gaedicke (BGR); Prof. Dr. Christoph Gauert (LAGB); Dr. Gabriela von-Goerne (BGR); Dr. Jürgen Grötsch (DGGV President, FAU); Prof. Dr. Christoph Hilgers (KIT); Prof. Dr. Jochen Kolb (KIT); Prof. Dr. Michael Kühn (GFZ); Prof. Dr. Peter Kukla (RWTH); Prof. Dr. Ralf Littke (RWTH); Prof. Dr. Frank Melcher (MUL); Dr. Holger Paulick (GBA); Dr. Heinz-Gerd Röhling (DGGV Treasurer), Prof. Dr. Tobias Rudolph (THAG); Prof. Dr. Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth (GFZ); Prof. Dr. Mario Schmidt (HS PF). At the DGGV General Assembly 2021 Christoph Hilgers was elected chairman of the FS Energy & Raw Materials FUTURE.

By Christoph Hilgers, Jürgen Grötsch

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Fachsektion Energie & Rohstoffe FUTURE

Prof. Dr. Christoph Hilgers
Leiter der FS Energie & Rohstoffe FUTURE
Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie (KIT) - Institut für Angewandte Geowissenschaften AGW-SGT
Adenauerring 20a
D-76131 Karlsruhe


Portrait Chris Hilgers
Prof. Dr. Christoph Hilgers

T :+49 721 608-42139